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Save Happy Valley Coaltion continues its fight

SHV Banner Drop 16.1.2007 (14).jpg
The Save Happy Valley Coalition this morning hung a 69 metre square banner between two cranes on Wellington's waterfront. The banner, reading "Solid Energy = Govt Sponsored Climate Change", aimed to highlight the Government's hypocrisy and empty rhetoric over their recent claims to be moving towards carbon neutrality when Solid Energy, a state owned coal miner, is mining coal at increasing rates.

"Climate change is one of the greatest environmental threats we face. It is a global problem – every country on earth contributes emissions, and every country feels the effects of rising global sea levels and temperatures" said Save Happy Valley Coalition spokesperson Frances Mountier. "In particular, the Pacific is incredibly vulnerable to sea level rise and chaotic climatic events. New Zealand has a regional and global responsibility to address our carbon dioxide emissions.

Over the last year, SHVC has been one of the most active environmental campaigns in recent memory. A short film made about the campaign in late 2006 is now available online for download.

On January 28th, SHVC will celebrate the first anniversary of their occupation of Happy Valley and are inviting the public to join them and experience the beauty of Happy Valley firsthand.

"Kia ora to all our supporters, You’re warmly invited to the Save Happy Valley Coalition’s celebration of our first successful year of occupying Happy Valley. We have been continuously occupying Happy Valley since January 28th 2006 in order to prevent Solid Energy from turning it into an environmentally devastating opencast coal-mine."
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Re: Save Happy Valley Coaltion continues its fight

Can this article please be married up with the piece in the local articles column? - Thanks.

Re: Save Happy Valley Coaltion continues its fight

This article links to 3 different SHVC articles from the newswire, which is why I didn't "marry" it to any of them :)

AIMC Editorial Collective (and author of this feature)

Re: Save Happy Valley Coaltion continues its fight

Has none of the NZ media picked this up? There's nothing in the newspaper or but I didn't see the news last night.

Re: Save Happy Valley Coaltion continues its fight

Does still have the banner? It'd be great to see it flying again

Re: Save Happy Valley Coaltion continues its fight

Yeah, I work down there and I was watching happily. Hooray! Pity about the wind. Did you put it up and take it down later, or was that the authorities taking it down?

Re: Save Happy Valley Coaltion continues its fight

I'm not exactly sure how flying a large banner in Wellington will stop that dreadful mine going ahead in Happy Valley on the West Coast.

The coalition has had some good direct action ideas during the campaign, but this is not one of them.

Never trust the mainstream capitalist press to do your work for you.

Re: Re: Save Happy Valley Coaltion continues its fight

I disagree, env campigns are won in the cities, not on the West Coast. We might not like the capitalist press but its the main way we reach the public.

Re: Re: Save Happy Valley Coaltion continues its fight

Interesting article critical of this action here:

banner drop

where is the coal be used? in the west coast... or in factories in cities?

wellington is where parliament sits and decisions are made.
also the cities have the bulk of the population. not to say it isnt worth campaigning and protesting in non city areas.

the Bannerdrop looks awesome as - go hard!

Re: Save Happy Valley Coaltion continues its fight

A lot of the people we talked to down by the waterfront were very receptive and even encouraging. To get mass participation you have to leave your room and talk to people.

This action was fun and I for one was energised and re-inspired by being involved. I had a chance to build trust and working relationships with the other campaigners involved. We learnt a lot about what works and what doesn't work in planning and carrying a direct action. It may not be as glamorous as derailing a coal train but it's a hell of lot more direct than armchair critique from the safety of your computer desk.

I'd like to see some of those holding forth about the evils of lobbying and the joys of direct action put their bodies where their mouths are.

Re: Re: Save Happy Valley Coaltion continues its fight

This wasn't a direct action. It was a media stunt. Too many people in SHV seem to get the two confused.

Re: Re: Save Happy Valley Coaltion continues its fight

And a media stunt that got no media at that.

Re: Re: Re: Save Happy Valley Coaltion continues its fight

But that is no reason to NOT do media stunts. After all, we are all well aware that the media is owned by evil foreigners, so it is highly likely they will try to ignore us when they can.

I think EVERY action done for SHV is worthwhile, even small things like putting up stickers on lamp posts and sticking those snail stamps on yr mail. More stunts like this banner on the cranes will be worthwhile too. After all, maybe the media will pick up the next one! Or maybe just seeing the next one will get some keen person interested, who may go on to become an enthusiastic active campaigner. Hey, we all had to start somewhere.

Save Happy Valley !

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Re: Save Happy Valley Coaltion continues its fight

Gibson security no longer work in stockton for SE as of dec06

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