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In-Depth Learning: ZNet's Instructionals

ZNet offers a selection of online instructionals free for all our users. Each is a self-contained, do it at your own pace course of lectures addressing some area of concern or methodology or discipline. There are many more in ZEO (click to see a full list and to learn about other features)...

Statistics and Logic for the people
Prepared by Justin Podur
Learn how to evaluate whether arguments are sound or unsound, to uncover implicit and explicit assumptions, and to not be fooled by common tricks. Learn the basics of statistics and how they can be used to deceive. Additional readings are provided for details.

Foreign Policy and International Relations
Based on a ZMI course by Steven Shalom
What are the motives of U.S. foreign policy? What are some critical events in the history of U.S. foreign policy and their meaning? This is an introductory overview designed to help users comprehend the big picture, with additional readings for details.

Global Economic Crisis Instructional
Based on an extended multi-part Z series by Robin Hahnel
Five main sequences and an equal number of additional reading sequences on understanding the current global economic crisis (1999) and also the operations of the global economy in general. This is a very informative and conceptually edifying treatment of material that is often obstuse even to seasoned activists and "scholars," yet it doesn't require any prior economics training.

Radical Theory Instructional
Based on a ZMI Course by Michael Albert
What are theory, concepts, stategy, etc.? How does one develop a world view or conceptual framework to understand society and history, to develop vision and stategy? These instructional sequences address such questions, developing a conceptual framework typical of the kind many Z writers have. Includes various additional readings. No prior social theory background required, though a general familiarity with activist inclinations and attitudes does tend to help.

Economic Vision Instructional
Based on a ZMI Course by MIchael Albert

What do we want for our economy? This instructional with affiliated readings teachs a methodology for developing economic vision, which could be applied, as well, to other types of social vision, and in the process also familiarizes the user with participatory economic values and aims. No prior economics training is needed.

Basic Concepts and Tools for
Understanding Political Economy
Based on a ZMI course by Michael Albert
How does a capitalist economy work? What are its class relations? What are some attributes of its main instituttions and how do we understand them? An introductory look at capitalism...

ParEcon stands for Participatory Economics, which is an economic vision for society. The Parecon Project aims to become a center for discussion, refinement, and improvement of the vision as well as for thinking about ways to fight for short term gains leading toward the vision. The project is a means of supporting those undertaking participatory economic efforts in contemporary institutions.


The World Wide Web is a great source for daily and even hourly news stories. There are hundreds of periodicals to choose from on the internet, many more than anyone can regularly read. Here we've tried to highlight a few of our favorites, including sources for general news, international news, and a variety of progressive news sites. These links are periodically updated as new offerings become available, and old ones fade away.

The Electric Library and Periodicals entries are broad strokes tools on the Internet for accessing printed content. They are very good tools to get familiar with if you have any researching needs online.

The Black World Today is an online journal of opinion devoted to and arising from the Black community in the U.S. and around the world. It is updated daily, incorporates news and analysis, includes a regularly updated poll which yields letters to the editor, and provides news unavailable elsewhere.

Some More Places Where
Ideas Reside

Museum of Modern Art / Guerrilla Girls / Modern Masters

EcoNet Rainforest Action Network English Server

Poet’s Corner / Author’s Search / Black Cultural Studies

NativeLit-L / Women Writers / Books in Chains

Electric Library / Find People / Find Books


Some Computer Help

A Computer Online / Aid for Beginners
Internet Beginner's Guides / Beginner's Guide to HTML / Creating Net Sites


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