
A window to a world of pain

February 22, 2008

AS I READ Jessica Grace's piece ("Lost in the private pain of a loved one in need", Insight, 17/2), my mum reached out to wipe a tear from my cheek. She knew that the pain I was feeling had something to do with her and so she whispered, "I am fine now darling". But she is not fine, and she never will be. Anyone who has a loved one with an acquired brain injury (ABI) knows that the effects are as vast as the sky is blue. Jessica presented this little known disability with compassion and truth. Her comment that her father's ABI is "a hidden damage that silently altered his personality, moods and memory" poignantly speaks for all ABI sufferers and the world of pain in which they live. It is a world they share with spouses, children, family and friends … a world where the only guarantee is its permanence.

ABIs are poorly understood and supported in our community. To this end, I have decided to do something about it, and am launching an exhibition in September to promote greater awareness, titled Head Case, supported by Brain Injury Australia. Including works by some of Australia's brightest creative talents, this will draw upon themes of loss and identity as experienced by those with brain injuries.

My mum is a mere shadow of the woman she once was, my father a tower of patience and strength in his role of carer, and it is for them that I speak out.

Skye Luckins, East St Kilda

Touched by terrible loss

I WOULD like to offer my heartfelt congratulations and thanks to all those brave individuals who gave so much of themselves for the creation of the TAC ad shown on Wednesday night on all three commercial television networks. Although it could never be said that the deaths of their loved ones are now made even a little bit less tragic, we can only hope that through their terrible loss the public can finally learn the lesson that the TAC has been promoting for years: speed kills.

Having never experienced such a catastrophe in my own life, I cannot possibly imagine how difficult your participation must have been for you. So from we who have never been forced to bear such unbearable pain, thank you for trying to ensure we never have to suffer your fate.

Phillip Damon, East Bentleigh

Shocking wake-up call

I SAW the three-minute TAC ad on Wednesday night. When driving, I have always held the assumption of invincibility. But, looking into the eyes of the bereaved on my TV, I was suddenly appalled and realised how lucky I am to not be responsible for the death of another person. I will not speed again. I don't think I could. Thank you, TAC, for the wake-up call.

Katherine Quin, Northcote

Feeling scared? Eat less meat

PROFESSOR Garnaut's ominous predictions on climate change (The Age, 21/2) must be taken seriously by us all. If we were under threat by another country, we'd do whatever it took to protect our homeland. Kevin Rudd needs to treat the current threat in the same way that Winston Churchill and the citizens of Britain treated the threat to their country and Western Europe in World War II.

An easy step, which no one in Australian politics seems to mention, is to eat less meat. Could it be that they're afraid of a backlash from the livestock sector? Just look at the findings of UN bodies such as the Food and Agriculture Organisation and the Nobel Prize-winning Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC), in regard to the disastrous effects of the livestock sector on climate change, land degradation, water use and loss of biodiversity. For example, the FAO has said that the livestock sector is "responsible for 18% of greenhouse gas emissions measured in carbon dioxide equivalent. This is a higher share than transport."

The livestock sector converts vegetable protein to animal protein in an incredibly inefficient manner. It typically takes around 20 kilograms of vegetable protein fed to cattle, to produce one kilogram of animal protein. We'd use an awful lot less land, and produce far less greenhouse gas, if that vegetable protein came straight to us.

Paul Mahony, Beaumaris

Some VCAT facts

JACK Roach (Letters, 21/2) appears to misunderstand the basis upon which VCAT makes planning decisions. VCAT is required by law to make planning decisions that are consistent with planning policy and comply with the provisions of the relevant planning scheme.

Only a small proportion of planning decisions made by councils are appealed to VCAT. Some are made by objectors appealing against a properly based but unpopular decision. Some are by developers, appealing against a refusal that has been motivated by local political concerns rather than proper consideration of the planning scheme. Many councils, faced with hostile objectors, will make a decision to refuse a permit even though a development meets the requirements of the planning scheme. On proper consideration of the matter, VCAT then directs the grant of a permit.

The impression given by Roach that VCAT planning members are somehow beholden to developers is incorrect and a gross insult to the independence of VCAT members, the planners of whom generally have public sector backgrounds. People who complain about VCAT should take the time to learn a little about the planning system and the basis of planning decisions before making unfounded allegations.

Mark Bartley, Glen Iris

In defence of surgery

AS A medical student I am privileged to have been lectured to by obesity expert Professor Joe Proietto (Opinion, 19/2). The case he makes for gastric banding surgery for obese patients refers to a group of individuals whose biochemical state makes them largely resistant to dietary modification. A correct diet with a range of non-processed foods will best serve to moderate appetite and satiety to prevent obesity and rectify typical obesity. However, in more severe individuals, the feedbacks for hunger and metabolism prevent this being effective and to deny them proper treatment would be cruel.

Grant Ross, Highton

Tipping the scales

IT AMAZES me that in this age of rising childhood obesity, schools insist on loading children as young as prep and grade 1 with nightly homework. My grade 3 daughter is expected to do

at least 30 minutes of reading, then spelling and maths activities for homework every weeknight. Surely this is overkill. By the time she's finished it's dark, time for dinner, shower and bed.

