Chapman’s departure - what really happened

This link should get you in the mood for what you are about to read.


It’s official: Kyle Chapman resigns from National Front Leadership.

FDB knew about Kyle’s resignation last week but it was good to have everything one-hundred percent confirmed in yesterday’s Sunday Star-Times.

His grounds for throwing in the towel are somewhat tenuous:

The future of the far-right National Front is in jeopardy after its leader resigned last week because his son was being “persecuted” at kindergarten.

“My son was being told he couldn’t play with kids in kindy,” said Kyle Chapman. “The other kids’ parents were saying he couldn’t play with them because of who his dad was.”

So he quit the NF because the other kids wouldn’t play with his kids at kindy?

We’re not going to speculate on whether or not this happened. If it did, it’s pretty low as the poor kid can’t help who his father is. Instead, we will delve a little deeper into some of the other reasons why the big fella pulled up stumps.

Regular employment and a steady income is obviously a problem for any leading far-right activist, and Kyle is no exception:

The 34-year-old said his role as the public face of the group had also made it difficult to get a job. Several “trial periods” as a bouncer at Christchurch nightspots in recent months had been terminated by employers after complaints from the public.

Being a prominent racist doesn’t exactly help your employment prospects does it?

Whilst the troublesome crossover between his political and private lives most certainly played a part in Kyle’s decision, let us give you a bit of a run-down as to what has been happening inside the NF over the last few months.

The Race War.

Firstly, the end of March saw the NF embarking on a bold new direction. All moderating influences were ejected from the organisation or quit of their own accord. The “hard men” were welcomed back and talk of breaking open “the cache” began to circulate. It was time to kick off the race war!

In the weeks that followed, anti-racist activists found themselves in the firing line as the NF muscled up and began issuing threats. Why, Kyle himself wasn’t shy when it came to sending a a bit of verbal our way:

(from an MSN convo with someone who would prefer to remain anon - all quotes are from March-April 05)

Kyle says:
he (Robert Trigan) went to the media and got the RSA against us. he claims jewish family shit and it linked with the commies like DARP. he runs the Fight Dem Back in Wellington. maybe NZ. the plan is to actualy set up branches of the Fight Dem back with our own people (NZ’ers)

Kyle says:
they are building information when it is finnished it will have names pics and addresses of our members in NZ and Aussi. when this happens we want to have names and addresses of them to either take them out or plaster all over the net. but we are getting to that stage where it will just be time to send the boys around.

As stated on a number of times, FDB is NOT about airing the addresses, phone numbers and other personal details of Aus/NZ “patriots” - or whatever the fuck they want to call themselves, “Knight protectors of the holy bumhole of Asgard.”

Kyle says:
I can do what ever I want right now its just that if I do somthing away from what society accepts. I have to face them. If I wanted to blow somthing up I can. I can just walk down there and do it. I just have to either get ready to fight to the death or go to prison or hide. its about life. There is always the ability to do what we want. just have to face the aftermath

Kyle says:
do you talk to those freaks who hang out with DARP?. hes a freak. he is a coward aswell. I invited him to met me. he said he will bring a TV crew. I said come by yourself. it only needs me and him what I want to talk about. he never emailed me back

Kyle says:
I herd he thinks he is really tough. calls me a fat lazy what ever online. yet he is scared of me. he used to be a boxer. his pics show that he is buff aparently. I dont care. I have fronted big muscly guys and they drop nuts. its about what you do on the day . not how cool they think they are. I want to knock him over.

Do you now?

Kyle says:
why would I wont evidence. he would Nark. I have to say I didnt lol

Kyle says:
I dont box. Im a kick boxer. did it for a couple of years. still train sometimes. My legs are like bats lol. they have to hold up my big body. take down karati what ever. I like to hold people down and bash the fuck out them with my rings.

Kyle says:
I waer steel caps. I can kick head hight with them but dont. as its better to take out their legs and let my fists do the rest. I have KOed guys who went down then kicked them right in the face. BOOTS AND OI.

The last bit of the quote is believable but not the first. A porker like him kicking head height? A tubby little Korean Tae Kwon Do buddha boy maybe, but Kyle…hmmm I don’t think so. He claims two years of kick-boxing training (a nice Thai martial art), but I think his thirty years of KFC training bring him undone.

The ballot box over bullets

That Stormfront link posted above didn’t work did it? They don’t delete stuff often but Kyle obviously begged them to on this occasion. (I’ll source the content and post it in later)

Why did they delete it? Well, a few weeks after sounding the glory horn of Valhalla, news filtered through that the National Front were in line to secure $10,000 in electoral funding if they could register 500 people and become a legit political party.

All of a sudden, it was time to be good citizens again. Kyle sent around this email to all members:

Subject: Fw: Registering
Date: Mon, 18 Apr 2005 16:57:30 +1200

Because of the Party alocated Funding. I think we should try to register as a party and move ahead as a Political Party.

