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Police looking for ChCh white supremacist

From TV3:

Police looking for missing occupant following fire
Sun, 29 Jul 2007

Police investigating a suspicious fire at a property of the white supremacist Harris gang in Christchurch, have yet to track down one of the occupants of the address.

40-year-old Marcia Robins who also goes by the surname of Harris was seen leaving the Hornby address a short time before the fire.

But she has not made contact with friends or family since the fire despite several sightings in the Hornby area.

Detective Sergeant Willl McIvor says they are concerned for her safety.

She is European of medium build and who was least seen wearing a yellow dress and a black leather jacket.

News brief · 30 July 2007

Final Cronulla revenge attacker sentenced

From the Daily Tele:

Final Cronulla rioter sentenced
By Kara Lawrence
July 24, 2007

A SECURITY guard who has shown no remorse over his attack of a man during the Cronulla riot revenge attacks has become the final rioter to be sentenced.

The sentencing of Tariq Mehraby, 22, yesterday marked the end of proceedings against the Cronulla rioters and those who carried out revenge attacks in the ensuing days.

News brief · 26 July 2007

Report dispells migrant myths

No surprises that this hasn’t been a subject of discussion over at Stormfront.

From The Age:

Immigrants are better educated: report
July 24, 2007

Migrants are better educated, more law-abiding, are generally healthier and less dependent on welfare than the average Australian-born citizen, a new report reveals.

News brief · 26 July 2007

David & Lilith: Down the Memory Hole

They certainly don’t muck about on Stormfront. Formerly the reigning King and Queen of ex-Klansman (1978–1987) and convicted criminal Don Black’s Internet business ‘Down Under’, David Innes and Lilith Peterson really are dead parrots. Thus both David, a former host of ‘Thunder Down Under’ (a Stormfront Internet radio show), and Lilith, a former moderator of the Australiasian forum, have now not only been removed from Stormfront, but all of their posts — over three years’ worth — have been expunged from the record too. This suggests, among other things, that Black and his fellow supremacists are not exactly ‘grateful’ for the three years of unpaid labour the racist Perth couple donated to the promotion of all things Stormfront. (In addition to radio and Internet, the couple also hosted monthly Stormfront BBQs at their private residence, as well as distributed racist propaganda from the likes of (another) former Klansman David Duke.

Slackbastard · 22 July 2007 · Discussion

Like ice through a crackpipe, so are the days of our white pride


Bloody hell.

Keeping track of the soap opera that is the local franchise of convicted criminal Don Black’s racist Internet site Stormfront is becoming increasingly difficult. Several weeks ago, its two leading lights, Perth-based couple David Innes (Baron von Hund) and Lilith Peterson (Lilith) declared that, as a result of the slings and arrows of outrageous fortune (fired at them by their fellow bigots), ’tis perhaps nobler to permanently retire from the world’s largest White supremacist online forum than to take up arms against a sea of far better spellers. Or to put it another way: their membership had passed on, was no more and had ceased to be. It had expired and gone to meet its maker; a stiff, bereft of life, it rested in peace. And if FDB! hadn’t nailed the pair to its site long ago, their participation would be pushing up the daisies. Their involvement in Stormfront, in other words, was off the twig; it had kicked the bucket, shuffled off its mortal coil, run down the curtain, and joined the choir invisible. David and Lilith, in short, were ex-members.

Slackbastard · 18 July 2007 · Discussion

Man arrested over alleged juror intimidation

From NZPA:

Police arrest man over alleged threat to juror
Tuesday, 17 July 2007

Police have arrested a 40-year-old man after a juror in a Wellington trial was threatened last week.

Detective Sergeant Brent Murray from the Lower Hutt police said the man had been charged with attempting to pervert the course of justice and was due to appear in Lower Hutt District Court.

The alleged incident happened during a trial in the High Court when a note saying “not guilty” and marked with a swastika was found in a juror’s home letterbox.

The trial involved three skinheads who were on Friday night found guilty of charges ranging from kidnapping to causing grievous bodily harm to Canadian tourist Jeremie Kawerninski.

The juror in the Wellington case was discharged before the trial ended.

Mr Murray said police had not ruled out the possibility that other people may have been involved.

News brief · 17 July 2007

More juror intimidation in bonehead kidnap case

From the Dom Post:

Threat to juror ‘attacks justice’
Monday, 16 July 2007

A threat to a juror considering the fate of skinheads who kidnapped a Canadian tourist is being treated as an attack on the justice system, amid revelations the case was dogged by earlier fears of intimidation.

News brief · 17 July 2007

Swindle: Get up and dance!

Some scallywag called John Surname (if that’s even his real name) has taken the comments from the Citizens Electoral Council and other assorted nutters in the audience participation segment of last Thursday’s airing of The Great Global Warming Swindle, and disrespectfully laid down some drum and bass shit on it.


Fight dem back · 15 July 2007 · Discussion

Old Bill investigates juror intimidation in kidnapping case

From the Dom Post:

Police probe threat against juror
Saturday, 14 July 2007

Police are investigating an attempt to influence or intimidate a Wellington juror hearing the trial of skinheads accused of beating and robbing a Canadian tourist.

The juror was discharged from the case after reporting that he had found a note outside his house on Friday morning saying “Not guilty”, and marked with a swastika.

News brief · 15 July 2007

Boneheads found guilty of kidnap

From NZPA:

Three men found guilty of tourist’s kidnap
Friday, 13 July 2007

A jury has found three men guilty of kidnapping a Canadian tourist in Wellington in April last year.

One of the men was also found guilty of bashing and robbing the man – 26-year-old Jeremie Kawerninski – while the third man was also found guilty of robbing him.

News brief · 14 July 2007