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LOCAL News :: Indigenous struggles : Protest Activity : Tino Rangatiratanga

Jump for Justice

When Transit NZ declined the application to fly the Tino Rangatiratanga/Maori Independence Flag on the Auckland Harbour Bridge during Waitangi Day Commemorations this year, some people just wanted to throw themselves off it.
"Creative Resistance is one way to raise awareness to our struggles" Tia says. "The Maori Flag is banned yet we are constantly seeing other flags flown on this bridge, it is out right racist".

Indigenous peoples rights, independence and self determination are just some of the reasons Tia Taurere and Mera Penehira are draping themselves in their beloved Tino Rangatiratanga flag to bungy off the bridge.

Just recently Maori MP Hone Harawira was also appalled that Transit allowed the the European Union Flag to fly in recognition of European Day.

"The flag has long been recognized as broadly representing Maori aspirations. It has been flown at Waitangi, and in all the hikoi, both church and iwi based, for almost two decades"
Keep your eye on the skies, we intend to keep organising on this kaupapa, there is obviously a real need for our symbols to receive due recognition, because these are the things that remind us of who we are and the obligations and responsibilities that we have for the next generations, even if it means that we have to take it to the bridge" said Tia Taurere spokesperson for Te Ata Tino Toa.

Jumped for Justice

We have had the Tino Rangatiratanga flag fly walking over the bridge and now we have had the Tino Rangatiratanga flag fly on a bungy under the bridge, but we have still yet to see the Tino Rangatiratanga flag fly on top of the bridge!

Todays action was not only a political reminder for the right to fly our Indigenous flag on significant days of the year, on the bridge, in respect of the Tangata Whenua, it was also loads of fun!

Links: Discussion on Aocafe | Video | Waitangi 07: Tino Rangatiratanga flags around the world
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Re: Jump for Justice

Way to you Wahine Toa
Ka Whawhai Tonu Matou Ake Ake Ake

Re: Jump for Justice

The NZ flag is a colonial arse wipe and should be used as toilet paper or burnt as often as possible.

NZ flag the only one to be flown on harbour bridge

The New Zealand flag will be the only flag allowed to fly on the Auckland Harbour Bridge, Transit New Zealand has decided.

Transit chief executive Rick van Barneveld said the new policy would be implemented from June 1.

"The Transit board appreciates the interest many people have in what flag is flying on the bridge on any given day.

"However, our focus needs to be about the safe and efficient operation of the state highway network," he said.

Transit reviewed its flag flying policy amidst controversy that it allowed the European Union flag to be flown on the bridge earlier this month in recognition of Europe Day, when it had not allowed the Maori sovereignty flag to be flown on the bridge on Waitangi Day.

Transit later admitted it should not have allowed the EU flag to be flown because it was not a country.

Mr van Barneveld said Transit simplified its policy, in consultation with the Minister of Transport, to avoid issues that are unrelated to its core business of building and operating the state highway network.

Transit's new policy would be: "The New Zealand flag will be the sole flag flown on the Auckland Harbour Bridge.

"It will be flown on both flagpoles and will fly at half-mast on occasions of national mourning as directed by the Minister for Arts, Culture and Heritage."

But co-leader of the Maori Party Dr Pita Sharples urged Transit to reconsider its decision.

He said it was only reasonable that the Maori flag should be flown with the New Zealand flag on Waitangi Day to signify the mutual respect accorded to the Treaty partners.

"Instead of focusing on that issue – addressing Treaty responsibilities and acknowledging the tangata whenua of this country – Transit New Zealand appears to have thrown its hands up in horror, and got rid of all the flags of other countries as well."

Flag bearing should be a "wondrous occasion" and New Zealand should be as inclusive as possible, Dr Sharples said.

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