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Uprising against Military Rule in Burma

Over the past few weeks huge protests against the brutal ruling military junta have engulfed Burma (renamed Myanmar by the junta in 1989). Many are comparing these demonstrations to the huge uprising against military rule in 1988 that was brutally suppressed by the military, killing 3000 people. Huge crowds risked terrible repression to join protests by Buddhist monks in the former capital city of Rangoon. In recent days the junta has launched a violent crackdown on the protests, arresting monks and shooting dead scores of demonstrators and a Japanese journalist. [ Protest timeline on Irawaddy - independent Burmese news site ]

In Auckland hundreds of people rallied last Saturday in solidarity with the uprising in Burma. Prayers and a sit down on Customs Street was led by Burmese Buddhist monks to demand the NZ SuperFund stops investing taxpayer money in the French oil company, Total. [Report and pictures]

Total has benefited from the use of slave labour to build oil and gas pipelines in Burma. The junta has used money received from the pipeline to buy MIG jet fighters from Russia. [ Totalitarian Oil – TOTAL Oil: Fuelling the oppression in Burma ]

The New Zealand government is also currently negotiating a free trade agreement with the Association of South East Asian Nations (ASEAN), which includes Burma.

Global Indymedia Coverage: Global IMC: Callout! International Solidarity needed for Burmese People | UK IMC: Peace March for Burma in London | Houston IMC: Burmese Community of Houston demands China stop supporting the Myanmar dictatorship | NYC IMC: Demonstrators demand UN Action on Burma, Condemn China

Links: Britain: church goers blockade Total Garage | Burma One Solution Revolution! | CTU statement | AUSA statement | Burma Support Group University of Auckland | Burma Campaign UK
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Re: Uprising against Military Rule in Burma

Free Burma!
International Bloggers' Day for Burma on the 4th of October

International bloggers are preparing an action to support the peaceful revolution in Burma. We want to set a sign for freedom and show our sympathy for these people who are fighting their cruel regime without weapons. These Bloggers are planning to refrain from posting to their blogs on October 4 and just put up one Banner then, underlined with the words „Free Burma!“.

Re: Uprising against Military Rule in Burma

Rangoon (Yangon) is not the capital of Burma.

Re: Uprising against Military Rule in Burma

Whoops I should have put it was the capital before the military moved it.


Re: Uprising against Military Rule in Burma

yes we have to support the burmese people who have suffered long enough. They only have courage, no weapons. UN not doing anything as usual. Boycott Beijing Olympics, don't buy Chinese goods, hard as it may be!

BTW, this is a great site. Keep up the good work!

Re: Re: Uprising against Military Rule in Burma

Correct the way to Rangoon goes through Beijing.
You'd be better off protesting at the Chinese and Singaporean embassy's.

Re: Re: Re: Uprising against Military Rule in Burma

Democracy dissidents are among the most persecuted in China. If you think China wants another democracy on it's doorstep, think again. China isn't a democracy - it is a far worse kind of regime. They would never intervene in Burma - it would probably cause unprecedented violence and uprising in their own country if they did.

Protest action in Wellington

Action in support of the people of Burma. Saturday, October 6, 12:30 at Civic Square. Please bring banners, placards etc.

Photos from Wellington vigil in Civic Square

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Click on image for a larger version

Photos from Saturday's vigil in Civic Square. I found listening to the rhetoric from the labour party frankly quite sickening considering their complicity in continuing to do business with the Burmese government. Goff said two years ago NZ had to continue to sell them milk, despite the Burmese people's call for an embargo.

Re: Uprising against Military Rule in Burma

Theres only one way to deal with the Burmese Government and thats to pressure its major sponsor/donar namely China. To do this one needs to boycott all Chinese goods coming into the Country. If everyone did that then China light wake up instead of bleeding the world dry of natural resources. Besides all Chinese goods are crap so get with it Kiwis-DONT BUY CHINESE GOODS.

Re: Uprising against Military Rule in Burma

I thought the headline was: Uprising against Military Rule in Aotearoa!

Wouldn't that be a more appropriate headline?

Re: Uprising against Military Rule in Burma

Some politial lessons are needed here. One is that against a fascist dictatorship the people can only win when they arise and dismantle and disarm the fascist side using enough liberation violence to cause the liberation of the peoples to take place. We have seen the result of people arising with out using enough violence to dismantle the fascist war machine. Take the example of Germany during the 30's and forties of last cnetury. The policy of non-violence resulted in the nazis killing two million communists, socialists,trade unionists and woman's liberationists, and that was before they got to the Jewish poeple. Non-violence as practiced by Buddist monks against the fascist regime in Burma, although well-intentioned has failed to produce the desired result. Peoples liberation from fascism as proven by history means the dismantling of the fascist war machine and the putting to work of its former memebers in a socially necessary way. Canadas First Civision says that. Look at the sucessful socialist revolution that took place in Vietnam. It proves that all forms of struggle must be implemented. In the worst times of U.S. Imperialist bombing and poison destruction of the jungles etc. the NLF ustilized both the just violence of the armed masses as well as the political, religious, peace movement as well. Each group assisting the other as the whole people rose to drive the U.S. Imperialist agressors from the illegal and unjust occupation. That success matrers muchly in Indo-China for it proves that a small but armed people can defeat a mighty super-power if it uses all means to effect its liberation. To denign the people the right to fight fascism with arms, history has proved is to denigh the people victory. These lessons have been learned in blood. Fight to win, not to use high faluting slogans that cause the masses to l;ose.

When looking at Chinas position it is not proper to take it out of the contest of Inter-Imperialist rivalry for Peoples China is not fully liberated from the curse of Imperialist occupation by the last remaining parasitic, predatory colonialist occupyer yet. U.S. Empire is occupying Chinas' sacred province of Taiwan with Nuclear Weapons, and is using the Phillipines, South Korea, and Thailand to surround is socialist revolution with the intention of destroying the Peoples Republic of China with Nuclear Weapons. If you forget this fact of Chinese life and the fact that the jpeoples in each country must liberate their own countries using their own methods towards liberation, then you will not make the mistake of issueing forth with the oppressors propaganda and blaming all things on China. It is true that people of China need liberation, but it is from the U.S. empires' occupation of their country. See the large and small of things and don't make the mistake of going over to the Super-Power number ones' propaganda and blaming the victim of aggression instead of the real purportrator of the unjust wars and violence in the area.

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