Last Thursday Ms. K opened the following hypothetical question to the class. For girls, we were asked to choose a guy out of 2 guys to be our husband, while for guys, they were asked to choose a girl out of 2 girls to be their wife. It was hard for me to choose. If it is possible, I will not choose any of them. I would rather be single. But Ms. K insisted us to choose 1 so I have to make up my mind to pick a guy. Who did I choose?

Here goes the question! Which guy/girl you will choose? Why?

For Girls
For you who are in the age range between 20 and 25, if there are only 2 guys left on the Earth, which guy will you choose to spend your lifetime with? Why? MUST choose 1 of them.

Guy 1

Guy 2




Financial Status

Very rich

Poor (you have to support him)



Very handsome




Highest Education

Unknown (not important because he is rich)


Loving You



Most of the girls in my class choose Guy 1 because he is rich and he gives all his love to his wife. For me, I choose Guy 2. Why? Here goes my reasons!

Age: Communication is the key to a good marriage. I think the big age gap with Guy 1 will create communication problems because of different generations with different thoughts - he thinks I mean one thing when really I mean something else or vice versa. This may result in fights break out and feelings get hurt.

Financial status: I don’t mind to support him. Who set the rules that men must support women? What is wrong for a woman to support her partner? After all, it is just how you think of it.

Appearance: What important here is you feel comfortable with his appearance. The view of handsome is different from one and another.

Personality: Both guys also kind hearted so nothing much to discuss about it. It is all good!

Education background: He is just 25 years old! He can go to take some courses to improve his skills. It is all good as long as he has the determination to improve himself.

Love: Although he didn’t love me for 100%, 80% is still quite high!

For Guys
For you who are in the age range between 20 and 25, if there are only 2 girls left on the Earth, which girl will you choose to spend your lifetime with? Why? MUST choose 1 of them.

Girl 1

Girl 2




Financial Status

Very rich




Very pretty (supermodel)


Kind, knowledgeable, high intelligence

Mean, dumb

I have been tagged by Wan Wen!!! So I am here to reveal the things in my bag! Here you go…… Start with the bag……


This is the bag that I am currently bring it to campus. It has two functions: hand bag or sling bag. It was my gift from USA.

Pencil Case

This is my pencil case. All my stationary in it! (Mechanical pencil, eraser, ruler, pens, correction pen, highlight pens, glue, scissor,……)


My schedule and appointments are written in the two books.

Water Bottle

My 500ml water bottle.


My umbrella… (ella ella eh eh eh)


Tissues and Candy (fresh breath ^_^)


My house keys and car keys

IDThumb Drive

My student identification card and 1G thumb drive

Ally Coin Amulet

This is an ally coin amulet - a coin stamped with my horoscope allies - the animals that share the same horoscope affinity triangle with me. It can ensure great friendship luck. I don’t know whether it is true, I just carry it.


My purse! Money money money….. :P

Hand Phone

Last but not least, my hand phone - Sony Ericsson Z610i! I like the design so much!

Now is my turn to tag people! I want to tag…… Choi Bao, Wan Sia, and Yen Bin!

For you who didn’t get tag, would you like to share with me of what is in your bag? :D

I have a new HGIF today! My fifth HGIF! This is the gashapon I exchanged with Wan Sia. I exchanged with her my Yuki Nagato in pink pajamas (gashapon series part 4 by Bandai).

This figure is Kyon’s sister. It is part of the HGIF gashapon series part 3 by Bandai.

Kyon's Sister

More and more capsule figures coming soon! ^_^

Greetings! This is my first post on anime! Guess what? I have a brand new line of collection - gashapon! I decided to collect gashapon because Cute Sweetie gave me a nice gashapon! Some of you might don’t know what a gashapon is. Gashapon is derived from the Japanese words “Gacha-pon”. The word is literally means the sound of a capsule dropping out of a vending machine commonly known as Capsule Machine. “Gacha” is the sound of turning of a crank on a capsule machine, and “pon” is the sound of the toy capsule dropping into the receptacle.

Gashapon A gashapon looks like this.

Here are my gashapon collection figures from the popular series The Melancholy of Haruhi Suzumiya. Every figure is made from soft PVC plastic material and features a unique character pose with true to anime detail and with base display stand.

This is the gashapon gifted by Cute Sweetie. My first HGIF (high grade imagination figure)! This figure is Yuki Nagato (captain version). It is part of the HGIF gashapon series part 3 by Bandai.

Yuki Nagato (captain)

Here comes my second HGIF! This figure is Kyon (with Santa hat). It is part of the HGIF gashapon series part 4 by Bandai.


