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Tuesday, May 02, 2006


NGA missed out on the award for "Best Web Comic" at the Eric Awards on Saturday night - we were beaten out by Jitterati, by the able and talented Grant Buist (who nominated NGA for the award, so I suppose it's fair enough).

Then on Sunday I went to Armageddon. Which was odd. And had an interesting odour.

Friday, April 28, 2006

don brash eats babies

Last weeks one from Public Address... which reminds me - I must get Keith to start adding a hyperlink to this page when a new NGA is posted.

Saturday, April 22, 2006

god loves a long weekend

Thursday, April 13, 2006

target market

This is the first NGA to be published on Public Address - it's now been roughly a week so it goes up here for the archives. There should be a new one up on PA soon...

Friday, April 07, 2006

NGA on Public Address

I'm very pleased to announce that NGA will henceforth be a regular feature in Keith Ng relaunched column on the always excellent Public Address.

Keith has written a rather nice little article about us in fact.

We're aiming for weekly or bi-weekly. We'll see how that works - I'm quite busy at the moment, what with my comedy festival show coming up and my recent ascension to the vice-presidency of a certain local organisation (yes, I am the Dick Cheney of comedy - or maybe the Dan Quayle). Not that I'm a shameless self-promoter or anything.

The cartoons published on Public Address will be archived on this site after about a week, so if you don't care to visit that site you can always just come here and wait patiently.


(By the way you really should come to my comedy festival show. It will be awesome).

Wednesday, February 08, 2006

insert pun on 'drag'

Finally another new one. More soon.

Tuesday, February 07, 2006

Now with 200% more award nominations

Newtown Ghetto Anger has been nominated for an Eric Award! I'm up for Best Web Comic.

I have no idea how the awards work, or who gets to vote on them, or why, but it's certainly nice to be included amongst such luminaries of the humour and web comic worlds. But I guess if you can vote for me, then do. Or something.

[UPDATE: Looks like they removed the "humour comic" category, and the nominees have been cut down to a shortlist. Have edited the above to reflect this.]