List of Arab localities in Israel

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The list of Arab localities in Israel includes all population centers with a 50% or higher Arab population in the State of Israel. The city of Acre has an Arab minority of 45% and both Lod and Ramla have Arab populations of 20%.


[edit] Center District

The majority of the Center District's Arab population live along or near the Green Line which separates Israel from the West Bank in an area known as the triangle. The largest city is Tayibe with a population of approximately 33,000. In addition, there are approximately 25,000 Arabs inhabitants in the Jaffa area of Tel Aviv-Yafo, comprising 6.8% of the city's total population.

[edit] Haifa District

Most Arabs of the Haifa District live in the Wadi Ara region that straddles along the northwestern border of the West Bank. There is a substantial Druze population in the Carmel region and in the Wadi Nisnas neighborhood of Haifa. Umm al-Fahm is the largest Arab locality of the district.

[edit] Jerusalem District

The Arab populations of the Jerusalem District are primarily concentrated in East Jerusalem, however there are 4 other towns that exist within the district's jurisdiction. Abu Ghosh is the largest of them.

[edit] East Jerusalem

East Jerusalem was annexed by Israel after its victory over Jordan during the Six-Day War in 1967. It was joined with the western portion of Jerusalem, along with several surrounding Palestinian towns and villages. Today, Arabs constitute 55% of East Jerusalem and 33% of Jerusalem as a whole. The following are the primarily Arab neighborhoods of Jerusalem.

[edit] North District

Arabs make up 52% of the North District's population, making it Israel's only district with an Arab majority. 46% of the entire Israeli-Arab population live in this district. Nazareth is the largest locality with a population of approximately 65,000.

[edit] Golan Heights

The Golan Heights was captured in 1967 during the Six-Day War. As a result, hundreds of villages were abandoned probably by fear of attack, however no residents were forcibly expelled. Four Arab towns remain today. It was officially annexed by Israel in 1981 although the United Nations does not recognize the territory as Israel's. Israel governs the Golan Heights as a part of the North District

[edit] South District

The South District's Arab population lives primarily in the northwestern Negev or Naqab Desert and is entirely composed of Bedouins. Several Arab towns in the area are not formally recognized by the government and those particular towns do not receive most of the basic utilities that is required for a town or city in the state. The largest locality is the city of Rahat.

[edit] Notes

 * The result of village or municipality mergers

 ** The result of village or municipality mergers that have a Jewish majority

 ***Inhabitants are Circassian but considered Arab

[edit] See also

[edit] References

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