Benefit CD and T-Shirt for the October 15th arrestees

February 16, 2008
Tu Kotahi - Freedom Fighting Anthems

Tu Kotahi - Freedom Fighting Anthems is a new double benefit CD released on Waitangi Day (Feb 6th). Bands on it include Verse Two, Olmecha Supreme, Cornerstone Roots and Upper Hutt Posse.

Freedom Fighters T-Shirt

There are also black T-Shirts with green and white print, reading “Freedom Fighters” and “Ka Whawhai Tonu Matou” (We will fight on).

The T-Shirts and CDs are $25 each and all the money raised will be split between organisations directly supporting those affected by the raids, and also working on consciousness raising around the issue. International shipping is available, for those of you reading this from outside NZ (check exchange rates here).

Katipo Books Monthly Update - January 2008

February 12, 2008
Katipo Books Monthly Update
January 2008

Welcome to the first monthly update from Katipo Books -

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Against Freedom Book Launch

On Friday January 18th, Katipo Books hosted Valerie Morse, the Wellington anarchist author of Against Freedom: The War on Terrorism in Everyday New Zealand Life ( and one of those arrested and imprisoned in the nationwide raids of October 15th 2007 (see Over 50 people attended the launch, where Valerie spoke about her book, the New Zealand Government’s role in the “War On Terror” and her experience during the raids and in prison. Katipo Books is delighted to have been able to bring Valerie to Christchurch to share her experiences and knowledge. Thanks to everyone who came along and made it a great night!

Katipo Books Stall at One Love in Otautahi / Christchurch

Katipo Books crew will be at One Love in Otautahi / Christchurch on Waitangi day. If you bring a t-shirt, we hope to have screenprinting gear available to put a design befitting Waitangi Day on your t-shirt. We’ll also have a bunch of stickers, pamphlets and books on Tino Rangatiratanga, Te Tiriti O Waitangi and the raids of October 15th 2007 available.

Waitangi Day - Feb 6th, 2pm - 6pm, New Brighton Pier Amphitheatre

Coming Soon…

We’re currently waiting on a BIG order of books from American distributor AK Press ( Unfortunately there has been some delay with the shipping company they use changing their packing options, but the order should be here any day now.

We will also soon be increasing our stock of books from Aotearoa from several publishers.

Katipo Books will also soon be making badges, patches and t-shirts with a wide range of designs.


Katipo Books will soon be purchasing a badgemaker. As well as having a range of badge designs available on the website, we are also happy to make custom designed badges at discounted rates for political groups to use as fundraisers. If you are part of a group that is interested in ordering badges, feel free to contact us at info [at] katipo [dot] net [dot] nz for more information.

New Stock

During January, Katipo has added a number of new zines and pamphlets to our catalogue. Some picks of the new stock, both local and overseas, include:

Real Calendar Gals - 2008 Calendar - $12

A beautifully designed and highly informative calendar produced by the Aotearoa A-Fems. The 2008 Calendar Gals edition was inspired by the recent and abhorrent arrests of the Urewera 16, some of whom are very dear to the Aotearoa A-Fems.

Can’t Hear Me Scream - $2

An account written while inside prison from Valerie Morse — one of the ‘Urewera 16′ — of life in prison, the bureacracy and arbitrary exercise of power, and how those on the outside can support those trapped within. “They can imprison our bodies but our hearts and minds will always be FREE.”
During January we will be sending a free copy of “Can’t hear me scream”. with every order.

Climate Change: An introduction to the environmental crisis of our time - $1.50

A pamphlet introducing climate change, the science behind it, and some ideas for preventing it, or at least lessening its impact. Produced by a member of Auckland group Radical Youth, this pamphlet also includes details of the likely impacts of climate change on Aotearoa / New Zealand.

Anarchia Issue 2 - $2

The second issue of an irregularly released zine by an Aotearoa anarchist-communist, with a selection of articles on anarchism and a range of related topics.

The Auckland Anarchist #2 - $2.50

The 2nd issue of the zine from the Auckland Anarchist Collective (the first issue was called A Space Inside).

