

Craftivism, International Politics, Photos, Stuff You Can Buy, xstitch

Wage Peace Tshirt

I made this tshirt with the intention of putting it online to sell. But you were TOO SLOW! And instead I sold it at the Craft Cartel Market the other night (which went off again, pictures soon). And even better I sold it to someone I know! Yeah!
So I found this font […]

Craftiness, Craftivism, Feminism

Vagigi Stitch

I was chatting to a friend of mine the other day and somehow the topic of Oprah came up. We’re both newish mama’s so I guess it had to happen some day. Anyway we were discussing this one particular episode which was about empowerment and my friend told me that Oprah referred to […]

Craftiness, xstitch

Mini-pop Stitchin

I can’t believe I haven’t seen these before but this guy called Craig Robinson at flipflopflyin.com (check out the dancing owls. Seriously.) does these wee pixel portraits of celebrities called minipops. There’s thousands of them. They even have their own book apparently.
This is The Datsuns in all their minipop glory

Awww, ain’t they […]


WoooOOOoo Hot Sexy New!

Yes folks, to celebrate by 20,000th visitor I decided to give this site a makeover.  Let me know what you think!
Keep your eyes peeled for some hot new bits soon.  I’m super busy right this second with a radio show in an hour, a first birthday tomorrow and a bajillion photos to edit.  So stay […]

Craftiness, Fun stuff, xstitch

Happy F**n Valentine

I know you all love this time of the year. Luckily for us Julie at Subversive Cross Stitch has paired up with animator Natalie Dee to create these truly awesome Valentines doilies for you all to cross stitch.

Personally the ‘thank god..’ one is my favourite. I think every woman has spent a Valentines […]

Random stuff, Video

Mars Attacks!

So while you were all having a good time on New Years Eve the good people of ALF in Oamaru were defending the earth from a Martian attack. Lucky for you they won.
Lucky for us, someone filmed it.
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  • Casey: The vagigi is so glorious that I don’t even mind sharing it with Ben Cousins. Vagigis all round x
  • Casey: & I do love my vagigi! I do I do I DOOOO!
  • kakariki: Ooh goodie! Can’t wait to see the finished result :)
  • Julie: I just got mine in the mail today! Yay! thanks for the kit and the extras for inspiration!
  • kakariki: The more I look at this the more I’m tempted to tattoo it on myself.