My third HGIF - Yuki Nagato in pink pajamas. It is part of the HGIF gashapon series part 4 by Bandai.

Yuki Nagato (pink pajamas)

My fourth HGIF - Yuki Nagato in blue pajamas. The only difference with the previous figure is the color of the pajamas. This figure is part of the HGIF gashapon series part 4 by Bandai.

Yuki Nagato (blue pajamas)

I like how they were sculpted considering their sizes and expertly crafted with extreme attention to detail! Hope I will have more HGIFs to share with you all in future. Until then, see you!

Recently I like my apparel so much! Maybe because of I bought many nice clothing and shoes for Chinese New Year! Currently I am so into my golden shoe and the ladies jacket from Korea. Take a look at the pictures!


Something happened during a tutorial class on Thursday. I was absent on that day but I got to know the situation from my classmates. So what happened? I was told that the tutor, Ms. K, was so angry. She was angry because most of my classmates late for the class for about 15 minutes. So what is my point? I can’t imagine how she looks like when she is angry. I never see her angry before. I think the situation might be quite serious until it can make a happy go lucky person to be angry.

After I heard it, I start to analyze and think. I know it is our responsibility to make sure we will be punctual for every class. It was their fault for being late for the class on that day. But was it necessary for the tutor to be so angry just because of that? Let me give you another situation. Take a look of other colleges and universities. If you, as a student, are late for a class, what will happen? The lecturer or tutor will continue his or her teaching and you, the one who are late for the class, might want to borrow the notes from your friends. My point here, lecturers or tutors will not care whether you are late for classes, it is your problem, not their problem and they just attend the class on time and give lecture until the time is up. There are some exceptions too. Some lecturers or tutors might set the rule saying that if you are late for the class, you are not allowed to enter. Again, my point here is whether you want to be punctual, it is your problem and they don’t care about it.

Now back to my question. Was it necessary for the tutor to be so angry just because they were late for her class? She shouldn’t have. Why she has to be angry of other people’s fault? Hrm… Maybe she thought that they were not respecting her? Or maybe she felt fed up because of their attitude? I don’t know, only she knows. If she waits, it is because she helps to do us a favor; if she doesn’t wait, it is logical. The tutor was waiting for students to enter the class, shouldn’t we appreciate it? Please appreciate it by never late for classes again.

Although I don’t know, I can make my own assumptions, my thoughts. I think it is because of the love and passion. Love is for us, her students. Love in the sense of care about us whether we can cope with the subject and understand her teaching. Love in the sense of having hope in us. Passion is for the teaching. She gave her all in teaching, put her heart in it, hoping that everyone can learn more new things. But what she got in return? She was angry because she felt they didn’t appreciate what she did for them. She was fed up with them.

Another tutor, Ms. K (another K), heard the situation from the first Ms. K and talked about it with us in the class while waiting for my other classmates to enter the class. Again, waiting. At her first tutorial class, she did tell us about her rules and regulations. One of the rules and regulations stating that she will only wait for 10 minutes after the class has started. So it does make sense for waiting. But still, I don’t get it. What is the reason behind of waiting? Hrm… Maybe it is because the tutor wants every student get to learn on the same time? Just to be fair to everyone? It might sound fair to us but what about the tutor? It is not fair to her! She attends the class on time but has to wait for students? Let say a student late for 10 minutes. She waited her for 10 minutes and this may cause her to have short of 10 minutes to teaching, which may affect the content of teaching and her performance. As it is not fair, why wait? I assume it is the same as the first Ms. K. It is because of love and passion.

I know I might sounded sentimental, exaggerate or too over. After all, it is just my assumption, just my thought. Whether it is because of love and passion, only the tutor knows. I don’t know. What I know is I am glad that I am in the university I am in right now. I am glad I have the two Ms. Ks as my tutors. I am glad to be their students. I would like to say I do appreciate what they did. Class with them was fun, interesting and got to learn more new things. Did I mention they are good looking too? Hahahaha!!!!

“Promptitude is not only a duty, but is also a part of good manners; it is favorable to fortune, reputation, influence, and usefulness; a little attention and energy will form the habit, so as to make it easy and delightful.” - Charles Simmons

I found the following illustration very interesting. It illustrated a student’s life from the start of a new semester until the end of the semester. I think most of the students, especially university and college students have gone through it. Enjoy!

