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3CR Podcasts

3CR offers podcasts of the most recent edition of these following programs. We do not offer program archives. Many more programs will be podcasting at 3CR in the near future.

Alternative News hosted by Pauline Mitchell

Alternative News 17.2.2008
30 years ago; apology; disarmament conference; crises; australian campaigns cluster bombs; pinegap. Download MP3 (2.6MB / 15:03min)

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Anarchist World podcast

Anarchist World 20.2.2008
Lighting Metaphorical Brushfires, Kosovo - A Different Viewpoint,
Good Parliamentary Tactics - Poor Policy, The Incomplete Apology, Pokies, Parliamentary Accountability - Power To Recall, Pushing Disability Support Pensioners Into The Workforce Download MP3 (9.3MB / 54:01min)
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Earth Matters

Earth Matters 15.02.08
Ai Caramba!! A Car-Free Colombia?? Dr Enrique Penalosa was mayor of the Colombian city of Bogota from 1998-2001 and we hear him speaking to government officials, transport activists and sustainability advocates while in Australia this week.
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Hep Chat

HepChat 21.02.08
Extended interview with Suzanne O'Callaghan, Policy Officer with Haemophilia Foundation Australia. Suzanne talks about HFA's report on the life and needs of people with bleeding disorders and hepatitis C. Remember to complete the 5 minute hepatitis C survey on our website www.hepcvic.org.au if you would like to contact us or give feedback, please email info@hepcvic.org.au Download MP3 (4.7MB / 27:06min)
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Radioactive Team Members

Radioactive 16.2.2008
This week the Radioactive show features the Canberra Convergence with speech's, interviews, music, poetry and spoken word from some dedicated and inspiring Aboriginal Activists. Recorded at the Aboriginal Tent Embassy in Canberra 12th and 13th of February.
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(4.9MB / 28:31min)
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Radio New Internationalist Radio New Internationalist 18.2.2008
The starters’ gun has gone off. We’re all in the running. Many say it’s the most important race of all – the human race. In a year when international media is focusing on the 2008 Beijing Olympics, New Internationalist celebrates the 60th anniversary of the Declaration of Human Rights with a medal count of its own. And what better way to judge the runners than through their pursuit of human rights. This program highlights some of the big winners… and big loosers.
Download MP3 from New Internationalist site

AIDEXYou've Got To Party For Your Right To Fight: The AIDEX '91 Protests January 2008
In 1991 the Australian movement for peace and social had a rare victory when around 1000 people successfully disrupted the Australian International Defence Exhibition (AIDEX) to the point where all future events of a similar kind were cancelled. With the Asia Pacific Defence and Security exhibition to be held in Adelaide this November now is a good time to revisit what happened at AIDEX '91 and what made the blockade and protest so successful. In this 80 minute documentary, produced by Iain McIntyre, six protestors talk about their experiences at AIDEX '91 and how it shaped their views on the media, police violence and peace activism. Download MP3 (13.7MB / 79:35min)

Stick TogetherStick Together 17.02.2008
Interview with Paul James, director of the Globalism Institute at RMIT, Melbourne. We talk about the changing nature of class society; how it has impacted by the rise in the service sector and the decline in manufacturing, the impact of new identities and the shifting relationship between the intellegentisia and the militant worker. This is followed by a review of Naomi Klein's The Shock doctrine. Download MP3 (4.9MB / 28:19min)
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Women on the Line

Women on the Line
Listen to On the Record: 20 years of women's radio during summer 2008.