
Question Time
Q. I have a laptop and 10 metres away is my wife's PC. I would like her to have a separate email/user address so we both don't both get emails destined for one or the other, but I don't want to pay for a separate internet account. more
Question Time
Q How do expert users such as yourself set up your PC and do the housekeeping? more
Question Time
Q If my cable internet connection is on all the time, is my computer vulnerable to malicious interference from the internet while my computer is booting up and before my firewall software is loaded? B. Player more
Question Time
Q I have a firewall router from my office and thought of setting this up at home. more
Question Time
Q. I have scanned photos from many albums so that I can make a presentation to give to my children. more
Question Time
Q. Should laptop batteries be left on charge all the time, or discharged regularly? J. Stanley more
Question Time
Q. I recently connected my laptop wirelessly to the internet. more
Q and A
Q Sometimes when I get an email, it will automatically duplicate itself in my Inbox. more
Talk to the world
Create your own blog in a matter of minutes, writes Helen Bradley. more
The keys to a quick recovery
Let me count the ways you can lose computer documents. more
Question Time
Q. I have converted both of my USB drives to the NTFS file system so they run faster. more
Classic albums
The new Windows Live Photo Gallery tool does the job of organising photos nicely. more
Question Time
Q How can I copy my contacts in Outlook Express in Windows XP Home to Vista Home Premium? more
Sign your work
There's an etiquette to email signatures - and if you need to be inspired there are plenty of websites to surf. more
Q and A
Q When I open Firefox, it stays on the last page I was on. I have to use Alt + Home to take it back there. I have tried uninstalling and reinstalling but the problem is still there. more
Question Time
Q. How can I get a list of the folders of a drive showing the size of each folder? more
Q and A
Q How can I disconnect Tracking Changes in Word? I was horrified to see, on opening a document, that all the changes I had made to it over several years were shown. more
Question Time
Q. I need to upgrade my old 128 MB USB drive as it cannot hold my back-ups. more
Q and A
Q How can the default font setting in Outlook Express be changed? more
Question Time
Q. I want to take selected email addresses overseas with me. more