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title: anarchist federation - organising for resistance
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The Anarchist Federation is an organisation of class struggle anarchists (based in Britain and Ireland, but with many contacts overseas) which aims to abolish Capitalism and all oppression to create a free and equal society. This is Anarchist Communism. Read more...

Latest from the Anarchist Federation - updated 18th December 2007
NEW RESISTANCE BULLETIN - no.99 - January 2008 - articles include: HAPPY NEW YEAR!!, Air Marshall alarmed in Sheffield, Karen Reissman appeal, Post union sellout, Benefits bullies, Act against ID cards, BNP split, Rally held against neo-nazi murder, plus Bastards of the year, Short Fuse column, cartoon, prisoner support & diary dates.

NEW IN PRINT ORGANISE! Magazine no.69 Winter 2007-2008 - READ EDITORIAL 'A summer of dissent' ONLINE. Articles include: Common Ground community garden, Defy-ID & No Borders, Academy schools, Green Capitalism, NYC bookfair, Margaret Michaelis - Spanish revolution photographer, Book reviews (What's Left, Bakunin, Italian anarchist volunteers). You can buy a copy online. Plus, there's FREE DOWNLOAD of most back issues and a full index of older back issues.

NEW in print and online, AF pamphlets - 2007 Edition of 'Basic Bakunin'. Also, 'Resistance to Nazism' - stories of libertarian groups who opposed fascism in Europe into and also well before the 1930s, including Edelweiss Pirates, FAUD underground, Zazous, 43 group, Arditi del Popolo.

MEMORIAL GATHERING IN LONDON. Thanks to all those who came to the Memorial for Carlos (on Saturday 24th November), antifascist killed by a nazi in Spain. Jubilee Gardens, Southbank. 'Antifascist Concentration' called by Antifa & AF.

DEFY-CD - anti-ID cards benefit CD now available from AF-North.

LOCAL GROUPS, WEBSITES & BULLETINS: East Kent, Sheffield, Liverpool, Nottingham & Hereford (with local bulletins The Fargate Speaker, The Nottingham Sparrow, The Black Apple Press). See also, AF-north, Manchester/Oldham AF's website which includes Northern Resistance bulletin plus Subversion and Wildcat archives. Other AF local groups & contacts listed here.

RED AND BLACK FEST. Thanks to all who came - see AF blog for a full report with photos.

NEW SOCIAL CENTRE IN LIVERPOOL, NEXT TO NOWHERE - see calendar for forthcoming events. See also new Liverpool AF webpage.

'OUR OIL, and other tales' - A NEW DOCUMENTARY DVD by Gattacicova Collective about the impact of Venezuela's oil industry, censored by Chavez' Ministry of Culture, but rescued by local activists.

STATEMENT on the murder of Anarchist comrade Ilya Borodaenko by fascists at Eco-camp in Siberia.

NEW AF Stickers!. Also print off AF posters and leaflets. T-shirts and other stuff can be found on the AF-North website.

ORGANISING FOR RESISTANCE - interview with an AFed activist - Freedom newspaper asks an AF member a few questions about his time in the Anarchist Federation. Also read why we want you to join and what we did with 2006 to find out more about the kinds of things AF members get up to. See pictures of anarchist block on the anti-war demo in Manchester.

Also online: 2nd edition of Defending Anonymity- thoughts for struggle against identity cards and Beating the Poll Tax with original lo-fi text, news clippings & original cartoons.

CHECK OUT the UK / GB anarchist news, forum and info site, and talk to AF members and friends on the AF forum. Start up some new debate here or read a short intro to anarchist communist thought. Also visit the afed MySpace - read the blog or send a message ... become a friend to leave comments and receive bulletins.

Find out about the AF's international activities including the International of Anarchist Federations (AF is 'British' section), AF texts in translation, and the new IAF-IFA mag Anarkiista Debato.

SUPPORT anti-G8 and other activists via our prisoner support links. Includes links to new prisoner support advice, a prison survival guide, and info about prisoners who need support right now.

FOUND OUT MORE about anarchism and contact other groups & organisations through our freshly updated UK & Ireland links. If you can't get to an Anarchist Bookfair (London's on Oct 27 & other local fairs), check out links to distributors like Active Distribution and AK Press. AF publications like pamphlets can be ordered directly from this website.

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For anarchism, anarchist media, anarchist press & anarchist ideas: "Change opinion, convince the public that government is not only unnecessary, but extremely harmful, and then the word anarchy, just because it means absence of government, will come to mean for everybody: natural order, unity of human needs and the interests of all, complete freedom within complete solidarity." [Errico Malatesta, Anarchy, p. 16], as quoted in the anarchist FAQ.
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Various misspellings etc: Anarchist Fedration, Anachist, Anarcist, IFA-IAF, International of Anarchist Fedrations
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