A Tale of Great Customer Service from DeLorme

Consumerist has this cockles-warming tale of a vacation saved by good customer service by GPS maker DeLorme:

I posted to the DeLorme company forums, explaining the situation, and asking if there was any way to spoof Topo 7 into thinking it had already synchronized, since I knew the firmware version for my PN-20. I got a PM back from one of the customer service reps, saying that no, this was probably not possible. So instead, they offered to overnight a replacement USB cable to where I was on the trip!

DeLorme's Awesome Customer Service Vastly Improves Road Trip [Consumerist]


Take a look at this

Yeah yeah, customer service. Have you seen their MAPS!?!?

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#2 posted by Anonymous , February 14, 2008 3:31 PM

Hey now! Don't knock their maps! I used to work there, and we put a lot of care into making our products. I really don't think you can beat Delorme for maps of the Northeast at least.

Take a look at this

The cockles... they are warm.

Take a look at this
#4 posted by Anonymous , February 15, 2008 10:17 AM

I use Delorme products over anything else. I live in Maine and travel a lot around the state. I refuse to leave the house without a copy of their gazetteer tucked behind the seat. I have had many occurences of it saving me lots of time and gas money.

Take a look at this

I meant the MAPS! in a good way. DeLorme maps are unbelievable.

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