1947 Jerusalem riots

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The 1947 Jerusalem Riots occurred following the vote in the UN General Assembly in favour of the 1947 UN Partition Plan on 29 November 1947.

The Arab Higher Committee declared a three-day strike and public protest to begin on 2 December 1947, in protest at the vote. Arabs marching to Zion Square on December 2 were stopped by the British, and the Arabs instead turned towards the commercial center of the City at Mamilla and Jaffa Road, burning many buildings and shops. Violence continued for two more days, with a number of Jewish neighborhoods being attacked.

A consequence of the violence was the decision by the Haganah Jewish paramilitary organization to use force to "stop future attacks on Jews".[1] The Irgun responded with armed attacks on nearby Arab villages and a bombing campaign against Arab civilians. On December 12, an Irgun bomb at the Damascus Gate killed 20 passersby.[2]

[edit] References

  1. ^ Milstein, Uri. History of Israel's War of Independence, Vol II, English Edition: University Press of America 1997. p131ff.
  2. ^ Milstein, p51.

[edit] External links

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