An introduction to the NZ National Front

The Chapman brothers

The NZNF tried to stage an anti-immigration rally in Wellington on 23 October 2004. Here are a couple dozen of them looking hard:

National Front contingent

And here are the combined forces of Multicultural Aotearoa, who came together to oppose them.

Diversity yes, racism no!

The day turned into the usual rout with the thirty Nazis being hounded out of town by two thousand protesters. A few of them also copped a solid caning as they tried to leave the city on the trains.

This incident spurred the NZNF on to label themselves as New Zealand’s fastest growing political movement. Their president, Kyle Chapman (pictured below), went to great lengths to proclaim a membership of five-hundred people and growing. He spoke of massive recruitment success stories where whole white working class factories signed up to join the movement, the foreman included, in the space of a single day.

Kyle Chapman

As the Sunday Star reported, when pressed to back up these claims of a membership explosion, Chapman says that the membership records are in Wellington (he himself is in Christchurch) and that he does not have access to them. With regard to their recruitment success stories amongst factory workers he is unable to name any of the workplaces or their locations. He says, “I don’t know, he just went recruiting and brought back the membership forms.”

Auckland University Political Scientist Raymond Miller has put forward the obvious proposition that what we’re dealing with here is a small group of big-noting extremists trying to talk their movement up as something way bigger than it actually is.

Another Kiwi academic, Paul Spoonley of Massey University puts the NZNF membership at 100-150. Judging by the numbers they got at their most recent Waitangi Day (6 February) protests, this figure appears to be accurate. They claim that nine members rocked up their Auckland do and that twelve people showed their faces in Wellington. Granted that these groups always inflate their actual attendance by a third, I reckon you could safely say that six and eight people turned up respectively.

Still, a lack of numbers doesn’t stop Kyle Chapman talking things up. He posts as NZTROOPER on Stormfront and some of his most recent entries include a call for all Kiwis to be ready in case the gooks invade NZ on the back of a giant Tsunami.

Have amo and guns. Make sur they are legal. Make sure you know how to use them, cus when you have things to survive, someone who doesnt have them will want them and you will have to kill them to protect your own family.

We will be starting a pogramme in NZ to have food suplies and other equipment ready for disasters and any other problem that will come our way.

If you want some rank within the militia then join now and work for the good of all and get your rank through showing us what you can do for everyone.

Like many a white supremacist nutter group in the backwoods of Appalachia, the NZNF have gone bush and taken to hoarding fire-arms and tinned food for a Y2K bunker that is five years too late. I hope that Wal Footrot knows these people are squatting on his land.

Kyle keeps up the tough talk by promising consequences and repercussions to all people who oppose the NZNF.

This is a clear message to all Lefty and Anarchists that support the left, we will be at your events, and what ever you do to our people will be done to yours tenfold. Some of you already know this to be true. A few more will know it as well.

Chapman is one of those neo-Nazis who spends most of his time vehemently denying things. Despite a long and violent criminal history which includes the fire-bombing of a Marae (Maori meeting house) and having members of his NF linked with the desecration of Jewish graves, Chapman consistently denies that he is a Nazi.

Well, I wonder what he thinks of these pictures. Kyle is on the right of the front row.

National Front doing Nazi salute

Also, check out his mate openly wearing a swastika in this picture:

National Front member wearing a swastika armband

See Chapman’s response in this very funny excerpt from an article in the Dominion Post:

National Front president Kyle Chapman says a photograph of him with a group of men performing a Nazi salute does not show the organisation is fascist — he did not know they were doing it.

The National Front disputes claims that it is a racist/fascist organisation, but at a militia camp meeting in April Mr Chapman was photographed with a group of saluting men, one of whom wore a swastika armband.

Mr Chapman says the men had just arrived and he did not know what they were doing.

“I didn’t even know there was a guy behind me with a friggin’ Nazi armband on.

“Those guys had only showed up in a car and wanted to take some photos and that. I only realised those guys were saluting when I turned around.”

This excuse is very hard to believe. Did the man wearing the swastika sneak around so that Chapman couldn’t see him until it was too late?

Many Kiwi journos have noted the fact that Chapman always wears long sleave shirts and refuses to have photos taken of his Iron Cross tattoos which poke out from his chubby forearms. It makes me wonder what other suspect symbols he has painted over his heavily tattooed body.

Of course, Chapman now states that his violent skinhead and criminal past is something that is far behind him. He claims that his actions were those of a youth with alcohol problems and states that he attends AA meetings and has also found Jesus.

The latter bit may be a bit of a problem considering that Kyle isn’t actually the brains behind the NZNF, he is merely the public front. The brains belong to the NZNF Secretary, a self-confessed Satanist named Kerry Bolton (pictured).

Kerry Bolton

You can download a good interview with Bolton here. It’s strange and spooky stuff which might do your head in a bit if you don’t like reading about the Occult. Here is the money quote:

Did your involvement with Satanism affect your present activities in any negative way, for instance bad press coverage?

The press and intelligence gathering agencies, whether private or State, are easy enough to befuddle. I have had no adverse effects from prior involvement with anything.

I’ve been scratching my head quite a bit as to how a born again Christian and a self avowed Satanist could form any sort of productive alliance. According to the good people at Multicultural Aotearoa, the rank and file of the NZNF absolutely hate Bolton and are quite spooked out by all his blood-drinking witch doctor stuff.

There was also a very interesting scandal in recent times when a journalist uncovered links between Kerry Bolton’s Satanic mail order business and a Child Pornography distribution ring.

So, lest to say that things are a bit tense between the rank and file and their Grand Satanic Overlord.

Bolton serves his purpose. As one of the only people in the NZNF with the ability to string a coherent sentence together, he is in charge of producing all flyers, posters, stickers and anything else that needs the correct spelling. When you look at Chapman’s ability to spell even the most basic of words, it’s obvious why they tolerate Bolton hanging around.

Chapman and Bolton have plans to expand their NF into Australia and unite all “Wite bruthers acros the tasmin” into a unified force. This is a bigger issue and naturally, law enforcement bodies, unions and activist groups on both sides of the “tasmin” are keeping an eye on things.

And so they should. As Chapman says,”There was (sic) lots of people contact me and get exited (sic) about this idea last time.” I’m sure the fuzz are taking him seriousely and beeliff every word he says.

Darp Hau · 16 February 2005 · Discussion