[Audio] Fascism and the Rise of Nazism
By Mick Brooks   
Tuesday, 12 February 2008
The coming to power of the Nazi party in Germany 75 years ago marks the begining of one of the darkest periods of human history. What is Fascism and how did it emerge in a country with the strongest labour movement in the world? Mick Brooks of Socialist Appeal talks on the story of the rise of the Nazis.
Russian Ford workers – a beacon to the working class as a whole
By Tom Rollings   
Monday, 11 February 2008
Last year's strike at the Russian Ford plant marked an important turning point for the Russian labour movement. The Russian economy is growing and this has strengthened sections of the working class. With this growing strength comes a militant mood. At some point this will lead to a wider movement of the Russian working class and with it will come important political repercussions.
Ford: Global Company, Global Struggle
By David May   
Monday, 11 February 2008
The big corporations in North America, Western Europe and Japan are moving more of their factories abroad in search of lower wages. But in the process they are tying the interests of the international working class more closely together. In global companies like Ford, the interests of a section of workers on almost every continent are directly linked. The answer to capitalist globalization is to link up workers’ struggle worldwide.
No a la sangre por petróleo. ¡Los soldados de la UE fuera del Chad!
By Josef Falkinger (Austria)   
Monday, 11 February 2008
Spanish translation of No Blood for Oil – EU Soldiers out of Chad! (February 8, 2008)
Kenia: las bárbaras consecuencias del capitalismo
By Alan Woods   
Monday, 11 February 2008
Spanish translation of Kenya: the barbaric consequences of capitalism (February 5, 2008)
By Michael Roberts   
Monday, 11 February 2008
Arabic translation of Panic! (January 22, 2008)
Val i Pakistan - stöd de tre socialistiska kandidaterna
By PTUDC - www.ptudc.org   
Monday, 11 February 2008
Swedish translation of Elections in Pakistan 2008 - Support socialist candidates (February 1, 2008)
No Blood for Oil – EU Soldiers out of Chad!
By Josef Falkinger in Austria   
Friday, 08 February 2008
France is about to lead an EU military mission to Chad. It is being presented as a "humanitarian" mission. In reality it is part of a conflict between the major imperialist powers, among them China, for control of the country's resources. It is part of a wider picture involving all the major powers fighting for control of Africa's wealth and it is the duty of workers in all countries to oppose this.
International Appeal: No Blood for Oil! International Troops out of Chad!
By In Defence of Marxism   
Friday, 08 February 2008
Here we publish a joint appeal by the IMT sections in France, Austria, Belgium, Poland and Sweden, some of the countries which are sending troops to Chad.
Pakistan Elections: Reactionary MQM preparing for massive rigging in Karachi
By Adam Pal   
Friday, 08 February 2008
The successful election campaign of the Marxists in the PPP in the constituency of NA-257 Karachi threatens to upset the plans of the reactionary MQM party that has dominated the area. It is however clear that they are preparing to use all means possible to rig the result, including armed gangs, death threats.
[Ted Grant Archive Update] - International Conference shows C.P. rank and file must fight for real Marxist policy
By Ted Grant in 1967   
Friday, 08 February 2008
In 1967 a conference of European Communist parties was held. A comment by Ted Grant was published by the Militant where he exposed the British Communist party leaders’ utter reformist and nationalist degeneration.
Super Tuesday and the U.S. Elections
By John Peterson in the U.S.   
Thursday, 07 February 2008
The U.S. election cycle is in full swing a full nine months before voters actually go to the polls on November 4th. On "Super Tuesday" registered voters in 24 states came out to vote in caucuses and primary elections.
USA: Why Workers Need a Labor Party
By Ed Riley in the U.S.   
Thursday, 07 February 2008
The vast majority of the 300 million people in the USA are workers and their families. Just as they have learned that if we band together at work into a union, where our strength is united into a single force, we can more effectively fight the boss, if we band together into a political party, created by and under the democratic control of the labor movement, we can better fight the government of the employers.
China: Migrants, workers and unions in year of the Rat
By Heiko Khoo   
Thursday, 07 February 2008
The largest human migration in the world gets under way every Chinese New Year, as China's 120 million strong army of migrant workers make their annual trip home. This year heavy snows led to railways and roads being overburdened and transport bottlenecks wreaked sudden nationwide chaos.
Pakistan: sostieniamo i candidati marxisti!
By PTUDC - www.ptudc.org   
Thursday, 07 February 2008
Italian translation of Elections in Pakistan 2008 - Support socialist candidates (February 1, 2008)
Death of a monster
By Ted Sprague   
Wednesday, 06 February 2008
On January 27, 2008 General Soeharto, former dictator of Indonesia, passed away. This man was responsible for the murder of hundreds of thousands of communists in a bloody coup in 1965. Despite these monstrous crimes and his well-documented corruption the old butcher died in his bed, untouched by the law.
World Perspectives 2008 draft - Part One
By In Defence of Marxism   
Wednesday, 06 February 2008
This is the first part of a draft document on World Perspectives as approved at the recent meeting of the leadership of the International Marxist Tendency. At this stage it is a discussion document.
Support Iran’s jailed and tortured students!
By Militaant   
Wednesday, 06 February 2008
The Iranian regime has raised the level of repression against many sections of society, especially against students. To show solidarity with the imprisoned students a number of Iranian opposition groups are organising pickets outside the Iranian regime’s diplomatic missions on Saturday 16 February 2008.
Mexico: 31 de enero - el campo mexicano arde
By Luis Enrique Barrios y Rubén Rivera   
Wednesday, 06 February 2008
El 31 de enero, 200 mil obreros y campesinos provenientes de varios estados de México marcharon por la calles de la capital contra la entrada en vigencia del capítulo agropecuario del Tratado de Libre Comercio de América del Norte, que solamente favorece los intereses del capital norteamericano y mexicano. Era evidente el ambiente de unidad y repudio a las políticas del gobierno espurio de Felipe Calderón.
Pakistan - valg 2008: Støt de socialistiske kandidater i Pakistan
By PTUDC - www.ptudc.org   
Wednesday, 06 February 2008
Danish translation of Elections in Pakistan 2008 - Support socialist candidates (February 1, 2008)
دعوة إلى جميع قراء وأنصار موقع الدفاع عن الماركسية وموقع ماركسي
By PTUDC - www.ptudc.org   
Wednesday, 06 February 2008
Arabic translation of Elections in Pakistan 2008 - Support socialist candidates (February 1, 2008)
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