I am sorry for my wanting of a change in direction to become more militant. It was my mistake and one that would have the potential to ruin the good work we have done.

We should still have our National Demo’s, and plan them better, the Militant side of things needs to be kept in the confines of our homes and in the shelf for now.

Those who advised me well on these things I thank you. Those who supported me and helped me to come to a better understanding, I thank you aswell.

I was feeling burnt out, and I am still tired. But I feel like we are more vindicated and that we have a future in politics.

So what I need from you all now is. Signed up members. Sign up family friends, anyone. We need members. We need to get this funding and push for the elctions, with this fundingw e could get the air time to push us through to the %5 we need.

We have 2 months to get over 200 people. Its not that hard, we have high numbers of members in the south again now. I am willing to put the time into going to the rural areas and to sign people up.

I just signed two new older guys up yesterday. They both said they can sign more up. Thats what we need to do now. just sign a couple of people up each.

I commit to calling in favours from old mates, and family. Its time to get this thing happening. We dont want to miss this chance.

To follow up on the past dispute on the nagative emblems etc. I hope the good news will help those who make mistakes on this wake up and see what we have to do. That our mission is more important then shocking the public.
Its about saving our country. We have that real opertunity now. So lets do it!!


Guess how many people they signed up? A number of figures are floating around. Some say 180, some 230. Still, they didn’t make the cut.

Dissillusioned and frustrated at being forced back into another indefinite period of fringe activism, the NF started falling apart. The older, more moderate and “respectable” guys lost heart (they’ve been through it all too many times before) whilst the younger, more militant and openly Nazi types resented their race war being called off in favour of a bullshit pretense at “going legit.”

The Fightback!

Of course, FDB was there every step of the way; we niggled, rideculed, infiltrated and exposed the National Front for what they truly stand for. Kyle once prided himself on his ability to use the media to grow his organisation. Unfortunately, he didn’t count on an organised opposition stepping in his path and fighting him back. An opposition with slightly better media contacts than him.

The strategy? Simple. Expose their patriotic facade as the flimsy disguise for Hitler worship that it is.

First came the Heil Hitler photo(s), then came some an expose on where their national secretary, Kerry Bolton, sources some of his posters (from old Nazi propaganda). Hot on the heels of this came more pictures, more “Roman” salutes and more embarrassment.

Some weren’t embarrassed though. Their former Wellington representative, Nic Miller, got sick of lying about his true allegiances and went off to form the New Zealand Nazi Party.

With the Searchlight nicely focused, it was time for the mainstream media to get in on the act. We had the
starter-packs stuff, the lemons & gravel guys, the wine and cheese night with Jim Saleam and finally, the knockout punch, “New Zealand National Front angers Anzac veterans”.

That last one really a killer blow.

In light of everything laid out above, it is still quite surprising that Kyle would openly admit that our campaign affected him:

Chapman said agitation from left-wing activists had contributed to the “hassle” that prompted him to resign.

Mat Henderson-Hau, an Australian-based internet activist who has been campaigning against the Front for the past year, said he was delighted by Chapman’s resignation. He attributed it to co-operation between anti-racism networks in New Zealand and Australia. “We’re taking care of each other’s shitheads.”

Thanks for quoting me at my most articulate, Tim.

And so there we have it. With his organisation in tatters and the dawning realisation that most New Zealanders despise him and his movement, Kyle did the honourable thing and chucked in the towel. The NF was split, fractious and their main means of recruitment, the NZ Politics web forum had been permanently taken off-line.

Kyle Chapman’s departure is a major success for the emerging trans-Tasman anti-racist movement. The “hassle” which he speaks of consists of nothing more than exposing how he and his members carry on in private when they think no-one is watching. “Patriots in public, Nazis in private.” Not with FDB on the case.

We shoot them with their own words and actions. Nothing more. We play the man, play the issues and play the “position’. Some on the far right have already made the ludicrous claim that FDB had something to do with people’s parents instructing their kids not to play with Kyle’s son.

We can assure you that our reach does not extend as far as influencing pre-school parents as to whom their children should and should not play with.

The real reasons for Kyle quitting the NF are outlined above. The group simply became an unworkable proposition. Any other reasons given are merely superfluous.

Kyle’s fatal flaw was that he could not understand that his predilection towards violence and his sickening criminal past would be a major drawback when it came to “going legit”. There are certain things that simply will not stay in the past (firebombings, accidental shootings) no matter how much you try and play them down.

Living in his insular little Christchurch skinhead world, Kyle never dreamed that his desire to propagate race-hate and division was going to be met with some solid, organised and fearless opposition.

Without sounding like too much like a bunch of heroes, Kyle never counted on the Anzac spirit being his undoing. He never counted on Kiwis and Aussies standing together to Fight Him Back!

Darp Hau · 30 May 2005 · Discussion