You are currently viewing the archive for January 2005.

Those sneaky Jews!

From the AIJAC Review’s Lunar column:

The End of Pretence

Did you know that “political censorship of the Internet is almost upon us in Australia”? And remember the drastic changes to firearm laws following the 1996 Port Arthur massacre? That was due to “international Zionist conspirators and their political puppets in the Labor”. Just ask the good folk at One Nation.

Although Lunar mostly concentrates on tiny fringe groups from both the extreme right and extreme left, usually with tiny memberships, the latest One Nation newsletter The Nation was just too good to pass up, even given that organisation’s still somewhat larger, if dwindling, number of adherents.

News brief · 30 January 2005

Pro-Sudanese, anti-racism day a huge success!

Today’s events were a rousing success. The racist Concerned Citizens Collective, a front for the Patriotic Youth League and the Australia First Party, only attracted a handful of people to their barbecue and left after about twenty minutes. Meanwhile, a massive crowd turned out in support of the Newcastle Sudanese community.

Our hearts leapt!

For a good laugh, check out how the PYL reported on their “rally”:

Morale was running high as the patriots entered Islington Park from Coal St. To the left one could see the media forming up under some trees by the highway. Looking right, towards Belmont St, there was nothing. No counter protest, no screeming ferals - no opposition whatsoever. Of course there was the patriotic Newcastle public, members of which could be seen scattered throughout the park. As soon as the nationalist contingent entered Islington Park they came quickly to us. These were people who had witnessed their once proud city deindustrialised: now they were told their future lay with immigrants and ‘refugees’. As they gathered one could almost sense their expectation.

Our banners were unfurled and our flags hoisted. Above the passing traffic an interested hum could be heard from the crowd. They were impressed. Our hearts leapt! A loonie yelled from a passing car window something no one could understand and a riple of laughter passed through all present. The ice was broken and we began.

A voice from our megaphone came to life. He thanked all those present for their attendance and welcomed their support for our stance of freedom of expression.

The speech went on. It was delivered with perfect legality and proffesionalism. Again, as we later found out from members of the public, this impressed those listening. It touched on the problems caused by the increasing strain placed on the social security system when a new caste of ‘poor’ - refugees - moved in. Refugees affected the Aboriginal population too. Also the Council’s blind dictatorial imposition of refugees on the Newcastle community without consultation was restated. The crowd was growing.

[Etc, etc…]

To our opponents - YOU failed badly, and, they know who they are, YOU failed to materialise AT ALL. Aside from a few childish shouts as we left the site, there was no real opposition. Today we struck back a blow for Australia. 2005 is the year of Australian Nationalism!

Nazi PR spin was much more slick back in the 30’s. I wonder if their hurried exit meant they had to Goebbel up their half-cooked snags on the run? Television footage showed them making a hasty retreat as a large group of locals told them where to go, and the photographic evidence shows they had a tiny, tiny group in the first place.

Tiny PYL group Tiny PYL group Tiny PYL group

Newcastle stands in solidarity with the Sudanese

These pictures tell the story far better than I could. The crowd was huge, the atmosphere was friendly and excited, and racism was thoroughly rejected. See for yourself.

Successful pro-Sudanese rally Successful pro-Sudanese rally Successful pro-Sudanese rally

Successful pro-Sudanese rally Successful pro-Sudanese rally Successful pro-Sudanese rally

Successful pro-Sudanese rally Successful pro-Sudanese rally Successful pro-Sudanese rally

Successful pro-Sudanese rally Successful pro-Sudanese rally Successful pro-Sudanese rally

Successful pro-Sudanese rally Successful pro-Sudanese rally Successful pro-Sudanese rally

Darp Hau · 22 January 2005 · Discussion

A day of opposition to racism in Newcastle

Newcastle is coming together together in a big way. Tomorrow is going to absolutely go off!

Aside from the pro-multicultural rally taking place at the Beaumont Street Clock Tower (11am), Newcastle City Council has organised something bigger to follow.

Members of the Newcastle community who wish to express their support for the local Sudanese community and their opposition to the recent emergence of organised racism in Newcastle are invited to attend the Palais (in Hunter St, Newcastle) at 12:30pm on Saturday (22 January) to celebrate cultural diversity.

The event has been organised by active members of the Newcastle community (the Newcastle Welcome Town group), representing a broad range of community interests and organisations, including churches and other religious organisations, many grassroots community-based groups involved in human services and equity issues, political parties, and local institutions.

