You are currently viewing the archive for September 2007.

Australia First activist sentenced to 18 months for breaching AVO

From the Daily Tele:

Anti-Muslim campaigner jailed
September 27, 2007

A RACIST pamphlet criticising Muslims was generated by a woman as revenge against two police officers, a Sydney court heard yesterday.

A seven-year feud between Michelle Jane Alford and a former neighbour and police officer Rebecca Francis was the catalyst for Alford creating and distributing a flyer titled “Prophet Mohamed Australia Day BBQ”.

Alford, 35, was sent to jail for 16 months for stabbing Ms Francis three times in the arm at Caringbah railway station on January 1, 2005.

Police charged Alford on January 23 this year after she created and distributed flyers with Ms Francis’ address as well as containing Constable Amy Birdsall’s contact details.

Constable Birdsall was the officer in charge of the stabbing investigation.

News brief · 27 September 2007

But we’re not neo-Nazis! Honest! (You want fries with that?)

It’s a common lament among local members of the far right that they’re constantly being represented / lampooned / ridiculed, quite unfairly, as neo-Nazis. From Dr James Saleam to Darrin Hodges, David Innes to Luke Connors, the denial is as predictable as it is vociferous. For some, the problem is that they misapprehend the nature of Nazism / National Socialism, both in terms of its past (most notably in Germany, of course: see National Socialist German Workers’ Party [Nationalsozialistische Deutsche Arbeiterpartei] or NSDAP; the Nazi Party) but also in terms of its more contemporary manifestations (hence the appellation of ‘neo’ or new). Thus it was that only a few short years ago it had to be explained to Perth-based racist David Innes (formerly of Stormfront, now of the New Right) that ‘Nazi’ generally means ‘National Socialist’.

Slackbastard · 26 September 2007 · Discussion

First Christchurch, then the World!

You might recall that neo-Nazi arsonist and militia nut Kyle Chapman has recently had Mayoral ambitions.

The Christchurch Press held a Q&A session for all of the ChCh Mayoral candidates the other day - the video is here, and Kyle’s parts are well amusing.

Part 1 has Kyle answering a question about his plan (which he’s been talking about since his days in the Fascist Union in the 1990s) to have vigilante teams roaming the streets, and how he would legally do that (and give them police powers). He answers he’d use colonial law. When asked if it was still active, and if not, wouldn’t it take Parliament to reactivate it, he answers along the lines of “well, I think the Mayor should be able to do it.”

Part 2 has Kyle asked the question of the night - what would he do, as Mayor, to increase racial harmony and diversity. He gives a bullshit answer, talks about how he’s been to a mosque, and says he doesn’t think it’s a priority. Kyle has also been to a Marae! We’re not sure how reassuring his answer is meant to be.

Fight dem back · 25 September 2007 · Discussion

Racist bashing linked to Doomadgee case

From the Australian:

Racist bashing allied to Doomadgee case
By Tony Koch
September 25, 2007

A PALM Island man, who was left with brain damage and broken bones after an assault in Townsville on Friday night, claims his white attackers bashed him to show their support for policeman Chris Hurley and his fellow officers.

Leonard Beckett, 39, a technician at the Ravenswood Gold Mine in far north Queensland, said yesterday the attack on him was “definitely racist”.

He claimed the three non-indigenous men, who left him with a broken arm and jaw, told him they supported the police in relation to the 2005 death in custody of Palm Islander Mulrunji Doomadgee.

News brief · 25 September 2007

Toben’s day in court delayed

Holocaust-denier Fredrick Toben’s contempt of court hearing has been delayed until November 27, and will be heard in Adelaide.

The trial has been delayed so that neither party is disadvantaged by dependence on video-link during cross examination.

Fight dem back · 25 September 2007 · Discussion

Toben to finally face Federal Court

From the AJN:

Court appoints Toben barrister
Peter Kohn

THE Federal Court of Australia has appointed a barrister to represent South Australian Holocaust-denier Dr Fredrick Toben.

On September 24, the Federal Court in Sydney will hear a complaint by the Executive Council of Australian Jewry (ECAJ) that Dr Toben flouted the court’s September 2002 order not to post Holocaust-denial material on the website of his Adelaide Institute.

The Federal Court’s 2002 order was imposed after a landmark victory by the ECAJ against him.

Since proceedings were launched in the Federal Court in January, Dr Toben has said he has been unable to find legal representation. Previously he had engaged a lawyer who was later found to have had his practising certificate temporarily suspended.

News brief · 24 September 2007

Anti-Semitic vandalism at Cranbourne Golf Club

From the Herald Sun:

Anti-Semitic attack at golf club
Grant McArthur
September 20, 2007

JEWISH golfers are outraged at vandals who carved a large swastika and KKK into the green of a historic Jewish golf club.

The anti-Semitic attack destroyed parts of the Cranbourne Golf Club’s fourth green on September 12, the first night of the Jewish New Year.

The club was founded by Jewish golfers in 1954 after they were excluded from other golf clubs, and general manager Sean Constable said members were distressed by the latest attack.

News brief · 21 September 2007

Hoons mar Rosh Hashanah

From the AJN:

Hoons mar first Shabbat of year
Melissa Singer

A CARLOAD of hoons who drove through St Kilda East shouting antisemitic comments through a megaphone has marred the first Shabbat of the new Jewish year, according to security personnel.

The Community Security Group (CSG) said the car passed the Yeshivah Centre and Chabad House Caulfield 770 on Saturday around 6.45pm, with the men shouting “F***ing Jews” and other insults through a megaphone.

While several congregants from Yeshivah pursued the car, they were unable to obtain sufficient information to identity the offenders.

The car later returned to the area and its passengers reportedly pelted eggs at Jews who were walking the streets.

CSG’s Gavin Queit said the incidents tarnished what was otherwise a “very quiet” Rosh Hashanah and police have been notified.

Queit appealed for any witnesses to contact CSG or their local police station.

News brief · 21 September 2007

Nazi slur staffer has ironic far-Right links

From Crikey:

Who does Dr Phelps really represent?

Norman Abjorensen writes:

The right-wing extremists are not just in the NSW Liberal Party, they have made it to the centre.

It has been known for some time that the group aligned with shady Opus Dei-connected NSW Upper House power-broker, David Clarke, has infiltrated the federal ranks, and the revelations yesterday of Federal minister Gary Nairn’s chief of staff, Peter Phelps, heckling a Labor candidate at a public meeting, brought it out further into the open.

Dr Phelps, as was revealed in question time yesterday, compared Colonel Mike Kelly, a former Australian soldier, with the guards at the Nazi Belsen death camp, over his service in Iraq. Colonel Kelly just happens to be standing against Mr Nairn in Eden-Monaro.

News brief · 20 September 2007