I would much prefer my children to be outside riding their bikes, playing ball or just running around the backyard having fun after a long day at school. Where is the balance? No wonder children these days don't know how to relax and unwind. I'm no expert but surely this is one of life's coping skills necessary to deal with the stresses of teenage and later years.

Sharon Harrod, Cheltenham

Paying the price

HERE we go again (The Age, 21/2)! A judge reluctantly having to send an intellectually disabled criminal offender to jail, because there is no alternative institution for the person. Why doesn't the State Government admit that the wholesale closure of institutions for the intellectually disabled and mentally ill, with no replacement facilities, has been a failure. Where family support is lacking, which is often the case, these extremely vulnerable people can be at the mercy of the law of the street.

There is still an opportunity for the Government to redeem itself though. It could provide new facilities on the grounds of Kew Cottages before they are all sold to a developer.

Bill O'Connor, North Fitzroy

No place for God in schools

JOHN Howard's idea of a "God Squad" infiltrating schools with his particular ideology has come unstuck before it has even started (The Age, 21/2). Its introduction was an ideologically driven mistake and a wise Kevin Rudd would end it as soon as is possible. Impressionable young minds are not in need of subtle indoctrination with a particular narrow belief system.

Education that goes beyond factual knowledge is a matter for priests and shamans, not secular governments.

David Nicholls, president,

Atheist Foundation of Australia Inc

Trucking mad

PORT of Melbourne spokesmen claim the increasing truck traffic through Yarraville and nearby suburbs has nothing to do with the port, so channel deepening won't exacerbate the problem. As those of us who live and drive in these areas can plainly see the shipping containers on the trucks that roar through our streets, perhaps the port spokesmen can explain where they've come from?

Bev Roberts, Newport

But trucking on

RE: TRUCK traffic in Yarraville, New Age bohemians without enough serious cash to buy in Williamstown, Carlton or Fitzroy buy tiny houses from working battlers and force them out of their traditional areas in an endless pursuit to gentrify our old inner suburbs. Then they have the gall to be outraged because they're in the middle of an industrial area and having trouble breathing and sleeping!

This is what it's like to live in a working class area, you silly people; next to the likes of Mobil, Caltex, Shell, Pacific National etc… Guess what? Those nasty, dirty trucks are carrying the very freight that allows you to have your plasma screen, trendy furniture, stainless steel-whitegoods lifestyles. Those fashionable Smeg fridges and Sony Blu-Ray DVD systems just don't materialise out of thin air!

Breathe long and deeply, won't you?Those long-chained, carcinogenic, diesel emissions are performing a vital role in mankind's forward evolutionary journey.

Sean Kelly, Melbourne

Don't take it home

AS A FORMER teacher, my sympathies are with teachers in this most recent industrial dispute. My suggestion to the Australian Education Union is that, rather than rolling strikes, they undertake a work-to-rule. Supposing they were to work from 8.30am until 5pm, which is the usual extent of most teachers' working days, and perform all the tasks required of them, including yard duty at lunch and break time, after school meetings and so on, but then really finish their working day. Take nothing home with them in the way of preparation and correction. Forgo the running of the school band or producing of the musical.

Until all of those jobs teachers do in the course of their work week are recognised as integral to their role and deserving of recompense there will be people who think teaching is a cushy job with long holidays. This would be one way of making them visible. Just a suggestion.

Ellen O'Gallagher, Castlemaine

Solar solution

CRISSCROSSING Australia are hundreds of thousands of electricity-carrying pylons. Would it be too ridiculous to suggest that we develop and gradually install solar panels of appropriate size onto each of these towers, which would then feed solar-produced electricity directly into the grid? As the number of panels increased, the amount of benefit to our environment would increase also. It's just a thought.

Phyl Coffey, Croydon

A Cuba to admire

IT IS a pity it was not mentioned in your editorial (The Age, 21/2) that Cuban people all have a full belly, a roof over their heads, a free, world-standard health system and a free education system to university level, something not all Australians have. Oh, and that Cuba trains doctors and shares them with Third World countries, such as Timor. This despite the hatred of the Western world and a blockade by the US, which includes sanctions against countries that talk and trade with Cuba.

Rennis Witham, Williamstown

Ghosts of the past, lessons on liberty

THE Australian Federal Police, ASIO and other national security agencies today enjoy the widest peacetime power this country has seen. The Haneef case shows that summary detention, exhaustive interviews, low thresholds for the use of listening devices and modern technology have not ensured that the "spooks" get it right. We saw in the Cold War years how careers and lives could be destroyed by accusations of "security risk". Often gossip and pimping was the source of suspicion.

A recently published biography, J. V. Barry: A Life, reminds us of the record of the so-called security agencies. Author Mark Finnane writes that "Prior to the 1960s, one of the many kept under surveillance was Sir John Barry, a judge of the Victorian Supreme Court from 1947". The only reason Finnane could find was the claim that Barry's second wife was said by a friend to be a Communist Party member and that his son was involved in peace activities and the "No" campaign in the Communist Party referendum of 1952. According to Finnane, "intermittent surveillance of Judge Barry continued for another 15 years".

The two cases 50 years apart demonstrate that paucity of evidence has never been a deterrent to security agencies responding to political pressure. They remind us that the courts, not governments, remain the protector of our civil liberties.

John Cain, Melbourne

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