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 PHP - Version 5 branch
Section: Unix


Added: Sun, Jan 11th 1998 20:50 PDT (10 years, 4 months ago) Updated: Thu, Mar 6th 2008 01:26 PDT (2 months, 7 days ago)

PHP is a widely-used Open Source general-purpose scripting language that is especially suited for Web development and can be embedded into HTML. Its syntax draws upon C, Java, and Perl, and is easy to learn. PHP runs on many different platforms and can be used as a standalone executable or as a module under a variety of Web servers. It has excellent support for databases, XML, LDAP, IMAP, Java, various Internet protocols, and general data manipulation, and is extensible via its powerful API. It is actively developed and supported by a talented and energetic international team. Numerous Open Source and commercial PHP-based application packages are available.

PHP Developers <group [at] php [dot] net> [contact developer]

8.61/10.00 (238 votes)

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Trove categories: [change]
[Development Status]  6 - Mature
[Intended Audience]  Developers
[License]  The PHP License
[Programming Language]  C, PHP
[Topic]  Internet :: WWW/HTTP :: Dynamic Content, Software Development :: Interpreters

Dependencies: [change]
No dependencies filed

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» Andrei Zmievski (Owner)

» Rating: 8.61/10.00 (Rank 214)
» Vitality: 2.01% (Rank 268)
» Popularity: 62.61% (Rank 7)

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Branch Version Last release License URLs
Version 5 5.2.5 05-Dec-2007 The PHP License Homepage Tar/GZ Changelog
Development 6.0 200706010630 01-Jun-2007 The PHP License Homepage Tar/GZ
Version 4 4.4.8 06-Mar-2008 The PHP License Homepage Tar/GZ Changelog

 Articles referencing this project


[»] Model-View-Control
by Cyberflyer - Dec 2nd 2007 08:18:01

Hi! I am a newbie to php, but I found it is very powerful, so I am quite eager to learn more. Does it also support Model-View-Control, Ajax, and tiled layout solution in frontend? Thanks

[reply] [top]

[»] multilingual setting for PHP & MySQL
by 25b - Apr 16th 2007 03:26:29

I cannot find the way to solve Garbled Character occured when I use PHP & MySQL. I set mbstring, and There's no error when I see a page with a browser. But There's error in DB. I don't know how to use PHP & MySQL for multilingual environment.

[reply] [top]

    [»] Re: multilingual setting for PHP & MySQL
    by anetomia - May 15th 2007 17:59:43

    Add following script before you connect to DB.

    $db = mysql_connect("localhost" , "test" , "test");
    $encoding = mysql_query("SET NAMES utf8;" , $db);

    [reply] [top]

      [»] Re: multilingual setting for PHP & MySQL
      by andy - Sep 2nd 2007 01:45:37

      > Add following script before you connect
      > to DB.
      > $db = mysql_connect("localhost" , "test"
      > , "test");
      > $encoding = mysql_query("SET NAMES
      > utf8;" , $db);

      better to get putty log in via ssh and modify mysql.conf. Or you need to modify every script. Odd work.

      [reply] [top]

    [»] Re: multilingual setting for PHP & MySQL
    by VKT - Jul 1st 2007 01:00:01

    Use "php expert" feature for this.

    That's all...

    [reply] [top]

[»] It's better to memorize
by D-Man - Dec 21st 2006 05:14:42

Memorizing PHP functions is an advantage; do not count on editors all the time.

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[»] PHP Editors ?
by MarineGuy - Aug 3rd 2006 00:32:26

Hi ,

An year or so ago I used an PHP editor that suggested functions when typing ( not php default functions , functions I have created ) .

Can't find it now . Anybody knows ?

Don't get drunk every day , life is too short ...

[reply] [top]

    [»] Re: PHP Editors ?
    by Philippe F. - Aug 4th 2006 08:57:44

    You could try PhpEditor or UltraEdit for PHP. Both are good.

