Blogs about: Religion

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New Ben Stein Movie -- EXPELLED

dwhitsett wrote 3 minutes ago: … more »

Tags: Apologetics, Atheism/Theism, Culture Wars, Current Events, Meaning of Life, Morality, Politics, respect, Science

30 Day Sex Challenge?

Quinn Hooks wrote 12 minutes ago: I heard about this on the local news so I did a web search on this subject and found many … more »

Tags: church, megachurch, News

The Christian Life

Mike Ratliff wrote 16 minutes ago: by Mike Ratliff Now this I say and testify in the Lord, that you must no longer walk as the … more »

Tags: Christian Authenticity, Obedience, Repentance, spirit filled, Spiritual Growth


Rev. Tommy Davis, DDCS wrote 17 minutes ago: Gimme that old-time “Yes, We Can!” Written by Alisa Harris February 19, 2008 Supporters are fainting away at Obama rallies. … more »

Tags: Politics

Tablitas del Señor-Reflexiones-S.Alarcón

tablitas1 wrote 22 minutes ago: Cuando todos los días resultan iguales es porque el hombre ha dejado de percibir las cosas buenas que surgen en … more »

Tags: Blogroll

Novgorod: Democracy's Native Son

russianwomenshome wrote 26 minutes ago: Though the name of the town means “New Town,” Novgorod is the oldest major Russian city. Read more … more »

Tags: Blogroll, relationship, Russian art, Russian culture, Russian History, russian literature, Russian Women, travel to russia

My Weekend in Hattusa

jimgetz wrote 29 minutes ago: I spent the better part of Sunday and Monday working through Billie Jean Collins’ The Hittites and Their World, (Archaeology … more »

Tags: Bible, Hittite, Research, Ugarit

'Meaningless, meaningless!' says the teacher

furious buddha wrote 44 minutes ago: Over the past week I’ve been feeling a bit of an existential funk (not helped by the sinus infection). Today I heard … more »

Tags: Current Events, God

Sowing the Wind and Reaping the Whirlwind in Kosovo

sol wrote 1 hour ago: I’ve debated within myself whether to step into the morass that is the matter of Kosovan independence. After my post … more »

Tags: Abortion, Christianity, Europe, Kosovo, Orthodoxy, Prayer, Russia, Serbia, Terrorism

I'll gladly kill you Tuesday for misrepresenting my God today.

KB wrote 46 minutes ago: Oh those crazy muslims.  Remember way back when Denmark got all that press because some cartoonist drew a representation of … more »

Tags: Current Events, Entertainment, Humor, Politics

Bosch, Hieronymus wrote 56 minutes ago: Bosch, Hieronymus (1450-1516) Originally Jerome van Aken, Bosch was a Catholic Painter from the Netherlands born in Hertogenbosch and later … more »

Tags: b


randallbutisingh wrote 58 minutes ago: AN OBSERVATION by Randall Butisingh As a believer in the Teachings of Jesus who was the Christ, the Messiah, who … more »

Tags: Thoughts

2,000-Year-Old Sprout

Janice wrote 59 minutes ago: God never makes a promise that He will not keep. Psalm 92:12-15 The righteous shall flourish like a palm … more »

Tags: God, Spiritual Maturity

More on the religious Elizabethans

Seth wrote 59 minutes ago: We should never let ourselves forget that the orthodox scheme of salvation was pervasive in the Elizabethan age. You could … more »

Tags: Christianity, Church of England, Early Modern, Education, grad school, History, Literature, Morality, Protestantism

British-Arabia...Part 2

livingjourney wrote 1 hour ago: More on the goings on of Mr Gordon Browns government… New sharia row over Chancellor’s plans for ‘Islamic bonds’ A … more »

Tags: Globalism, Islam, middle east, News, Political, Resources

The Lord Is My Shepherd

Janice wrote 1 hour ago: … more »

Tags: God

Emergent Heart Disease

Doug wrote 1 hour ago: Verses for today: Genesis 6:5 And GOD saw that the wickedness of man was great in the earth, and that … more »

Tags: Christ, Christian, church, doctrine, Emergent, Faith, Idolatry, Salvation, Truth

Ride The Wave

dave wrote 1 hour ago: Well, yesterday’s post generated a lot of interest and good discussion. So just in case people who came in from … more »

Tags: David Watters Daily Post

the eleventh hour

reditor22 wrote 1 hour ago: today is the day i will stop calling myself an atheist. from now on i will call myself a “metaphorisist”. … more »

Tags: Uncategorized