Blogs about: Weight

Featured Blog

missgirlbliss wrote 3 hours ago: Yesterday Scott and I went to out 33 week ultrasound and this kid that is residing in my body is … more »

Tags: Life, Milestones, Pregnancy


keherenf wrote 4 hours ago: If you live an America, all you probably need to do is look around and you will discover that our … more »

Tags: Economics, Education, Fitness, health, Life, Medicine, poverty, Public Health, Sociology

Quick Response Unit

stupot1947 wrote 11 hours ago: A guy goes up to this girl in a night club and says, “Would you like to dance?” The girl … more »

Tags: Age, bar, Bon Mots, dumb, Fashion, Humor, humour, Jokes, Love Story

Day 96

100 Day Challenger wrote 11 hours ago: Woo Hoo! Down 0.3kgs today and I have hit 84kgs. I am very happy with that. I was working … more »

When did I get fat?

french7presents wrote 12 hours ago: Hey, is anyone missing any back fat? Because I think I got yours. maybe you left it on BART, and … more »

Tags: Uncategorized

First things First1 comment

Elizabeth wrote 20 hours ago: This will be one of several blogs as I attempt to play catch-up.  First of all, for those of you … more »

I am a bit of a Worrier...1 comment

lilyred wrote 21 hours ago: 10 Things That Worry Me That I Can Do Nothing About 1. One day I will find out that I … more »

Tags: Environment, girl, Love, Men, woman, Work

Weight Watchers New Fruit Inspirations™ Meals

coffeebreath wrote 1 day ago: I like these new meals from Weight Watchers. The Honey Mango Barbeque Chicken is good. I am happy to see … more »

Tags: health, Weight loss

Pollyanna Weighs In1 comment

lyda wrote 1 day ago: Lyda here. Anna-Liza sent me something that got me thinking. I’ve been working on this too long, and I’m just … more »

Tags: Culture - pop & other, Food & Drink, health, Politics, Spirit, Work

Dieting - Loose Weight

razvi wrote 1 day ago: Dieting is not always easy. In fact, it can prove a tough challenge for many people. So here’s a … more »

Tags: Uncategorized

Is managing weight getting more difficult?

earthforce wrote 1 day ago: For many, dealing with the day to day control of dieting can be the very thing that sabotages their efforts.  … more »

Tags: Weight Management


sagemorgante wrote 1 day ago: Acadiana is one of my favorite DC restaurants but after an article in the Washingtonian declaring the calorie value of … more »

Tags: Acadiana

+ 0.8 Lbs6 comments

Debbie wrote 1 day ago: That’s what I gained this week.  It’s gotta be those cookies and cookie dough I ate on the weekend.  Plus, … more »

Weight of the world1 comment

Angela wrote 1 day ago: Once again time flew by and I haven’t written in here for a while.  Apologies again to my maybe two readers … more »

Tags: health

Day 95

100 Day Challenger wrote 1 day ago: Up 0.1kgs today. I was working late last night and didn’t go for a walk. A bit disappointing with … more »

Facing the Cheeto Demons, Day 125 comments

heatherinparadise wrote 1 day ago: Since I know you’ve been on pins and needles waiting for a report on how my diet is going, I’m … more »

Tags: Diet


Clark wrote 1 day ago: Right…so, the new WGBH studios — well, more specifically, our studios, sit directly across from a Dunkin’ Donuts.  From my … more »

Tags: donuts

Waga na 2008-02-22

rofrol wrote 1 day ago: Staszek 76 Romek 71,5 … more »

Tags: nontechnical

First my panties, now my bra2 comments

jamanda wrote 2 days ago: I wrote a while ago about my panties all shredding into nothingness at the same time. Now, apparently, my bras … more »

Tags: Clothes, Underwear