Pen Pals

The ZNet Pen Pals List is a tool that socially concerned people can use to meet others, network, and share information. They allow users to meet and get to know one another and there is a presumption that folks using the system are politically and socially progressive.

You will get more reactions if you indicate something about your beliefs and involvements. If you only enter info about your appearance or totally apolitical interests, etc., you are unlikely to even be added to the system. This is not a "meat market," nor a generic internet meeting place. It is for people who use ZNet regularly because they are social motivated and aware. And please include you name and obviously your email address.

To sign up for Pen Pals please click here

As to the list, you can search by state and/or city or you can search by country and/or city. You must also indicate whether you wish to list all found names, or only those within some range of initial letter of the last name. In other words choose a state or country, choose a city, choose a range or all. If you leave out state or country you are searching for all matches across all states and countries. If you leave out city, you are searching across all cities. (There are people who have entered name and information but no locale.)

Go to the ZNet Socializing Facility

List Pen Pals

Use this form to find records for specific people, people from certain places, people with particular interests, or just to break down the results list into a manageable size.

Fill out as many options below as you wish -- if you make selections in multiple fields, search results will meet ALL criteria.


Only those whose last name begins with
Any Letter A-F G-M N-S T-Z

Search by keyword in first name, last name, city, state, country, email
(e.g., searching for 'phil' will find people from the Philippines or Philadelphia, as well as anyone named Phillip or with an email address '')

Search by keyword in description/bio:
(e.g., searching for 'alternative media' will find people who have mentioned alternative media in their personal bios.

Sort by:
Lastname-Firstname Firstname-Lastname Country-State-City