You are currently viewing the archive for September 2005.

Molly and Bummy before the courts (again)

This time for the Mosque attacks:

From the NZ Herald.

Ex-National Front teen faces charges

By Angela Gregory

The two youths accused of desecrating Auckland mosques after the London bombings are former members of a white supremacist group, the New Zealand National Front.

The pair have made a number of court appearances since the July attacks on the mosques but name suppression was only lifted yesterday for Jason Paul M.

Fight dem back · 29 September 2005 · Discussion

Name suppression lifted on second Mosque attacker

Yep, no surprises here. The second alleged attacker was Jason M. Ross Baumgarden already fronting the courts and having his name suppression lifted some weeks back.

In between driving around Auckland and shooting people up with an air rifle, it’s amazing that the National Front dynamic duo could find the time for more wacky shenanigans.

Fight dem back · 28 September 2005 · Discussion

Neo-nazi arsonist gets jail

From the Herald Sun

Neo-nazi arsonist gets jail
Christine Caulfield

A DEATH metal fan who torched a century-old church because Christianity was “weak” has been sentenced to three years in youth detention.

News brief · 28 September 2005

Stormfront is going broke - boo hoo

Courtesy of our friends at Citizens against hate:

Stormfront or Stromfront?

Not Just Morally Bankrupt
by Nicole Nichols

From Riches to Rags? Stormfront, the oldest internet white power site is in financial straits. Was that by design, or just chance? Was there more than the National Alliance in the sights of the Duke camp?

September 19, 2005, Today might be a red letter day as the white power internet giant, Don Black told supporters that he didn’t think going into further debt to keep the Stormfront “Soap Opera” alive was worth it.

Fight dem back · 26 September 2005 · Discussion

Getting creative downunder

The Australian/New Zealand presence of the World Church of the Creator has always been rather fickle.

In a nutshell, this group was founded on the writings of Ben Klassen and centre around worshipping the white race as a religious entity of some sort. Due to some copyright issue in the US, the group is now usually referred to as the ‘Creativity Movement’.

Fight dem back · 26 September 2005 · Discussion

Terror Fest explained

“It (Terror Fest) will surely be rife with National Socialists.”

So said ACT Terror Fest organiser AKA Lailoken.

As most of you would have heard by now, the ANU Uni Bar have made the decision not to host this event. If you want to know the actual reasons why they made this decision, you will have to speak to them.

Fight dem back · 26 September 2005 · Discussion

Bye bye, Baal Gadrial

This just in.

Baal Gadrial are OFF the bill at ANU.

More info to come later, but it would appear that ANU forced the issue with Mr. Lailoken. This event is to be about the music and nothing more.

We will continue to investigate this event, and in particular, the promoter.

FDB would also like acknowledge that most of the bands are definately NOT racist. In particular Darkim stood out as taking a stand against racism on some online forums, and we have been contacted by the management of Leicohtica to state that they are most definately not a racist band. We wish these guys the best of luck.


Fight dem back · 23 September 2005 · Discussion

Hate metal gig at ANU?

We recieved an SOS this morning from a Canberran FDB’er in relation to a possible hate-metal gig taking place at the Australian National University union bar on October 1st.

The gig entitled the ACT Terror fest II appears to be nothing more than a hardcore metal gig.

Fight dem back · 22 September 2005 · Discussion