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Linux Online Interviews

Linux Online brings you interviews with people who have made contributions to the Linux community. The first in the list below is the current running interview. Below it you'll find the past weeks' interviews and their corresponding links.

Brian Brazil and Paul O'Malley, Developers of gNewSense ······November 15, 2006
Adam Davidson, Baghdad correspondent for Minnesota Public Radio's Marketplace ······January 8, 2004
Pamela Jones, editor of Groklaw (SCO case information weblog) ······July 31, 2003
Ray Steding, Founder, Linux Public Broadcasting Network ······August 7, 2002
Michael Robertson, CEO of ······May 25,2002
Alex Vrenios, author of Linux Cluster Architecture ······May 14, 2002
Tim Finnegan, President Workstation 2000 ······ February 16, 2002
Scott Handy, director of IBM Worldwide Linux Solutions ······ February 16, 2002
Stefan Hetzl, author of "steghide" ······ December 1, 2001
Bob Toxen, Linux/Unix security expert ······ August 3, 2001
Heiner Maasjost, VP Marketing, SuSE ······ June 28, 2001
Thomas Besemer, Embedded Linux developer ······ May 5, 2001
Bradley LaRonde, President of Agenda Computing······ March 3, 2001
Austin Delaney, Founder, freeVSD project······ February 10, 2001
Joseph Spainhour, Creator of Spinix······ February 3, 2001
Banrisul ATM Project (English)······ December 16, 2000
Banrisul ATM Project (português)······ December 16, 2000
David Faure, Developer for KDE······ October 26, 2000
Shawn Gordon, President of······ October 14, 2000
Sam Ockman, Chairman of Penguin Computing······ August 31, 2000
Juanjo Amor/Ismael Olea- Project LuCAS (English)······ August 23, 2000
Juanjo Amor/Ismael Olea- Project LuCAS (español)······ August 23, 2000
Deb Richardson, LinuxChix······ August 15, 2000

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