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 Welcome to Infoshop News
 Sunday, February 17 2008 @ 08:20 PM PST

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Defend Jamie ‘Bork’ Loughner

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Anarchists in Trouble

Jamie ‘Bork’ Loughner, a housing activist, and disabled worker, who has relied on public housing for safe and affordable shelter, was arraigned on a politically inspired charge of possessing a false explosive device in Orleans Parish Criminal Court on January 29th, 2008. The Orleans Parish District Attorney filed the felony charge against Loughner in response to her participation in the December 19th protest that temporarily halted demolition of public housing apartments at the B.W. Cooper Housing Development in New Orleans. The demolition work at Cooper is part of an ongoing plan by HUD, the New Orleans City Council and the New Orleans Mayor--and the real estate and other corporate interests they represent--to destroy 4,500 easily made habitable public housing apartments in storm devastated New Orleans.

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No G8 Japan 2008 - Lake Toya promo
Each year, Leaders of the Group of Eight countries - Italy, France, Great Britain, Germany, Japan, Russia, the United States and Canada - meet to decide policy for the rest of the world. They meet behind closed doors, behind walls of concrete and steel, with armies to protect them from their own people.In July of 2008 they will meet again at the Windsor Hotel resort on Lake Toya, on the island of Hokkaido, Japan.

More radical and independent video available in the Infoshop Theater.

Participants in post-concert riot expected to face charges

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Art & RevolutionOLYMPIA — Thurston County Sheriff's Lt. Chris Mealy said detectives expect to identify and file charges against the rioters who damaged four patrol cars outside a hip-hop concert by Dead Prez at The Evergreen State College early Friday morning. The rioters caused between $35,000 and $50,000 in damage to the four patrol cars, including one that was overturned and "totaled," Mealy said. Between 200 and 500 concertgoers at the campus-sponsored event were involved in the riot, Mealy said.
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Panama workers, police clash; hundreds arrested

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Central AmericaNearly 300 protesters were arrested in Panama on Friday as construction workers clashed with police for the third day running over the shooting death of a fellow worker earlier this week. A dozen police were injured in Friday's protest, which kept much of the capital paralyzed, with piles of tires burning on busy roads and highways across the city. Police reported 286 arrests, bringing the number of people detained since Tuesday to around 780, police said. Protesters also threw stones at riot police in the affluent Paitilla area of the city, home to many of Panama's glass-covered skyscrapers, local television images showed.
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Philadelphia's anarchist newspaper The Defenestrator releases 40th issue

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Alternative MediaPhiladelphia's Defenestrator Newspaper has just released issue #40, featuring articles about Police Commissioner Charles Ramsey, The Don’t Tax Me Out Campaign, To Snitch or Not To Snitch, and A labor victory at Temple and Penn.
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Some Homeless Squat in Foreclosed Houses

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HousingThe nation's foreclosure crisis has led to a painful irony for homeless people: On any given night they are outnumbered in some cities by vacant houses. Some street people are taking advantage of the opportunity by becoming squatters. Foreclosed homes often have an advantage over boarded-up and dilapidated houses abandoned because of rundown conditions: Sometimes the heat, lights and water are still working. "That's what you call convenient," said James Bertan, 41, an ex-convict and self-described "bando," or someone who lives in abandoned houses.
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What FBI whistle-blower Sibel Edmonds found in translation

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North America

Most Americans have never heard of Sibel Edmonds, and if the U.S. government has its way, they never will.

The former FBI translator turned whistle-blower tells a chilling story of corruption at Washington's highest levels – sale of nuclear secrets, shielding of terrorist suspects, illegal arms transfers, narcotics trafficking, money laundering, espionage. She may be a first-rate fabulist, but Ms. Edmonds' account is full of dates, places and names.

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Northern Ill. University: Was the Killer Crazy, or the Campus Hopeless?