2008 Slingshot Organizer - $10 and Desk Planner - $18 &

A handy pocket calendar (or spiral bound desk planner) with space to write your engagements, addresses, and notes. Each week is sprinkled with historical dates, reasons to riot, and inspirational events—and laid out with that oh so funky Slingshot style.

Resistance To Nazism - Shattered Armies: How the working class fought Nazism and Fascism 1933 - 1945 - $2.50

A collection of articles by the UK-based Anarchist Federation on a range of working class groups who fought against fascism around the world before and during World War II.

Work Community Politics War - $2.50

A beautifully illustrated introduction to radical working class revolutionary politics, split into the four categories named in the title. A great introduction for newbies, and the pamphlet can also function as a colouring in book for the young and not-so-young.

Ecology & Class - where there’s brass, there’s muck - $5.50

A comprehensive look at a wide range of ecological issues and crises around the world from an anarchist-communist perspective by the UK-based Anarchist Federation.

See No Speak No Hear No: Articles + Questions About Sexual Assault - $1.50

As the title suggest, this zine is a collection of writings (and drawings) on rape and sexual assault, including discussion questions, writing from a man called out on his behaviour about how he reacted, writings from survivors of rape and assault and more.

See you all next month,
Katipo Books

“Urewera 16″ Arrestee Launches Book In Christchurch

January 16, 2008
“Urewera 16″ Arrestee Launches Book In Christchurch

Anarchist, author and “Urewera 16″ arrestee Valerie Morse will be in Christchurch on Friday 18th January to launch her book, Against Freedom: The war on terrorism in everyday NZ life , an in depth examination of the legislation and climate created by the Labour Government in the name of the “war on terrorism”. The launch will take place at 7:30pm on Friday 18th at The Green Room, 16 Bedford Row.

Against Freedom, published by Rebel Press [1], was released in 2007, before Morse and 15 others arrest in supposed “anti-terror raids” and contains predictions that eerily parallel what has occured since the raids of October 15th.”It is clear that political dissent is now more perilous and more treacherous than before September 11th. Given the new counter-terrorism laws, the possibility of being not only labelled a terrorist in the media, but prosecuted as one, is a reality. By casting political dissent as terrorism, the government, its agencies, the media, and other vested interests assault our freedom of expression” [2]

The book launch is presented by Katipo Books [3], a Christchurch based workers co-operative online distributor and publisher of radical political books. Katipo is proud to be able to bring Morse to Christchurch, where people can hear about her book, and her experiences during the raids, court hearings and her month in prison directly from her mouth. Katipo Books will also have copies of Can’t Hear Me Scream, a 14 page zine written by Morse while she was in prison, available for sale.


1: Rebel Press was set up in response to the dearth of local radical literature and the overabundence of, particularly, American literature. In an effort to begin talking about issues and conditions unique to Aotearoa and the wider South Pacific they have started encouraging the writing of local content, and publishing it as cheaply as possible.

2: Against Freedom: The war on terrorism in everyday NZ life, page 82

3: Katipo Books:

Christchurch Book Launch - Against Freedom: The War on Terrorism in Everyday New Zealand Life, Friday 18th

January 9, 2008
Valerie Morse, author, activist, and one of the “Urewera 16” arrestees is soon to be in Christchurch to launch her book Against Freedom: The War on Terrorism in Everyday New Zealand Life. She will speak about the “War On Terror” and her experiences during the raids and in prison.Friday 18th, 7:30 @ The Green Room, 16 Bedford Row
Against Freedom: The war on terrorism in everyday NZ lifeThis book details the agenda against freedom, from the legislative changes since 9/11 to the suppression of dissent and the media manipulation of public understanding, in order to provide an alternative view of what is happening and what can be done to stop the war.

Also available at the launch will be Can’t Hear Me Scream, a 14 page zine written by Valerie while she was in prison, detailing life in prison, the bureacracy and arbitrary exercise of power, and how those on the outside can support those trapped within.

The book launch is presented by Katipo Books, who will have a large selection of other radical books and zines for sale at the event. Drinks and snacks provided. Or order online,