    -- Philippe

    [reply] [top]

    [»] Re: PHP Editors ?
    by torson - Dec 18th 2006 12:58:34

    I like TopStyle. Uses different colors and css and html is included.

    [reply] [top]

    [»] Re: PHP Editors ?
    by alberta - Mar 11th 2007 08:06:44

    > Hi ,
    > An year or so ago I used an PHP editor
    > that suggested functions when typing (
    > not php default functions , functions I
    > have created ) .
    > Can't find it now . Anybody knows ?
    Hi! You can try this -> php expert

    My Signature :)

    [reply] [top]

    [»] Re: PHP Editors ?
    by firelead - Apr 16th 2007 18:05:11

    > Hi ,


    > An year or so ago I used an PHP editor

    > that suggested functions when typing (

    > not php default functions , functions I

    > have created ) .


    > Can't find it now . Anybody knows ?

    I use EditPlus - best editor out there and you can open up your work in IE inside of the editor.

    [reply] [top]

    [»] Re: PHP Editors ?
    by nightfreak - Sep 1st 2007 01:42:20

    > Hi ,


    > An year or so ago I used an PHP editor

    > that suggested functions when typing (

    > not php default functions , functions I

    > have created ) .


    > Can't find it now . Anybody knows ?

    The best PHP editor i came across so far is Zend Studio.

    [reply] [top]

      [»] Re: PHP Editors ?
      by Janet Kellman - Feb 17th 2008 10:15:05

      > % Hi ,
      > %
      > % An year or so ago I used an PHP
      > editor
      > % that suggested functions when typing
      > (
      > % not php default functions , functions
      > I
      > % have created ) .
      > %
      > % Can't find it now . Anybody knows ?
      > The best PHP editor i came across so far
      > is Zend Studio.

      yes, but there is no linux/ubuntu version of Zend Studio :(
      -- Janet Kellman

      [reply] [top]

    [»] Re: PHP Editors ?
    by peaforabrain - Jan 29th 2008 12:29:10

    > Hi ,


    > An year or so ago I used an PHP editor

    > that suggested functions when typing (

    > not php default functions , functions I

    > have created ) .


    > Can't find it now . Anybody knows ?

    I use dreamweaver MX. I don't know whether this is the best editor to use, but it seems to work fine for me. I like the way it puts different identifiers in specific colours, and it shows simple errors quickly. There are shortcuts that you can programme into the editor aswell.

    I do find that I have to have a good knowledge of php, as DW isn't much good at writing code for you.

    [reply] [top]

[»] php bug?
by Alexei A. Korolev - Jul 19th 2006 13:09:07

Hi, I'm using some php code for simulation threads via noneblocked sockets. i got some code from this example But when i'm trying to pass via serealize data about 500K, my socket dont want open :( $request = serialize($buffer); i checked apache.conf for MAX_POST_SIZE, but its ok. Is there php bug?

[reply] [top]

    [»] Re: php bug?
    by AlexK - Jul 25th 2006 05:17:53

    > Hi,
    > I'm using some php code for simulation
    > threads via noneblocked sockets. i got
    > some code from this example
    > But when i'm trying to pass via
    > serealize data about 500K, my socket
    > dont want open :(
    > $request = serialize($buffer);
    > i checked apache.conf for MAX_POST_SIZE,
    > but its ok. Is there php bug?
    Well, i think you need to try php debugger. This tool let you know where is error, because there are built in own web server. I hope it will help you. Alex

    [reply] [top]

[»] Just in love with it !
by 123 SEO Tools - Jan 1st 2006 23:25:56

Before PHP it was interesting now is AWESOME :)

Search Engine Optimization tools developer

[reply] [top]

    [»] Re: Just in love with it !
    by Alexei A. Korolev - Jul 19th 2006 05:29:59

    > Before PHP it was interesting now is
    > AWESOME :)
    I dont agree... PHP is simple, but still slow enough :( -- Alexei A. Korolev

    [reply] [top]

[»] Not to replace PHP 4 yet...
by Melvin - Nov 29th 2005 01:58:33

As you may already know PHP is the most widely used programming language on the net... PHP version 5 introduces many enhancements such as better OOP, better security measures, support for the new MySQL client protocol and XML improvements.

