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Last Chances

From the AIJAC Review:

Last Chance for Justice

Beyond the Zentai case

By Leon Kofmansky

Over sixty years after the murder of Jewish teenager Peter Balazs in Budapest, the last of the accused has finally been arrested. If Australian courts find a Hungarian extradition request in order, Perth resident Charles Zentai will stand in the dock, accused of committing the murder along with two accomplices (the other two were brought to justice shortly after the end of World War II). Both the timing and location of Zentai’s arrest - in the world’s most isolated city - is in itself an example of just how expansive and difficult the effort to bring to justice perpetrators of the Holocaust has been.

News brief · 31 August 2005

Communication Breakdown

So what happened?

Server/router problems in the US apparently. It wasn’t just FDB but a whole raft of sites were taken offline. It doesn’t look overtly suspicious at this stage.

A big thanks to Ngrep for taking time out from his busy A30 schedule to get this all back up and running.

And to Alex Fogerty, it’s best not to get cheeky with these things.

From : Alex Fogerty
Sent : Monday, 29 August 2005 2:10:55 PM
To : Darp Hau
Subject : Server

So Mathew, after your excellent report on me, why has your server been down for the past 6 hours? Hmmmm?

- Alex

We’ll crank your story back up to top billing.

Fight dem back · 30 August 2005 · Discussion

Don’t lie to us Alex!

The rather dishy chap you see above is Alex Fogerty AKA Delos, formerly of Motueka, New Zealand.

In keeping with the trans-Tasman spirit of the current antifa Vs thickie Nazi stoush that is going on, Alex being a Kiwi is actually one of the site admins for Australia New Nation (ANN). He was also a very heavy participant in the ANN Yahoo group that we told you about yesterday.

Fight dem back · 30 August 2005 · Discussion

Triple J covering the Sydney Forum

Australia’s leading youth current affairs radio show, Hack, on Triple J will be airing a segment on the Sydney Forum this afternoon at 5:30.

Tune in to hear the odd scuffle and words of wit and wisdom from numerous FDB’ers (both Aussie AND Kiwi) and of course a whole truckload of codswallop from Jim Saleam.

For those who miss the broadcast, check the Hack link for the podcast which should be available from 7pm onwards.

Fight dem back · 29 August 2005 · Discussion

A promising political career undone by racism

From the SMH.

Brogden resigns after race slur row.
August 29, 2005 - 11:44AM

NSW Opposition Leader John Brogden has resigned as leader of the Liberal Party after revelations he labelled Bob Carr’s Malaysian-born wife a “mail-order bride” and pinched the bottom of a female journalist at a function last month.

News brief · 29 August 2005

A rare moment of clarity on Stormfront

a rare moment of clarity on Stormfront

No arguments here.

Cam Smith · 28 August 2005 · Discussion

Do you Yahoo? The Nazis do

Now that the Sydney Forum is done and dusted for another year, let’s kick on to other things shall we?

For those in the know, this next thing isn’t really a hot off the press discovery.

Back in early June, FDB was doing what it does best by scouring the web for the footprints of Australian and NZ neo-Nazi/white supremacist activists.

By pure fluke, we stumbled onto a treasure trove of candid fash commentary in the form of a Yahoo email group.

Fight dem back · 28 August 2005 · Discussion

“We’re not Nazis” #7886

And showcasing our winter range...

“We just attend the Sydney Forum looking like this.”

Note the inverted commas.

Granted, we’re fairly certain someone had a quiet word to Mr red suspenders as he disappeared and re-emerged some time later dressed more …appropriately.

Red suspenders and boot laces indicate that the wearer (claims to have) drawn blood in the “race war.”

Fight dem back · 27 August 2005 · Discussion

John, you’re a diamond!

It’s been a busy last couple of weeks for everyone at Fight dem back but tonight, we’re cracking open the champagne and kicking on until the wee small hours.

A lot of people put in the hard yards to ensure that Jim Saleam’s platform of race-hate was shoved off the public stage and back under a rock where it belongs.

Fight dem back · 27 August 2005 · Discussion