You are currently viewing the archive for February 2007.

Pauline to run for Senate: No policies, but that doesn’t matter

Pauline Hanson has announced that she will be running for the Senate in Queensland.

She doesn’t have any policies (not even Easytax?!), but she could still make a sweet $200,000 out of it.

The far right may be in a bit of trouble if this is the best candidate they can offer.

News brief · 27 February 2007

Aus First lie about leaflet campaign

From the SMH:

Leaflet attack on Muslim lifesavers
Mark Metherell
February 24, 2007

THE far right candidate John Moffat has denied he put out a leaflet demanding the removal of Muslim lifesavers from North Cronulla and accusing “Islamic supremacists” of incest.

But Mr Moffat said many Cronulla people would incline towards the views expressed in the leaflet bearing his name.

Mr Moffat, Australia First’s only candidate in the state election, is standing for Cronulla and called for an end to the multicultural “nightmare” he said was afflicting the area.

News brief · 25 February 2007

Air rifles - the white power weapon of choice

From the Lismore Northern Star:

Man gets bail over airgun attack

THEY threw something at his car and that was all the ammunition Jason Phillip Moye needed to go on a stalking mission that lasted several hours, involved two changes of vehicle, and ended with a BB gun shooting.

These are some of the police facts submitted in Ballina Court yesterday when the 24-year-old apprentice carpenter faced malicious wounding, firearms and stalking charges.

News brief · 23 February 2007

Muslims challenge negative stereotypes

From the Herald Sun:

Muslims challenge prejudice
Darren Parkin
February 23, 2007

SICK of negative stereotypes in the wake of September 11, the Islamic community is striking back.

Muslims want to project a realistic image of their lives and distance themselves from controversial figures like Sydney sheik Taj el-Din al-Hilaly.

To do so, the Islamic Council of Victoria has joined forces with a federal agency to promote positive images of ordinary Muslims.

News brief · 23 February 2007

Tough Men, Hard Times

From the SMH, an interesting article about an exhibition on Depression-era extremists which is currently on. If you were in Sydney you could even go and see it yourself!

Ugly days of reds, riots and class warfare

Political opponents once took their battle to Sydney’s streets, writes Steve Meacham.

A sinister hooded figure in dark Ku Klux Klan-type robes and mask raises a wooden club in a gesture of aggression.

The date is May 1932. And the Sydney policeman posing in the almost ludicrous costume is being photographed for official records, modelling evidence found in a raid against a secret right-wing paramilitary group called the Fascist Legion.

A few days earlier, eight members of the legion had launched a brutal and unprovoked attack on a prominent unionist, Jock Garden.

News brief · 21 February 2007

Toben’s lawyer out of the game until May

From the AJN:

Toben’s lawyer barred until May
Peter Kohn

LAWYERS for the Executive Council of Australian Jewry (ECAJ) have asked the Federal Court of Australia to re-list a contempt-of-court hearing into Dr Fredrick Toben, after discovering that the lawyer the Adelaide Holocaust denier nominated is suspended from practice.

The hearing, which is examining alleged violations of a 2002 Federal Court decision barring Dr Toben from publishing Holocaust-denial material on his Adelaide Insitute website and elsewhere, began on February 6, but was adjourned to allow him to find a lawyer.

Dr Toben told Justice Michael Moore that he only had access to one lawyer, and he would not be available until May.

Outside the court, lawers for the ECAJ told the AJN they would contact the lawyer and if he was not available, they would give Dr Toben two weeks to replace him.

But investigations by ECAJ lawyers later revealed the lawyer was not available until May because his certificate of practice has been suspended until then.

News brief · 20 February 2007

Hanson causes a stir in Ballarat

From The Ballarat Courier:

Liberals flee from Hanson remarks
James Kelly

THE Liberal Party has distanced itself from comments made by Pauline Hanson when she visited Ballarat on Sunday.

Victorian Liberal senator Julian McGauran and former Ballarat East candidate Geoff Hayes have both said her visit to Ballarat and the comments she made had nothing to do with the Liberal Party or its policies.

On Sunday Ms Hanson said she wanted to see a stop to Muslim, Sudanese and black South African migration to Australia which was “flooding” the country. Her comments outraged the Ballarat Regional Multicultural Council.

News brief · 20 February 2007

Waleed Aly on Prof. Israeli

From The Age:

Hatred in a head count
Waleed Aly
February 19, 2007

RWANDAN Muslims were once held in low esteem. They were traders in a land where farmers held prestige. Moreover they were socially and politically negligible, constituting roughly 5 per cent of the population, and largely confined to the unspectacular neighbourhood of Kigali. Then came the genocide of 1994 in which tribal violence between Hutus and Tutsis claimed 800,000 lives.

News brief · 19 February 2007

Dancing with Holocaust deniers

From the Courier Mail:

Dancing with Holocaust deniers
By Terry Sweetman
February 17, 2007

A FEW months ago I visited the Terezin ghetto outside Prague in the Czech Republic.

It’s nothing spectacular in the catalogue of inhumanity. In fact, it’s a pretty ordinary little garrison town on what was once the Prussian-Austrian and later Czech-German border.

On the right day and in the right weather, and if you disregard the nearby graveyard, it could even be a pleasant little spot.

I went there because I have two friends – two Jewish Australians – who passed through there on a journey that few survived.

News brief · 19 February 2007

Auckland teacher allegedly promoting conspiracies

From the NZ Herald:

Teacher promoting conspiracies investigated
Sunday February 18, 2007
By Stephen Cook

A prominent Auckland school is investigating claims one of its history teachers has been promoting wild conspiracy theories in the classroom - including denials around the lunar landing and the number of Jews killed in the Holocaust.

News brief · 19 February 2007