Washington, DC Independent Media Center : http://dc.indymedia.org
Washington, DC Independent Media Center


News :: Civil Rights/Equal Rights : Culture/Entertainment : DC Radio Co-op, Free Speech Radio News, WPFW : Housing/Urban Issues/Gentrification : Local News/Neighborhoods

now a hearing..after victory was scored in Mt Pleasant twice in a day as 4 generations of residents take to the streets

Residents, community groups, poets, and musicians unite to Overturn the Live Music Ban in Mount Pleasant, calling on the neighborhood to turn-up in front of the ABC Board 941 North Capitol Street, NE; Suite 7200 is this Wednesday at 10am.

This FINAL hearing for Haydee's and Don Jaime's restaurants will decide whether or they can have live music and dancing in the establishments on Mt Pleasant. more..

Latino Business owner fighting to stop discrimination and bring back live music to Mt Pleasant in Washington DC and the Mt Pleasant Latino community fighting to bring more attention to their needs under the new administration of Mayor Fenty scored 2 victories this November 2007.. They stopped un-permitted DDOT demolition of Don Juan restaurant garbage 40 year old enclosure thanks to the support of the community, the neighboring businesses, members of the Ward 1 ANC and the local 'Hear Mt Pleasant' coalition who all showed up within minutes of Don Juan's restaurant call. They also had some 300 people take to the streets as Mayor Fenty visited the neighborhood, invited by their opposition…

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News :: Immigration

Mexicanos Sin Fronteras Statement to the Virginia General Assembly

Today we are gathered to draw attention to the massive number of mean spirited, hate-filled, anti-immigrant bills before the House of Delegates and the Senate. It is time to speak the truth about these kinds of actions and the motivation behind them. These bills are not measures that foster prosperity nor build communities. They are just the opposite. I know this because I live in Prince William County . Our Board of Supervisors, motivated by similar ideas, passed anti-immigrant legislation in our county. And now we the residents of that county are paying for it. The county budget is in a multimillion dollar deficit that will dramatically drive up our taxes. Our businesses are closing down, our home values are plummeting far worse than neighboring counties, our police have lost the respect and support of the immigrant community and many of our residents live in a constant state of fear. Is this what we want for the state of Virginia ?

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Announcement :: Foreign Policy/Imperialism : Globalization/Anti-Globalization : Media

Indymedia and Big Noise Video Fest, Feb 12

Resistance Films Presents
Popaganda By The Deed: Notes from the Social War
a night of short films hosted by Brandon Jourdan

Starting at 9:00 PM
@ The Black Cat, 1811 14th St.


News :: Civil Liberties/Constitution

Polar Bears and First Amendment on Thin Ice

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On Monday Oct. 22, 2007 during the No War No Warming demonstration, many polar bears sang and danced their way on sidewalks outside of the Cannon House Office building to remind congress of the connection between war and global warming. Capitol police insisted they disperse but the Polar Bear 7 were seized as they attempted to leave less than 30 seconds after the first warning to disperse.

Day 6 of Polar Bear 7 Trial Continues Monday Feb 11, 12:00 Noon, Room 211 DC Superior Court 500 Indiana Avenue

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News :: Anti-War/Peace : Foreign Policy/Imperialism : Human Rights : Military, Weapons

Disruption at Plan Mexico Hearing

Soon after a panel of representatives from Homeland Security, the Border Patrol, and other US officials was introduced at today's Congressional hearing on Plan Mexico, a member of Friends of Brad Will stood up to challenge this plan to send weapons, counter-insurgency training, and other resources to the Mexican government.

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News :: Environment/Food/Health

Barriers Go Up at Georgia Avenue ICC Site

Within days of last week's sediment control inspection, barriers were emplaced on the Ga Ave service road where it passes the site.

Could these barriers reflect a desire to impede further citizen inspections of ICC site complaince with environmental regulations?


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News :: Elections/Legislation/Government : Housing/Urban Issues/Gentrification : Local News/Neighborhoods


National Park Service (NPS) and D.C. officials have met to deal with the rat infestation problem in the Dupont Circle Park. We wish them well, but doubt that effort will go anywhere. The NPS and the U.S. Park Police control the Park, and the District the land around it. Each has a hands-off policy regarding the other’s turf, and nothing ever gets done. The rats recognize no such boundaries, and roam freely from one to the other all the time.

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