But PHP 5 should not be intended to replace PHP 4 (yet) on existing production web hosting environments, this because many of your customer's applications would just break or jump with errors without doing some hard work with them first, and in most case scenarios there are just to many.

The worst part is that many of this issues with "PHP 4/3 scripts" running with PHP 5 will rise without an explanation available, so you'll be pretty much on your own while backwards compatibility is complete (dunno if is goal tho) or better documentation is available.


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[»] PHP Congrats
by Jason - Nov 1st 2005 11:29:25

Never thought I would see the day where PHP gets more use in my house than Perl. Good job gang, PHP is getting better all of the time.


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    [»] Re: PHP Congrats
    by milezdaru - Nov 7th 2005 01:09:20

    Yeah, and in v5 you even got types and oo programming! They also implemented other useful things like SOAP and iso8601 Date formatting. php will rule another couple of years.

    [reply] [top]

      [»] Re: PHP Congrats
      by vint - Jan 22nd 2006 05:40:54

      > php will rule another couple of years.

      Yeah, hope it will not become slow after new great features will be added.

      [reply] [top]

      [»] Re: PHP Congrats
      by Gear7 - Nov 29th 2007 01:38:59

      > php will rule another couple of years.

      I hope it rules for a lot longer than a few more years... It took me a long time to get where Im at with PHP. I don't like the idea of switching to something else and having to relearn everything all over again.

      [reply] [top]

[»] PHP with Amaya
by Veerakumar - May 19th 2005 01:33:20

Is there a way of using PHP with Amaya.

Visit me at Veera

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[»] debugging PHP
by Thomas M. - May 16th 2005 03:14:08

If you use Quanta Plus as your PHP IDE you might want to learn how to debugg your PHP scripts with Quanta.

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[»] PHP
by Thomas M. - Apr 24th 2005 14:56:19

PHP is very easy to use. If you have some experience of C you won't have any problems to get started with PHP. Even HTML coders can start integrating PHP into their pages straight away. But maybe PHP is too simple. What do I mean by that? The simplicity of PHP means that almost anyone can write some scripts and as a result there is a lot of badly designed code out there. This gives PHP a bad name it does not deserve because it is a very powerful tool. PHP is designed for building web applications that are scalable up to a very large number of users. With PHP 5 many developers finally got the robust support for object oriented programming they where waiting for but also its XML and MySQL support was much improved. If you look for a good IDE for PHP check out Quanta Plus. There is much discussion about if PHP is "enterprise ready" - I truly believe it is since it reached version five. Tom

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[»] Incredible Language
by Plutoid - Jun 13th 2003 14:58:11

I have been coding in Ms code for work for quite a while and am so thankful that I can use php when I get home. I still don't understand how the best things in life can still be free..... Thanks a ton for your efforts!!! Jake Johnson Jake @

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    [»] ASP.NET vs PHP
    by waclaw - Sep 8th 2004 21:34:13

    Did anybody see comparison charts Or maybe your impressions actually i want to know speed of execution (what is faster)? waclav @

    [reply] [top]

[»] More praise... But you deserve it!
by BlueEAGLE - Feb 22nd 2002 15:24:35

I thought writing a database app i.e. guestbook would be an immense job... But thanks to you guys, and mysql it's up and running after three (3) hours...

Now on to make a store management system...

Thanks a LOT!

