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EPMU and Labour collude to sell out Air NZ workers

Andrew Little and the Enginering, Printing and Manufacturing Union (EPMU) together with the Labour government have colluded to sell out 1675 Air New Zealand workers who faced having their jobs outsourced by the company, which is 80% owned by the government. The EPMU cut a deal with Air NZ that will see many of the workers face cuts in pay and conditions in the year after the company posted a profit of $96 million.

The Workers' Charter reported that the Air NZ CEO, "who wants to trim the pay packets of 1,700 ground staff by $7, 000 each takes home nearly $1 million a year." Meanwhile Air NZ has been attempting to bribe its workers with pay outs of up to $3000 to leave the Service and Food Workers Union (SFWU), which represents 260 of the Air NZ workers, has vowed to fight both the outsourcing and the cuts in pay and conditions. Labour MPs have been haranguing SFWU secretary Jill Ovens to accept the deal the EPMU took and EPMU delegates have been ripping down SFWU posters.

As Don Franks wrote in THE SPARK, a Workers Party publication, "What the situation cried out for was a strike in defiance of that rotten anti-worker law. EPMU leaders chose to put obedience to the law above loyalty to their members.

There are eleven different unions involved at Air NZ. A determined strike by all of them, endorsed and supported by the Council of Trade Unions, would have had a fair crack at repelling the airline’s ultimatum. Such a struggle would have probably won wide public support."
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Links: LabourStart New Zealand | EPMU leaders put Labour's law above worker's needs | SFWU News
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Re: EPMU and Labour collude to sell out Air NZ workers

thanks indy! it's good to see criticism of the union bureaucrats

Re: EPMU and Labour collude to sell out Air NZ workers

Not surprising that the EPMU officials chose to back the ERA, since they had a strong hand in drafting it back in 2000. They are fully committed to a 'partnership' with the bosses and base their negotiations on the union officials ability to be better at making profits than the bosses.

But the reason why there was no strike at Air NZ is that ALL the unions involved are playing by the rules, including the SFWU.
The first rule they observe is that they cannot go on strike until their agreements come up for negotiation. The SFWU agreement doesnt come up until May. When the bosses with the EPMU collusion approached SFWU members illegally with threats to join the EPMU the response of the SFWU leadership was to seek mediation through the court.
A more effective response would be to occupy Fyfes office and picket his residence. The same tactics would apply to the EPMU top officials.

Since any strike that involved unions not up for renegotiation would be illegal, it would have to be organised from below based on a rank and file strike committee across as many unions as possible.
Such a committee should put the demand for a united strike on the CTU leadership not in the expectation that it would agree but to force their hand and bring down all the weight of these bosses' law enforcers on the troublemakers.

To win public support for a strike its demands would have to be full re-nationalisation under workers control (only the workers have the skills to run an airline). Instead of a board of directors made up of cutthroat bosses, a board of management of the workers would run the airline.

No payment of compensation to private shareholders (parasites). The state has bailed out private shareholders many times. Like Skycity, private investors in Air NZ gamble on never losing their money.

No concessions to patriotism since there is nothing about national ownership that adds to risk free air travel in foreign made planes with foreign engines. (This is not an argument for buy NZ made planes).

The first step in this direction has to be the formation of a rank and file committee prepared to put in the hard work to organise an effective strike.

Dave Brown (CWG)

Re: EPMU and Labour collude to sell out Air NZ workers

Thanks for printing my piece, but next time, please credit THE SPARK.The article above was a collective SPARK magazine effort, written ,edited and published by Workers Party editorial board members.

Don Franks

Re: Re: EPMU and Labour collude to sell out Air NZ workers

Sounds like its time for the One Big Union comrades

Re: Re: EPMU and Labour collude to sell out Air NZ workers

changed. thanks don

Re: EPMU and Labour collude to sell out Air NZ workers

The EPMU can't be that bad. I heard they donated $1000 to the Workers Charter newspaper.

Re: EPMU and Labour collude to sell out Air NZ workers

Of course, you're also assuming Air NZ workers were up for illegal strike action. These people have mortgages to pay and kids to feed, and they're hardly known for their radical streak.

I would fully support the EPMU or SFWU breaking the law if their members were for it. I just know from my time working at Air NZ that they would not be.

Re: EPMU and Labour collude to sell out Air NZ workers

Air NZ workers may or may not have taken the plunge, but did not have reasonable opportunity to make an assement. Union officials almost never raise the possibility of illegal strike action as a serious option in a dispute. In over 30 years participation in union struggles I've never seen that happen. That is why genuine revolutionary socialist leadership is needed for workers interests to be advanced in situations of intense struggle.

Re: Re: EPMU and Labour collude to sell out Air NZ workers

Or, perhaps, you'll just marginalise unions even further. I respect your position Don, but I think we need to strengthen unions and radicalise workers a bit more before we can contemplate taking illegal action.

Re: EPMU and Labour collude to sell out Air NZ workers

Marginalise unions from WHO exactly anon?

I have never in my life seen a need to "radicalise workers". Life does that to workers and officialdom of all stripes runs up to soap it away.

I have seen many and many a time where workers were not given the facts, when they were given carefully selected facts, and many a time when they were falsely told, "there is only one option". Or even more falsely told " Labour will fix it". I have several times in the course of disputes been literally pushed aside by workers who said never mind that, we're off, when there was some big issue and I, as a union functionary was looking round to try and make a tidy assement of the situation. Once was when Bill Andersen was jailed, once was when we didn't get a cup of tea. Another time was when the whistle had gone and workers saw the need to extend the debate beyond the limits of the smoko break.It took two hours.

Unions are strengthened by doing what the mass of informed workers decide.
Unions are weakened by doing what the bosses law hypocritically tells us we must do.

Don Franks


Re: Re: EPMU and Labour collude to sell out Air NZ workers

You're right, workers don't need radicalising, they need educating. The problem is, the majority of workers have bought into the whole capitalist ethos of consumerism... we need to start the education here before we'll ever see a ground swell of support for socialist reform.

Re: Re: Re: EPMU and Labour collude to sell out Air NZ workers


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