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News :: Anarchism : Housing : Police : Protest Activity

Danish Social Centre evicted - riots in Copenhagen

On 1st March at 7am the police started to attack the 'Ungdomshuset' Youth Center in Copenhagen. [ Timeline ] The self-managed house has functioned as a very important political and social cultural centre since 1982. Indymedia Denmark writes, "Yesterday (1st March) a total of 219 arrests were made. The rioting continued sporadically throughout the night at various places in Copenhagen. The police succeeded in detaining a number of activists citing 'the public perception of justice' (that people who commit crimes should be punished) and fear that the activists might continue rioting as reasons in court."

Over 600 people have been arrested over the last 3 days. Solidarity actions spontaneously broke out in cities across Europe.

Links: Ungdomshuset | Indymedia Denmark | Constant Ungdomshuset updates from Copenhagen

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Demonstrations, riots, streetfights...

Now there would be a need for new SQUATTING actions!!! Refoundation of Ungdomshuset now - wherever we find an occasion!

Re: Danish Social Centre evicted - riots in Copenhagen

Squat till they drop

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