This is provided "As-is" without any waranty, not even the implied waranty of making any sense what so ever *s* Yours Terje "BlueEAGLE" Monsen

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    [»] Re: More praise... But you deserve it!
    by BozMo - Jul 1st 2004 05:27:04

    Okay, we've got the message about it being brilliant but is this article balanced? I've been told if I used PHP for large applications it will overload the server: that true? Praise is all very well but some indications of limitations would be helpful too BozMo


    [reply] [top]

      [»] Re: More praise... But you deserve it!
      by xurizaemon - Oct 8th 2005 18:33:31

      > I've been told if I used PHP for large

      > applications it will overload the

      > server: that true?

      With bad code, sure, you can overload your server. Any language will do fine.

      > Praise is all very well but some

      > indications of limitations would be

      > helpful too

      It's a good language. Performance depends on discrete factors that you haven't mentioned, like your OS and server hardware and requirements. I'd suggest either trying it out (the ultimate acid test) or googling for "language shootout". GIYF!

      [reply] [top]

[»] I am really appreciate your work
by Yaro - Feb 6th 2002 10:45:14

Great language for web! Very simple to use, have all that every web programmer may need.


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[»] a little praise ;)
by Benjamin Kuz - Aug 10th 2001 15:20:56

Just wanted to drop a line to say thanks for this fine language. I don't care what other people may say, PHP is by far the best language I've ever used to do web backend, bar none.

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[»] shell scripting with php
by Trevor Jorgenson - Apr 10th 2000 05:05:05

There is an article about how to do this at PHP Builder ( which explains the full details of using php for shell scripting, but basically you need to compile the CGI version and use that as the interpreter. You will need to add a bang-path to the script as well as still using the php start and end tags. Full details are in the article over there, so I won't post them all here :)

I can't seem to get through to right now either, although I was able to get though a few hours ago. If anyone has a mirror carrying 4.0rc1, I'm working on doing an upgrade and need it.

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[»] Mirrors, anyone? or a cmdline PHP interpreter?
by Peter Pentchev - Apr 9th 2000 14:41:32

Does anyone know of any mirrors of the distributions? seems to be kind of down..
And more to the point, where do I get a command-line interpreter of PHP scripts?

[reply] [top]

    [»] Re: Mirrors, anyone? or a cmdline PHP interpreter?
    by deekayen - Jun 25th 2001 03:12:11

    > Does anyone know of any mirrors of the
    > distributions? seems to be
    > kind of down..
    > And more to the point, where do I get
    > a command-line interpreter of PHP
    > scripts?

    I'm sure this comment is way too late, but is never down when I need an alternative. I try to use it to keep some of the load off most of the time anyway since it's the same thing. I just go to when I need to look at the comments in the docs.

    [reply] [top]

    [»] Re: a cmdline PHP interpreter?
    by Martin Pool - Mar 26th 2002 00:11:35

    Just use the php program as an interpreter! If you build from source, I think this gets installed into /usr/bin/php. (It's been a while since I did it.) On Debian, you need to get the php4-cgi program.

    Then just pass the name of your script as the first argument, and the results of executing it will come onto stdout.

    [reply] [top]

      [»] Re: a cmdline PHP interpreter?
      by xurizaemon - Oct 8th 2005 18:37:17

      > Just use the php program as an interpreter! If you build from source, I think this gets installed into\ /usr/bin/php. (It's been a while since I did it.) On Debian, you need to get the php4-cgi program.

      Now CLI for 'command-line', not CGI I believe. I have php4-cli installed on my host.

      [reply] [top]

[»] PHP4b3 buggy
by Bolke de Bruin - Feb 18th 2000 10:43:41

I've been using b3 for quite a while right now; I use it
because of SquirrelMail which requires it.
I found a that it hogs Apache (1.3.11) down
so that it takes ALL available memory & CPU time.
Also it seems not stable when you get errors like
"undentified xxxx in xx line xx" but after reloading
they dissappaer.

