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Aotearoa IMC

News :: Peace : Protest Activity

Lest we forget Afghanistan, the Solomon Islands and Timor Leste

Anti-war protests took place in Auckland, Wellington and Christchurch this morning during the ANZAC Day dawn services. "ANZAC Day has ceased to be a day where we commit to 'never again', and has instead become nothing less than a celebration of the New Zealand military and the glorification of war. Lest we forget that the New Zealand military is currently engaged in combat in Afghanistan, the Solomon Islands and Timor Leste. Lest we forget that the New Zealand military is currently deployed in 18 different missions around the world," wrote Peace Action Wellington.

In Auckland a silent but visible vigil marked ANZAC day in Auckland with protesters highlighting the ongoing involvement of New Zealand troops in unjust wars around the world. Protesters held a six meter long banner saying “Honor the dead; no more wars.”

Two people were arrested after protesters held banners and burnt New Zealand flags in Wellington. Around 15 people held big banners and used loud horns. The activists appeared in court the same day charged with obstruction, resisting arrest and offensive behaviour for allegedly burning the New Zealand flag. The Workers Party, whose members were arrested for burning the NZ flag in protest against NZ support for Imperialist wars in 2003/4, put out a solidarity statement. [ Wgtn ANZAC Day Leaflet ]

In Christchurch a banner was held saying "in remembrance of women and children raped and killed in wars" by the group 'Women in Black'.

Links: NZ Troops Out | Peace Action Wellington | Behind the ANZAC Myth


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