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I am an Urgent Care doctor in Austin, Tx. I was amazed last night at my clinic to notice this image of the Flying Spaghetti Monster manifested in a puddle of cleaning fluid on our trauma bay gurney. I have always considered myself an agnostic but I must admit this has given me pause. If there is an FSM then this must be a sign that He has blessed my patients with His noodly appendage. For that I am grateful.
–Chad F. Babcock, MD

fsm appears in Israeli painting


The FSM has recently revealed Himself in an Israeli high school through a painting depicting the pre-creation state of the universe as portrayed in Genesis 1:2.

The high school students were given the assignment of creating an artistic work related to one of the stories from the Book of Genesis. A couple of students chose to paint their interpretation of the appearance of the universe before the biblical Creation (or, as literally translated from Hebrew, “chaos”). The noodly Lord was easily spotted in the painting only after it was hanged on the corridor wall. The work’s creators claim that the painting did not originally include the FSM:

“We didn’t paint Him, I swear. I have no idea how He got there,” one of them says.

This divine act of the Flying Spaghetti Monster has made many students recognize His existence, and many have converted to Pastafarianism. Some of the recently converted Pastafarians even believe that Israel is in fact the Holy Land of Pastafarianism, and they are already contemplating methods to eliminate the all Jews, Muslims and Christians in Israel who won’t agree to convert.

The FSM’s message is obvious. For many years the state of Israel has forced the Jewish religion and its studies upon Israeli students of Jewish descent by making it a compulsory subject for receiving a matriculation certificate. The school system in Israel starts teaching students the concepts of the Old Testament when they are very young and innocent, and every student must continue studying these religious stories, regardless of his beliefs. The Holy FSM, clearly, just wishes for Israeli students to be taught the true religion, Pastafarianism.

May we all be touched by His noodly appendage,

Submitted by Incognito.

Adam and Eve and the FSM

A creation by Baron Bob, “I always knew Meatballs were the source of all knowledge, protein, fibre just a hint of garlic. An acrylic attempt to bridge picture the FSM truth.”


I like it - very nice.

beaded bracelet


Wench G made this bracelet with some wire and beads. I like it a lot.

The pirate fish saved my car from homeless crackheads


December 9, 2007 - a cold, wintery night in Cleveland, Ohio. I dropped my keys outside a Panini’s (sports bar franchise) in the Warehouse district. In a strapless dress, heels and no coat I walked all the way back to my car only to realize I had no way in. Frustrated and tired, I spent the night at a friends and waited for my sister to come in the morning with a spare key. As we approached the lot, my car was nowhere to be found. The towing company did not have it. The only other option… STOLEN. My poor Honda Civic was being violated by the hands of a complete stranger.

The cops made a report and then did nothing. The following Friday I received a voicemail from a man named Ray whom I’d never met and said he had information about my car. Apparently it was in the ghetto of Cleveland preferably known as “Crackland.” Evidently a homeless man had found the keys and used to remote to locate it. Very resourceful.

Since the police would not tow it, I called my insurance company. There was a field agent in the area. With a multitude of Civics in the general population hope of finding mine was slim. The only distinguishing marker of my vehicle was an FSM Pirate fish spray painted in white on the back window. If it had not been for my love of FSM and my sheer distaste for organized religion I would still not have my car back. The representative found the fish and my car and everything is back to normal. Thank you.


Kristina K

the other fsm license plates

Someone asked:

Weren’t there some other FSM license plates a while back? I can’t find them.

Yes! Here are the others I can think of:



Anyone know of others?

fsm blimp

Jenny spotted this FSM Blimp in Second Life:


Blimps are the pirate ships of the sky.

Carbo Diem

Kim B gets credit for this one.

Carbo Diem! You can download this flyer in PDF or PNG format. It’s also available for sale as a shirt at the store.

8.5×11 PDF | 8.5×11 PNG

Another Great License Plate

vwhite’s AZ plate:


Great License Plate

As you can see from the picture, I used to be a evolutionist, but his noodly appendage has touched my license plate!!! I am now a true believer.
-Bill D.


FSM preacher claims Napoleontic cannon

I recently worked for a local theatre company, where I stumbled upon this cool looking prop. Instantly I commandeered it to support my argument for the beneficial effect of adopting his Noodly lord, resulting in the convertion of 7 technicians and a couple of actors.
Ramen, Studio Marcel


Drinking Glass

I carved this into the glass bottom with a spinning diamond bur. Lots of fun revealing the hidden Spaghetti Monster between samples of beer that the glass was designed to hold. How mysterious are the ways of the Noodly Aaaarrrrgghhhhhh!


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Purchase the Gospel

An elaborate spoof on Intelligent Design, The Gospel of the Flying Spaghetti Monster is neither too elaborate nor too spoofy to succeed in nailing the fallacies of ID. It's even wackier than Jonathan Swift's suggestion that the Irish eat their children as a way to keep them from being a burden, and it may offend just as many people, but Henderson, described elsewhere as a 25-year-old "out-of-work physics major," puts satire to the same serious use that Swift did. Oh, yes, it is very funny. -- Scientific American


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