You are currently viewing the archive for June 2005.

Reign of the Fourth Reich

From The Press:

Reign of the Fourth Reich
25 June 2005

The Fourth Reich tortured its enemies and forced a police officer into hiding. What chance did an eccentric West Coast drifter have? Matt Conway delves into the strange life and brutal death of James ‘Janis’ Bambrough.

News brief · 25 June 2005

NDP deputy seeks entry into Australia

Holger Apple

Holger Apfel (pictured above) the deputy chairman of the far-right German National Democratic party of Germany (NDP) is believed to be seeking entry into Australia in order to participate in the 2005 Sydney Forum on August 27-29th.

The forum is a gathering of racist-right activists from across the white nationalist spectrum. This event is being put together by the tiny Australia First Party/Patriotic Youth League and their main organiser, the notorious Jim Saleam.

Holger Apfel is most well known for leading his NDP faction out of the Saxony parliament in protest during a minutes silence to commemorate the victims of the Auschwitz death camp.

Fight dem back! has alerted both the Department of Immigration and Multicultural Affairs (DIMIA) and the Australian Federal Police to the possibility of Herr Apfel seeking a visa. We are also coordinating a response with anti-racism groups in Germany.

The New South Wales Jewish Board of Deputies has lodged similar expressions of concern with Australian authorities.

Neither DIMIA nor the AFP are willing to publicly comment on this matter.

Darp Hau · 24 June 2005 · Discussion

Mississippi Burning revisited

Edgar Ray Killen, the former KKK leader responsible for the deaths of three civil rights workers in 1964 was today sentenced to sixty years in prison.

Jurors took just 5 1/2 hours to convict the former Ku Klux Klan leader of manslaughter in the deaths of three men whose names are synonymous with the violence of the civil rights era: James Chaney, Andrew Goodman and Michael Schwerner. Graying black men who grew up in a segregated world, but lived to see it end, held their faces in their hands and sobbed in the audience. Outside the courtroom, there were cheers.

See our sister site the One People’s Project for more background information on Egdar Killen.

News brief · 24 June 2005

Not the Chris Anderton band

A very special cross-post from Auckland’s incomparable Tze Ming Mok.

Known homosexual and racially impure Jeremy Lambert is indignant that he has been let off the hitlist taken out by Redwatch Downunder against “anarchists, reds, homo[s] [and] multiculturalists.” Outrageously, myself and Ahmed Zaoui have also been excluded! Who are these Redwatch people, *racists?*

Tze Ming Mok · 22 June 2005 · Discussion

Stick-men go on sticker raid

Fight dem back! Australian founder Mat Henderson-Hau awoke yesterday morning to find the following A2 size stickers plastered around his street and surrounds.



Fight dem back · 21 June 2005 · Discussion

If you’ve got a hit list, I wanna be on it

The race to be the number one enemy of the master race has begun in earnest.

Jockeying for the top of the Redwatch Downunder hit list has kicked into overdrive with noted New Zealand gay rights campaigner Jeremy Lambert putting his hand up for consideration.

Fight dem back · 21 June 2005 · Discussion

More on Redwatch from the NZ Herald

Redwatch is in the media again, this time the New Zealand Herald, including an interview with Fight Dem Back! Aotearoa representative Robert Trigan.

Far-right group sets up ‘hit list’

By Derek Cheng

A group with white supremacist links is setting up an online database of Australian and New Zealand left-wing activists, who are calling it a “hit list” and a “terrorist threat”.

Webgroup Redwatch Downunder, based in Perth, has sent emails to groups in Australia and New Zealand, asking for information on “communists, ‘anti-facists’, anarchists, homosexuals, multiculturalists”.

News brief · 20 June 2005

Here’s a story you’ll never see on the Stormfront ethnic crime report

From The Press, Christchurch, 17.6.05.

ChCh bonehead

Like all of us, this charming fellow has an ethnicity. I wonder why Stormfront won’t run it?

News brief · 19 June 2005

FDB in the AJN

Peter Kohn profiles Fight dem back! for the Australian Jewish News.

Website seeks net loss for net-Nazis

A new trans-Tasman group is taking the fight against neo-Nazis to a new plane – cyberspace.

Describing the internet as “the Wild West for right-wing hate groups”, Mat Henderson-Hau has formed Fight Dem Back, a website to monitor the activities of Australian skinheads and “net-Nazis” such as Whitepride and Hitler’s Gas Bill (HGB).

Careful scrutiny of extremists’ websites can reveal a lot of unintended logistical information that police can use to combat their activities”, said Henderson-Hau, a Sydneysider who is the website’s campaign manager.

News brief · 17 June 2005

“Short term, it was great for them, but long term the intensity got to them, especially Kyle.”

Fight dem back! Aotearoa campaign manager Robert Trigan talks to the Christchurch daily The Press:

Website target of hate emails

Mike Houlahan

Political activist Robert Trigan does not mind talking to the media, but is not keen on having his photo taken.

“They don’t know what I look like and I want to keep it that way,” he says.
Trigan is not suffering from paranoia. “They” are members of far-Right political orgamsations, and Trigan is a New Zealand spokesman for Fight Dem Back, a trans-Tasman group waging a campaign against racial hatred, xenophobia and fascism.

News brief · 14 June 2005