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News :: Protest Activity : Urban Development

'Caltongate' gentrification approved

The hotly contested 'Caltongate' gentrification plan has been approved by city councillors on Wednesday, in meeting that lasted over 10 hours. The two listed buildings will be demolished. Save Our Old Town protesters were present inside the meeting, and there was a demonstration outside the City Chambers all day. Campaigners vow to continue the struggle against this development, and plan to provoke a public enquiry.

[ full report | photos of demonstration | Save Our Old Town website ]


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Interview :: Environment

An interview with Plane Stupid on the nature and future of the influential anti-aviation group

Plane Stupid is a well-known and very successful anti-aviation campaigning organisation which regularly catches headlines, and promotes direct action targeting the fastest growing cause of climate change: aviation. The group came together in 2005, when a group of activists disrupted an international aviation conference using rape alarms attached to helium balloons during the key note speech. A group has formed in Scotland, which in January breached the security of Edinburgh airport and blockaded a private jet company that fuels the conspicuous consumption of the very rich. The following is an interview conducted via email with Robbie Gillett, one of the founding members of Plane Stupid.

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News :: Environment : Workplace Struggle

Jet-set waltz off while the planet burns

Over twenty environmental protesters from Plane Stupid Scotland have this morning breached security at Edinburgh Airport and blockaded the entrance to the private jet company, Greer Aviation. All entrances to the building were blocked for over 4 hours before ten were arrested.

[ Plane Stupid ]

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News :: International Relations : Peace : Protest Activity

Guantanamo anniversary marked by protest

An International Day of Action marked the sixth anniversary of the arrival of prisoners to the Guantanamo Bay detention centre. In Edinburgh protesters in shackles and prison camp garb lined up for inspection outside the US consulate, before marching to the bottom of the Mound and gradually dispersing.

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News :: Workplace Struggle

Union activist sacked - Anger grows at Edinburgh Art College

Shop steward Eddie Murray has been sacked by Edinburgh College of Art. Workers accuse the College management of victimising him because of his union activity in opposition to ‘modernisation‘ proposals which threaten worse conditions. Meanwhile the UNISON Union hierarchy stands accused of colluding with the College management.

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News :: Anti-racist

Dawn Blockade

Early this morning people blockaded Brand Street Immigration Reporting Centre, Glasgow, completely shutting all entrances to Home Office staff and preventing any ‘Dawn Raids’ that would have left this morning.

[ report | UK actions | Indy UK feature | Indymedia Bristol feature | Noborders ]


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News :: Peace : Protest Activity

NATO not quite stopped

natop1.jpgAround thirty protesters, including around a dozen cyclists, arrived just as the sun was rising. They set up near the NATO meeting in view of a dual carriage way, and at the Craigiehall entrance used by the military and political elite. Three separate groups of protesters wandered through fields and trees to within a stones throw of the buildings of Craigiehall military base. The night before, four anti-militarist campaigners entered the Caledonian-Hilton hotel where they hung a banner from the staircase, and handed out flyers in the foyer and bar. For a top secret meeting, security was lax; if there had been more time for organisation and more people involved a good deal more would have been possible. Protesters look forward to Edinburgh's full NATO summit in 2009.

[ "NATO out of Afghanistan" protest | NATO Hotel infiltrated | Police do their best to contain NATO chaos ]


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News :: Peace

Stop NATO Craigiehall Friday 14th Dec

craigiehall.jpgAnti-Militarist campaigners have organised a demonstration at Craigiehall for the NATO summit on Afghanistan that will be starting early in the morning on Friday 14th.

The summit will be attended by military and political celebrities, including the new US defence secretary Robert Gates, who will be discussing Afghanistan.

There is expected to be a large crowd of people, a sound system, and a bicycle demonstration from near Princes St to the event. Organisers say that the loud and visible protest will be in earshot of the NATO warmongers, so lets bring some noise!

[ NATO summit - next week? | Full Report FINAL DETAILS of the Anti-NATO Protest | Full NATO summit - Edinburgh 2009 | NATO Hotel Infiltrated]


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