
Average: 2.5 (2 votes)
heres a typical thing, if you've been stuck in Linux land for several years you may no longer notice this as you've forgotten just how adept you are (arent you lucky!) to be able to pickup new interfaces pretty quickly, but it's not until you follow what all the zealots say and convert an office full of people qualified barely enough todo data-entry tasks to a Linux based desktop solution that you really start to notice how inconsistant it is.

Average: 3 (4 votes)

Applications that use gtkhtml wont let you set a default font size, such applications like gnucash etc, what happens when you goto use the print-report function of these apps and you are forced to print in 10 point html?

gtkhtml-properties.c:#define DEFAULT_FONT_SIZE 10
gtkhtml-properties.c:#define DEFAULT_FONT_SIZE_PRINT 10

there is no way to change this without recompiling the code, however it does not compile under debian because of a broken build script that does not detect some utility called GAIL

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