Speakers at the Palais event will include:

  • the Lord Mayor of Newcastle, Cr John Tate,
  • Violetta Walsh OAM, Coordinator of the Newcastle Migrant Resource Centre and Newcastle Citizen of the Year 2004, and
  • a representative of the local Sudanese community.

The event is designed to demonstrate the strong and broad consensus of local community support for the Sudanese community and for cultural diversity that has emerged in response to recent expressions of racist extremism.

As everyone on the Newcastle anti-PYL mailing list already knows, I will be speaking at both of these events. I can’t wait to meet and greet all the people I’ve been coordinating with over the last few months.

Darp Hau · 21 January 2005 · Discussion

The campaign moves back to Newcastle

I suppose all you Sydney folk want to know what the story is up Newcastle way. I mean, all we ever hear from the Steel City are updates on Joey Johns and whatever part of his body is currently in plaster.

As you’d know, the PYL began in Newcastle in late 2003. Thus far they have restricted their campaign to on-campus activities like pre-emptive strikes against foreign students from Africa who might look sideways at white women.

Now, it looks like they’re taking it off campus (where they’ve been totally locked out and ostracised) and into the streets of suburban Islington and Hamilton.

Coordination between anti-PYL campaigners in Sydney, Melbourne, Perth, Southern Queensland and Newcastle is very solid. Expect an official campaign announcement in the next few days. A name, a new site, funding, you name it. (Note: this was the origin of Fight dem back!)

Anyway, our Newcastle people forwarded the following leaflet onto me during the week. It’s classic Jim Saleam.

Darp Hau · 20 January 2005 · Discussion

The PYL runs away when challenged

Australia’s youth radio station, Triple J, has been following the campaign against the Patriotic Youth League, and covered it on the Hack current affairs program on Tuesday, 18 January. You can listen to an MP3 of the segment here.

The following day, the PYL had organised a rally, but we smashed them. “We” is a conglomeration of Greens, Labor left, the Australian Manufacturing Workers Union (AMWU) the Maritime Union of Australia (MUA), the Construction Forestry Mining and Energy Union (CFMEU), the Labor Council (Unions NSW), the Socialist Alliance, Resistance and other assorted activist groups who today staged a massive counter-protest against the PYL in Sydney.

It was a clandestinely-organised affair, because we didn’t want the PYL to chicken out and waste our time. I was originally tipped off a few days back that the PYL were planning a Sydney rally by going through their message boards.

« Thread started on: Jan 10th, 2005, 03:55am »

Hi all,

Just letting you know there will be demo on 19th.

Send me a private message if you want further details.



From there it was simply a matter of scouring other neo-Nazi web forums like The White Pride Coalition of Australia and this tidbit from Stormfront.

I won’t delve too deep into the espionage side of things, because I don’t want to give away too many secrets, but we uncovered that the PYL were planning to meet at 11:45 at the naval gun in Hyde Park. They were to be joined by members of the National Front.

Darp Hau · 19 January 2005 · Discussion

As long as they’re online, we know what they’re up to

We’re hitting them from all angles at present. Stuff like outing them in the media for the Nazis they are, alerting local councils and police to their illegal stickering and postering campaign, and crucially, we’re now starting to take apart their ability to organise online.

I’m still in two minds about this. Firstly, the internet is where they perform the majority of their recruiting and indoctrination. So, shutting them down online is certainly an important part of the main game, that being to have the group outlawed.

At the same time, the web is also the place where, due to technological ignorance and plain old-fashioned stupidity, they regularly shoot themselves in the foot. Half the work of outing them as a neo-Nazi group was essentially done for us. They left self-incriminating foot prints all over the web and it didn’t take Sherlock Holmes to follow the trail and close the case.

Darp Hau · 8 January 2005 · Discussion

Goodbye gumnut blue gum, goodbye Blinky Bill

They’ve started postering again, but as you can see, the locals aren’t standing for it.

Defaced PYL stickers

I’ve got no idea who knocked out this handiwork but good luck in your campaign. I will stick with the scraping off and media whoring route.

There is a semi-amusing comment thread going on over at Luke Connor’s site which I’m sure you’d all love to contribute to. According to the official PYL site, this is “an interesting blogspot.”

The PYL have also started up another site. Well, I’d say Andrew Wilson has simply started up one of his own. He appears to be closer with Jim Saleam than the others.

Darp Hau · 2 January 2005 · Discussion