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In literature, fantasy (sometimes called sword and sorcery) is a form of fiction, usually novels or short stories. It has often been adapted for use in role-playing games and movies.

"Fantasy" is generally reserved for fiction that features magic, brave knights, damsels in distress, mythical beasts, and quests. As such, it has a long and distinguished history, with beginnings in Greek mythology and Roman mythology (famous examples are Homer's Odyssey) and other epics such as Beowulf), and a very strong influence from medieval romance. The legend of King Arthur, with its magic, swordplay, and romance is another clear precursor of contemporary fantasy.

Fantasy is typically set in a world or worlds quite different from or frighteningly like the Earth and usually inhabited by users of magic and mythical creatures such as dragons and unicorns.

As a genre, fantasy is both associated and contrasted with science fiction and horror fiction. All three genres feature elements of the fantastic, of making radical departures from reality or radical speculations about what reality might be like, or might have been like. Some writers and critics prefer the term Speculative fiction due to the frequnt crossover from one genre to another.

In the 19th and early 20th centuries, much fantasy was published in the same magazines as science fiction (and often written by the same authors). After the great popularity, in the mid-20th century, of J. R. R. Tolkien's The Hobbit and The Lord of the Rings, which was parodied in Henry N. Beard and Douglas C. Kenney's Bored of the Rings, as well as of C. S. Lewis's Chronicles of Narnia and Ursula K. Le Guin's Earthsea series, fantasy writing saw renewed popularity, often influenced by these seminal works and, like them, borrowing from myth, epic, and medieval romance.

Comic fantasy -- especially the works of Terry Pratchett -- should also be mentioned here, which parodies the above ideas as well as ideas outside the genre, in a postmodern manner.

This fiction and its older predecessors in turn gave birth to fantasy role-playing games such as Dungeons & Dragons, which in turn spawned more fiction in the genre. Game companies have published fantasy novels set in their own fictional game universes; the Forgotten Realms and Battletech series are some of the more popular and have even come out with its own massive muliplayer online role playing game (MMORPG)Dungeons and Dragons Online which has spawned fan sites across the web such as Dungeons and Dragons MMO.

Similarly, series of novels based on fantasy films and TV series have found their own niche.

See list of fantasy authors for information about individual authors who write in this genre.

Fans of fantasy get together yearly at the World Fantasy Convention. The first was held in 1975 and it has occurred every year since. The convention is held at a different city each year.

Since the rise of popular fantasy fiction in the Twentieth Century, the fantasy genre has subdivided into a number of branches:

[edit] See also

[edit] External Resources

Science Fiction and Fantasy Writers of America website:

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