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Aotearoa IMC

News :: Labour

800 Hospital cleaners locked out after strike action

Around 800 workers contracted to Spotless Services Ltd have been locked out of their kitchen, orderly and cleaning jobs at 13 public hospitals across the country on Thursday July 12th after they attempted to start industrial action, striking for 55 minutes of every hour, 24 hours a day in their struggle for better wages and conditions.

The workers are members of the Service & Food Workers Union (SFWU) and have all been served with 14 day lockout notices. The SFWU took Spotless Services Ltd to the Employment Court, after Spotlight claimed the strike action would pose a health and safety hazard at the hospitals, but the Court agreed with Spotlight and said the lockout notices were justified. The lockout is the largest ever of public hospital workers.

SFWU spokesman Alastair Duncan said striking workers planned to present themselves for work and take industrial action as planned, but if they were physically prevented from working they would comply.

Pickets at the Hospitals will continue, and workers and their supporters will also picket outside the headquarters of Spotless Services in Auckland on Friday 13th July at 12 midday, 600 Great South Road, Penrose.

Automatic $10 donations to the lockout fund can be made by calling 0900 LOCKOUT (0900 56256)

Links: Service & Food Workers Union

Photos | Video: Picket at Waitakere Hospital | Picket at Middlemore Hospital | Delegate speaks to members

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Great work on feature. Actual time is midday today.

Re: Correction

Time updated - cheers for the info :)

Asher (AIMC Editorial Collective)

Re: 800 Hospital cleaners locked out after strike action

If anyone wants to find out more about Spotless Services (NZ) Ltd you can go to and type in their name to come up with their annual accounts, the names and addresses of the directors and other information. Here you can find out how bad they really are.

Re: Re: 800 Hospital cleaners locked out after strike action

It is an interesting read that the Spotless accounts, etc makes at the Companies internet site but you need to use the companies registar to find them. Anyway, it only shows just what a cunt of a company that it is.

Re: 800 Hospital cleaners locked out after strike action

me and peter jennings (Spotless Cleaning Company Operations Manager) had a nice wee chat last night. give him a ring yourself...

027 571 5723


Re: 800 Hospital cleaners locked out after strike action

I've coughed up-don't forget our EPMU comrades

Re: 800 Hospital cleaners locked out after strike action

APFUTU & GFTU Pakistan with you comrades. We are behind of you and we are in power.
thank you. ,

Re: 800 Hospital cleaners locked out after strike action

I've set up a pledge for those who want to commit to ongoing support for the locked out workers:

The more people who sign it (and contribute), the better.

No Right Turn - New Zealand's liberal blog

Re: 800 Hospital cleaners locked out after strike action

Contractors have no place in our public hospitals.For years we were managed by the local hospital board employers with no problems,now it seems with all the managers they have they can't seem to cope so they kick out ORDERLIES, CLEANERS,and KITCHEN staff to private contractors who know absolutely nothing about the workings of a hospital. It's bloody shameful.

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