Aotearoa IMC :
Aotearoa IMC

News :: Anarchism

Join the Anarcha-feminist network of Aotearoa

At the recent anarchist conference in Auckland, there was a womyn's caucus. We had considerable discussion about issues of concern to womyn in the anarchist communities around the country, in particular issues to do with abuse and support, as well as more broadly of liberation and activism in our wider communities. Many womyn felt that it would be a great benefit to revive the existing a-fem networks, both locally and nationally. That is what we would like to do. At present, there is a national anarcha-feminist email list that you can subscribe to if you are interested in networking with other womyn. There are some other local lists and details for subscribing to these is at the end of this post.

To subscribe to the national a-fem list or to the Wellington-area specific list, please email:
anarkalilith (at)

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