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Law Week

12 May 2008 - 00:00
18 May 2008 - 23:59

Law Week 2008

Program of events available at www.victorialaw.org.au

Law Week 2008 promises to be the most exciting and innovative Law Week Victoria has ever seen. Held in May each year, Law Week reaches out to members of our community with free events, inviting discovery of the rich culture of our law and justice system and celebrating the vital
role it plays in our society.

Law Week is coordinated by Victoria Law Foundation and the Law Institute of Victoria and is supported by the City of Melbourne. Law Week runs from 12 - 18 May 2008 with a range of activities to interest everyone from Melbourne to the bush.

In 2008 Law Week takes on the theme of 'Reaching Out' with a focus on people with special needs, and others who may not otherwise find easy access to legal information and services such as rural Victorians, seniors, youth, Indigenous Australians and multicultural communities.

Law Week is the most significant community outreach activity on the
legal calendar. "With numerous organisations opening their doors to the
public, Law Week is the perfect time for people and communities to learn
about the legal services and avenues available to them," says
Attorney-General and Deputy Premier Rob Hulls. From exploring the art
and architecture of Melbourne's grand legal precinct, to learning about
human rights or finding out about laws affecting you and your
neighbours, Law Week has something for everyone!

The Courts Open Day on Sat 17 May offers free guided tours of the
Children's, Magistrates' and Supreme Courts. Whilst in regional Victoria
each of the law courts will also be running tours during the week.

Rural Law Online, a Victorian based website supported by Victoria Law
Foundation, will run a national web-based 'Drought Law Forum' where
lawyers and counselors will respond to queries related to drought relief
programs available in each state. In addition, Rural Law Online offers
plain language information on the law for rural communities and the
primary industry sector.

Law Week brings together over 80 organisations including law firms,
courts, government departments and a range of public benefit
organisations, providing over 100 events held across the State.

Highlights of Law Week 2008:
- Cemetery tours visiting the graves of law makers and law breakers!
- The Great Law Week Debate
- The Law Week Oration
- Seminars on animal welfare, owners corporations, dispute resolution,
human rights, powers of attorney and wills
- Public library displays with free legal brochures
- Careers expos

Program of events available at www.victorialaw.org.au

For further information contact the Law Week Media Officer, Terri
tel 9604 8100 or email media@victorialaw.org.au or visit