PYL President “not rally involved to much anymore.”

A recent communication between Patriotic Youth League president Stuart McBeth of Newcastle and a journalism student from Queensland indicates that we may have more high profile people dropping out of the Australasian nationalist scene.

When approached by the student journo for some comments on the status of his organisation, McBeth replied:

“I am not rally involved to much anymore (sic). i have forwared your request onto PYL media rep Luke. he will reply soon.”

Luke Connors of Melbourne seems to be one of the few active PYL members left. A brief perusal of their official site shows that long-time member and 2IC, Andrew Wilson is no longer the official Sydney representative of the group.

“Darren”, another known Sydney member is listed as the local rep though Darren has also entered into communication with FDB to inform us that he is “no longer active with any group.”

It all begs the question of just who is running the PYL? Since being run out of Sydney and Newcastle in January of this year, these guys have been very quiet.

Is Jim Saleam’s youth group laying low whilst the heat is on or have they gone the way of the New Zealand National Front?

Darp Hau · 31 May 2005 · Discussion