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Make Sure You Know When Someone Hacks Your Email

makeuseof.com — If someone has cracked your email password, it may not be apparent to you. A snooper can easily read an email then mark it as unread again. So the best thing to do would be to set up an “electronic tripwire” so if someone breaks into your account, you’ll know about it.More… (Security)


The World's 16 Least Inspiring Flags

cracked.com — Just try and salute one of these monstrosities.More… (Travel & Places)


An Ambitious Grand Plan: The U.S. solar-powered by 2050

sciam.com — By 2050 solar power could end U.S. dependence on foreign oil and slash greenhouse gas emissions. Read on!More… (Environment)


Two Trolls Make Barbie Soup view!

IMAGEflickr.com (Comedy) made popular 1 hr 9 min ago

Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles vs Global Warming! (W/Pics)

thatchickensite.com — The recipe for a good episode of television is a tricky one to define, until by the purest chance, we happened across it on the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles Season 4 DVD. I guess it had to be somewhere, right? Our ascent into televisual Valhalla begins in the sewers, to show that there's nowhere to go but up...More… (Television)


Mysteries Of Computer From 65BC Are Solved

guardian.co.uk — The machine was lost among cargo in 65BC when the ship carrying it sank in 42m of water off the coast of the Greek island of Antikythera. By chance, in 1900, a sponge diver called Elias Stadiatos discovered the wreck and recovered statues and other artifacts from the site.More… (Gadgets)


Lickable Ads (Lawsuit Waiting to Happen?)

online.wsj.com — Welch's is taking out full-page print ads in People magazine this month that give readers a chance to sample its grape juice by licking the ad. The front of the advertisement shows a huge bottle of the juice, while the back has a strip that peels up and off, with text that reads: "For a TASTY fact, remove & LICK."More… (Odd Stuff)


Analyzing the Analysts, Episode One

kotaku.com — A look into the fortune-tellers of the video game industry: who are the analysts, what do they predict, and how often are they correct?More… (Gaming Industry News)


Dubai Architecture: Dubai is NUTS!

dubai-architecture.info — Dubai is said to currently have 15-25% of all the world's cranes.There are more construction workers in Dubai than there are actual citizens. WHAT THE HELL IS GOING ON OVER THERE?More… (Travel & Places)


50 Weird Science Tidbits & Oddities

sciencenewsreview.com — Factoids hardly anybody knows, about pretty much anything that might turn up as subject matter in a rousing championship match of Trivial Pursuit down at the pub on Thursday night. Some of these are real crowd-pleasers sure to draw spontaneous applause, stunned gasps, and plenty of free beers from admirers.More… (General Sciences)


Russians invent liquid nanotech armor. Video! watch!

VIDEOyoutube.com (World News) made popular 2 hr 28 min ago
[Reported by Diggers as Possibly Inaccurate] 153 Comments

Great firewall of China may hinder blogging olympians

arstechnica.com — The International Olympic Committee has given athletes the green light to blog from the 2008 Summer Games in Beijing, but bloggers will have to make sure their posts can make it through the great firewall of China.More… (Other Sports)


Dick Morris Says Hillary Clinton lacks experience

rasmussenreports.com — "So who is she kidding? If she wants to hit Obama with a negative based on his inexperience and limited legislative record, she should go right ahead. But to pretend that she is the “solutions” and “answers” person while he gives speeches is absurd. " (Wikipedia calls Dick Morris one of Bill Clinton's "most trusted advisors".)More… (US Elections 2008)

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