The start of a new semester:

New semester

First week of the semester:

First week

Second week of the semester:

Second week

Before mid-term examination:

Before mid-term examination

During mid-term examination:

During mid-term examination

After mid-term examination:

After mid-term examination

Before final examination:

Before final examination

Once know the final examination schedule:

Final examination schedule

7 days before final examination:

7 days before

6 days before final examination:

6 days before

5 days before final examination:

5 days before

4 days before final examination:

4 days before

3 days before final examination:

3 days before

2 days before final examination:

2 days before

1 day before final examination:

1 day before

A night before final examination:

A night before

1 hour before final examination:

1 hour before

During final examination:

During final examintaion

Once walk out from the examination hall:

Walk out

After final examination, during holidays:


Good luck in your remaining semester(s)!

The character above is called Tuzki. It is a popular illustrated rabbit created by Wang MoMo of the Beijing Broadcasting Institute.

Wang MoMo’s blog

Tuzki Emoticons

“You can’t base your life on other people’s expectations.” - Stevie Wonder
We are living under the expectations of other people. We tend to do what they like us to do to get into the group or get their acceptance. Sometimes when we act in that way, we might loss ourselves. This may shape us into another personality or have different attitudes. Is this good or bad? Well, it depends.

“High expectations are the key to everything.” - Sam Walton
13 hours ago I have a mid-term examination. A girl sitting near to me did not know how to answer the questions and she cried during the examination. Was it because she set a high expectation for herself that she can’t fulfill and cried? I don’t know. For me, I think it is good to have high expectations and it is important not too depend on them.

Another girl in front of that girl did not know how to answer the questions too (I saw she answered only 1/3 of an A4 paper for 2 essay questions). But she looked so relax, sitting there watching here and there waiting for the time to pass up the paper. Was it because she did not set a high expectation for herself? I don’t know. If I am in that situation, of course I will be sad for not being able to answer the questions well. But I will not cry. I will think in a positive way. Maybe it is because I didn’t prepare well for the examination? Maybe there are other factors like I am sick? There is always a reason and I am always prepared to accept the worst.
“Always expect the worst, and you will never be disappointed.” - Peter Wastholm

Both of the girls were like totally opposite. I was sitting there and started to think. It will be good if we can get the balance between the two. We tend to live up to our expectations. But sometimes we might have set some high expectations that we might not be able to fulfill. What if we can’t fulfill them? Shall we continue to work on them or ignore them? We can have high expectations but we should plan for what may happen if we can’t fulfill the expectations.
“Expect the best, plan for the worst, and prepare to be surprised.” - Denis Waitle

I believe everyone has something that is kept hidden from others. That which is kept hidden is known as the secret. “Let me tell you a secret……” This is known as secrecy - the practice of sharing information with another person or among a group of people, while hiding it from others.

“It is wise not to seek a secret; and honest, not to reveal one.” - William Penn
Why we want to know others’ secrets? It is generally curiosity that makes a human being want to explore others’ secrets. What will you do when you know others’ secret? Keep it or reveal it? I can proudly say that I have never reveal others’ secrets. I like to keep them. What are the benefits of knowing others’ secrets? I think I can have more understanding about the person and get close to the person’s inner world. If I can show to that person that I can keep the secret, he or she may have more trust in me. What are the benefits of sharing secrets with others? Sometimes reveal a secret will help you feel better. You reveal it to seek for help from others. You trust them that they will keep your secret.

“How can we accept another to keep our secret if we have been unable to keep it ourselves.” - Francois De La Rochefoucauld
Everyone has secrets but not everyone can keep them. Did I reveal my secret to others? I don’t remember. If I reveal a secret to others, I assume it will not be a secret anymore. It is a secret that I don’t want to keep anymore. It is a secret that no longer a secret anymore.

“Whoever wishes to keep a secret must hide the fact that he possesses one.” - Johann Wolfgang Von Goethe
To tell a secret is like sending code to another person and let the person to decode it. Let me tell you my secret. The secret is…… I have no secret!

First of all, I would like to say hi to the world! This is my first post in wordpress! Hello everyone!!!

This is not my first time to blog. My first post was created on 29th June 2005 in friendster blog. The title was ‘The PHANTOM of the OPERA’. I was thinking the movie was great and I should introduce it to my friends. If you like musical, I strongly recommend it to you too. It is a great movie!

The reason I am here is because I think that friendster blog is not the type of blog that I want. After two and a half years only realized it is not for me? Well, I want something new, something nice, and more features!

In the past two days, I have been searching for a blog host that I wish I can stay with without changing anymore. Out of many blog hosts, I choose wordpress. Did I make the right decision? I don’t know. Let time prove it ^_^