I suggest stick with php3, when you don't need php4


[reply] [top]

    [»] Re: PHP4b3 buggy
    by deekayen - Mar 21st 2001 21:26:52

    > I've been using b3 for quite a while
    > right now; I use it
    > because of SquirrelMail which requires
    > it.
    > I found a that it hogs Apache (1.3.11)
    > down
    > so that it takes ALL available memory
    > & CPU time.
    > Also it seems not stable when you get
    > errors like
    > "undentified xxxx in xx line xx" but
    > after reloading
    > they dissappaer.
    > I suggest stick with php3, when you
    > don't need php4
    > l8rz

    Of course PHP4b3 is buggy... it's a beta. The current version (4.0.4pl1) is vastly improved.

    [reply] [top]

      [»] Re: PHP4b3 buggy
      by xurizaemon - Oct 8th 2005 18:38:52

      > I suggest stick with php3, when you

      This must be quite an old comment! PHP4 is well stable and PHP5 is looking good (but I haven't made the leap yet). Please disregard this if you're reading it in 2005 or later :)

      [reply] [top]

        [»] Re: PHP4b3 buggy
        by deekayen - Oct 8th 2005 20:41:16


        > % I suggest stick with php3, when you



        > This must be quite an old comment! PHP4

        > is well stable and PHP5 is looking good

        > (but I haven't made the leap yet).

        > Please disregard this if you're reading

        > it in 2005 or later :)


        For the record, as of 10/8/2005, I'm happy with PHP5.1.0-dev, so yes it is an old comment.

        [reply] [top]

[»] Good news...
by jeepfr - Jul 20th 1999 04:02:25

If PHP 4 is as fast as Zend promises, I think Microsoft and ASP will have trouble...

For the moment, in my company (babel) we use ASP on NT/IIS. But three days ago, my boss had a look at PHP. He was for sure impressed because now I've to develop a generic database interface in PHP that build code in PHP or ASP. If it's so fast, I'm sure we will see more and more PHP sites . It will help to get the rid of M$ in the Web server market...

Have a nice day...

[reply] [top]

    [»] Re: Good news...
    by Owen Lloyd - Mar 25th 2001 19:33:46

    Indeed - we currently use Jservlets and JSP's on OAS/NT and have also ported our apps to Apache/Apache JServ on RedHat, but since I first looked at PHP last weekend, I have installed MySQL, PHP4 and Apache with PHP module, and it rocks! PHP is all so simple for traditonal programmers like me (I have always found Java to be a pain in the butt) - it just gets to the point - as if (oo do ya think?) it was designed by people who were coding real world apps, not dreaming up some conceptually and aesthetically pleasing language :)

    I also grabbed an excellent PHP MySQL client "phpMyAdmin" which is also excellent (I refuse to type in insert queries that have more construct than data for one record inserts!)

    I couldn't comment on the speed of Zend as 4 is the first version of PHP I have ever used, but performance on my aging test server is good using the MySQL back end for data.

    More importantly - I like the way it is put together - it all seems very sane.

    > If PHP 4 is as fast as Zend promises, I
    > think Microsoft and ASP will have
    > trouble...

    [reply] [top]

      [»] Thanks
      by Ted Pennings - Mar 2nd 2002 21:38:32

      I just want to say thanks for the wonderful language. This language is so great, I know other people have said this and it must become repetitive, but its deserved.



      [reply] [top]

      [»] Re: Good news...
      by l3vi - Oct 19th 2006 11:03:39

      > If PHP 4 is as fast as Zend promises, I

      > think Microsoft and ASP will have

      > trouble...


      With apache taking up 90% of the internet servers I think Microsoft as already lost. ;)

      In any case Im very happy that PHP has made it where it is today, because otherwise we would be stuck using perl. LOL

      [reply] [top]

        [»] Re: Good news...
        by bpeh - Jan 27th 2007 02:26:42

        though php is the king in the web, php developers are still earning peanuts as compared to java and .net developers... i hope that will change some day.

        [reply] [top]

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