Bypass Tour

April 26, 2005

A tour of destruction: the Wellington City Bypass.

On a related note, their will be a tour of this area as part of the May Day Weekend events - leaving from Kensington Gardens (in between Kensington St and Victoria St) at 11am this Saturday.

There’s lots happening this weekend - for more infomation, visit the Wellington May Day Website.

Labour Party Congress Protest (with photos!)

April 3, 2005

Around 30 people came to the protest outside the Wellington Town Hall, with topics ranging from GE to the “War On Terror”, from the Foreshore & Seabed theft to worker’s rights. It was a fairly lively and energetic protest, which always makes things a lot more interesting, with a number of people having their say on a number of issues.

Many bloggers were on the other side of the picket lines, inside the congress, such as Jordan (Just Left), Caleb (Some Other Guy), Conor (Constar), Greg (NZ Political Comments) and probably more.

A handful of National Front members showed up, handed out flyers and attempted to look staunch. They ran off after only about 40 minutes, perhaps it got too loud for their poor ears?

Cheers to everyone who came along and made it what it was.

The person with the “NO FEES” sign was from NZUSA, not the National Front

More at Indymedia

Protest outside the Labour party congress

April 1, 2005

Meet at 12.30pm Saturday April 2nd outside Burger King in Manners Mall, Wellington.
March to the town hall to demonstrate outside the Labour Party Election Year Congress
Why protest at the Labour Party Congress?

- GE
- Solid Energy’s poor environmental record
- Student debt over $7 billion
- Widening gap between rich and poor
- Profit from Rogernomics going to the elite
- Youth wage rates
- Low minimum wage
- Seabed and Foreshore theft
- Labour supported the invasion of Afghanistan, the War on Terror and the War on Iraq
- Continued foreign corporate control of Aotearoa
- And oh so much more!

I was painting a banner this evening, and it should be a good protest. See you all there!