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North AmericaWhy? Why did this rage massacre at Northern Illinois University happen? Why did Steven Kazmierczak, "armed with three handguns and a brand-new pump-action shotgun he had carried onto campus in a guitar case," step from behind a screen on the stage of a lecture hall at NIU and open fire on a geology class, killing six, wounding many more?
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Palestine-Israel, Three years of persistent joint struggle against separation fence + occupation

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Middle EastIt was like previous 156 Fridays - 36 months - three years, without missing even one week, with other direct actions in other days, people of the village Bil'in, around the local popular comity, together with Israelis of the anarchists against the wall initiative, with internationals and media. We started at noon from the center of the village, marching on the road leading to the western lands of the village - cut by the separation fence, in the process of being robbed for the settlers town Modi'in Illit.
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Proposal for Midwest Anarchist Federation

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Anarchist MovementThis bulletin is an invitation to an upcoming gathering of anarchists and social revolutionaries to take place May 2-4th in Lawrence, Kansas. The intention of this gathering is to help facilitate the creation of a new regional anarchist organization.
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Venezuela: Against (B)oligarchy, demagogy and corruption

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South AmericaThe year begins and it's already clear that the electoral circus will be used once again to tame the social struggle in Venezuela, a script routinely applied with success for the last 10 years. Elections for governors, state representatives and mayors are set for November 16, so the official politicos and the opposition started campaigning right after the Constitutional Referendum of December 2nd, again with the sneaky proposal to postpone collective demands in order to be elected to the contested positions. Both sides continue to sell the canard that given the importance of these elections to regain freedom or to advance the revolution nothing matters more in 2008 than to clear the road to victory at the ballot, after which these enlightened representatives of the people will work tirelessly and expertly to satisfy the electors' demands.
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Detroit: Trans Woman Shot in Head

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QueerThe murder of a transgender woman discovered last week has been mishandled by the Detroit Police Department, said Mara Keisling, executive director of the National Center for Trangender Equality.
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UK: Trans 10-year-old Found Hanging

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QueerA boy of 10 has been found hanged at his South Yorkshire home after telling his mum he wanted to be a girl. Cameron McWilliams had already asked for permission to wear make-up, and been teased after he was found wearing his half-sister's knickers.
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NYC: 25-year-old Trans Sex Worker Stabbed to Death

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QueerA Transgendered prostitute was stabbed to death in the Bronx Saturday by a customer who was apparently surprised by the hooker's true sex, police sources said Saturday. The victim - a 25-year-old man who dressed like a woman - was identified by sources as Talib Stewart, who often went by the feminine nicknames of Nesha or Sanesha.
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Infoshop Forums: Discussion Forums for Anarchists and Anti-authoritarians

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Infoshop UpdatesAre you looking for a useful political forum that has interesting discussions yet also has a sense of community? Are you tired of political forums where a few egos dominate and try to “win” debates? Are you looking for a place where you can meet like-minded people with whom you can do things with offline? Do you want to support independent media that are fighting against corporate giants like Myspace?
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How “flat earth” news is killing journalism

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Media Monopoly

Remember the Millennium bug story? That’s a classic piece of flat earth news. The global media just consuming falsehood and distortion, pumping out this stuff. It’s wonderful, to look back on the cuttings – utterly unreliable. Most of the scandal surrounding Bill Clinton was, to use the technical term, bollocks. Just pushed out on this huge scale.

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Florida: Earth First! conference brings activists from far and wide

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Earth FirstAlaina is an activist from the native St'at'imc people of British Columbia, fighting to keep her ancestors' land from being lost to ski resorts and the 2010 Winter Olympics.
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Queer 15-year-old murdered at school

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QueerIn the lead up to the Bash Back! Trans and Queer Convergence, Bash Back! Chicago will be forwarding all articles regarding the drastic rise in violent crimes committed against Trans and Queer to radical news services. Within the last few days three gender variant people were murdered, two of which are under the age of 18. The stories about the other two victims will be posted shortly. They are killing us, it is time to bash back.

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Bush Defends America's Indefensible Human Rights Record

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Human Rights

On February 21 and 22, U.S. State Department and Department of Justice are going to Geneva to defend George Bush's record on human rights and racial discrimination. But what does one say about a record that cannot be defended? Specifically, the United Nations Committee on the Elimination of Racial Discrimination will take a look at United States compliance - or rather, noncompliance - with the International Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of Racial Discrimination, also known as the Race Convention or ICERD.

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It's not torture when U.S. forces are doing it…

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