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Archive for the ‘Dominion Post’ Category

Men? Responsible for their own actions?

Posted by Anna on November 24, 2007


The woman, who has name suppression and who made a liar of Mr Rickards’ former Rotorua CIB boss, John Dewar, was going to tell the disciplinary tribunal that Mr Rickards and Shipton had sex with her in and on police cars in Rotorua in the 1980s.

John Dewar is an adult in full possession of  his mental faculties (although his ethical ones are obviously another matter). He made the decision to lie, no-one else.

This is the same sort of mentality that says that if a woman wears skimpy clothing and flirts then she’s clearly irresistable, and of course a man has simply no choice but to rape her.

Posted in Aotearoa New Zealand, Dominion Post, police, sexism, stuff.co.nz, voices of survivors | Leave a Comment »

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