Aotearoa IMC :
Aotearoa IMC

Announcement :: Anarchism : Civil & Human Rights : Globalisation : International Relations : Labour : Protest Activity

May Day across Aotearoa - Worker's struggle continues

mayday zurich.jpg
Update: International Workers Day was celebrated all over the planet with anti-capitalist demonstrations. In Jakarta, 100 anarchists marched in a block; a campaign against youth rates was relaunched in Auckland; police attacked families and immigrants with tear gas and rubber bullets in Los Angeles; riots erupted in Zurich where bank windows were smashed and 100,000 people took part in a demonstration in Oaxaca.

Events have been happening around Aotearoa to mark International Workers' Day on May 1st.

Auckland: A May Day Rally and March was held and around 200 people walked peacefully up Queen Street. Some anti-Youth Rates street theatre was enacted during the march. A delegation of locked out unionists from Amcor appealed for solidarity and won their dispute two days later.

Wellington: Carnival in Cuba Mall from 11:30 with stalls, Food Not Bombs and speakers. Followed by march to Mexican Embassy in solidarity with the striking workers in Oaxaca being attacked by the Mexican military and police

May 3, 6pm: The Bridge and Wildcat, two films on worker's struggles in Aotearoa during the late 1970s and early 1980s. Film Archive, corner Taranaki & Ghuznee Streets, entry by koha.

Christchurch: A wreath was laid in Lyttleton in remembrance of all workers killed in the class war.

Blackball May 4-5: Two days of events with speakers, education, debates and a workers' march through town. See here for more details

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Re: May Day across Aotearoa - Worker's struggle continues

In Otepoti at Black Star Books there will be a screening of 'The Take' from 6.30pm on tuesday may 1st. Followed by discussion...all welcome.
111 Moray Place, dunedin.

Re: May Day across Aotearoa - Worker's struggle continues

Some union officials will be drinking beer at a Yuppie bar somewhere while the workers toil...cunts

Re: Re: May Day across Aotearoa - Worker's struggle continues

What a load of crap... why don't you pull your head out of your ass and do something yourself you lazy cunt.

Re: May Day across Aotearoa - Worker's struggle continues

I object to the use of the word 'cunt' in such a derogatory framework. A Cunt is a beautiful thing.

May Day free concert in Dunedin Friday 4 May

A free 'May Day' concert is being held on Friday 4 May at Circadian Rhythm, St Andrew Street, Dunedin.
May Day (1 May) is the international day of workers solidarity and has been celebrated around the world for over a century.
The May Day concert celebrates the ongoing struggle for workers rights and all are welcome to come along and hear some great local music and culture.
The night will run from 8pm–12pm with contributions from a wide variety of local musicians and performers in a number of styles and sounds.
The list of artists includes Hugh Dingwall, Lindsay Shields and John Egenes, Kiarash Taghavi, Kevin McLoughlin and Denis Gordon, David Eggleton, Marvin Hubbard, Marcus Turner, Kelly Johnson, Simon Kerr, Victor Billot, and Vic McDonald.
There will be an opportunity for short contributions from the floor with an open mike.
The May Day concert is being hosted by the Alliance Party with assistance from a number of other local groups and individuals.

Re: May Day free concert in Dunedin Friday 4 May

There's still an Alliance Party in Dunedin???

Re: May Day across Aotearoa - Worker's struggle continues

Radical Cinema Monthly Film Night.Check post in local.Film Night dedicated to all workers everywhere.

Radical Cinema.


Click on image for a larger version

In Christchurch a May Day wreath was laid at the site of the 1999 waterfront strike in Lyttleton. The wreath was laid at the spot where Christine Clark was killed during this dispute, and remembered the workers killed in struggles for workers rights here and abroad.


Re: May Day across Aotearoa - Worker's struggle continues

A cunt is a beautiful thing...a fucking hopeless union movement is quite the opposite

Re: Re: May Day across Aotearoa - Worker's struggle continues

There's nothing beautiful about a whining piece of crap with their head up their ass either. Again, what are you doing to further the class struggle... fucking nothing.

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