
Zahara de la Sierra

Moorish miracles

David Marr explores a centuries-old clash of civilisations in the three great cities of Andalucia. more

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Of carriages and kings

Ghan On a rail journey through the heart of Australia, Kristie Kellahan finds some exclusive pleasures.

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Where the beautiful people are

It's a sometimes-harsh fact of life - like lost socks and late trains - but the citizens of some countries are just better looking than that of others. And while the prospect of aesthetically challenged locals shouldn't discourage you from visiting a place, sometimes it's nice to...

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I think there are many hot people from all over the world. I have been fortunate to have traveled to many parts of the world ... more


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English people are ugly, especially the men, but European woman are beautiful in every sense of the word!... more


Travel media

World's largest observation wheel

Video The Singapore Flyer, the world's largest observation wheel, has started turning.

Short breaks

A break by any other name

Adam Hollingworth packs up the wife, two-year-old, parents and outlaws for a coastal sojourn.

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Adventure a la carte

Alistair Smith goes extreme fly-fishing in the Patagonian wilderness - with a helicopter, a chef and spa treatments.

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Fact sheets


With its sublime stretch of Adriatic coast, Croatia has long been regarded as one of the most beautiful parts of Europe.

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Your Travel

Get to the points

Tips Jane E. Fraser looks at the pros and cons of frequent flyer programs.

Readers' snapshots

Our front-row position on the Champs-Elysees for the final stage of the 2007 Tour de France ...

Traveller's tale

Tania Russ and her partner find out just how seriously the Indians take their cricket.