
This blog contains the varied ramblings of Asher, an anarchist Jew from Aotearoa / New Zealand. You can contact me via email at anarchiazine[at]gmail[dot]com (don’t forget to fix the address before sending).

In the USA in the 1800s, some people who opposed a centralised federal authority and criticised the government were diagnosed with Anarchia, which was defined as having an “excess of the passion for liberty” that “constituted a form of insanity”. So thats where the name comes from.

Many early posts on Anarchia are carried over from my old blog, Left & Lefter. The move from blogger to Wordpress was taken on the 15th March 2006.

The blog is also home to my zine, also entitled Anarchia. You can view it by clicking here.

8 Responses to “About”

  1. Tamsyn Says:

    Hey Asher,
    Just came across your website in connection with the neo-nazi ones posted on hdnz’s website… Thought I’d drop in and say hi. :)

    Hope all’s going well.
    - Tamsyn

  2. Mike Hunt Hertz Says:

    anarchist jew? interesting concept. I guess a religious man only adheres to the Divine Rules and not those of Man. I’m down with that.

  3. Asher Says:

    Mike - Judaism is not simply a religion, it is also a culture (or if you prefer, ethnicity). That is what I consider myself a part of. As for the religion, I’m an atheist, so it isn’t important to me :)

  4. Asher Says:

    Of course, there are also self-proclaimed Orthodox Jewish anarchists, one of whom I link to - check out Orthodox Anarchist in the anti-zionist blogs section on the right.

  5. Redwatch Says:

    Hey Goldberg, you filthy and ugly hairy swine.

    Don’t get hit by a car will you?

    Here’s a piccy for you: http://www.mttu.com/memorial/Final%20Solution%201.gif

  6. Lex Hydro Says:

    1800s does not have a possessive apostrophe. Unless of course 1800 owns every other year of the 19th century. Nor is 1800s a contraction warranting an apostrophe for grammatical purposes.

    Clean your act up you slob.

  7. LDS Anarchist Says:

    I didn’t know that in the 1800s there was a disease called “Anarchia.” That’s news to me. Thanks for sharing.

  8. kc Says:

    definately plan on coming back, stumbled upon your blog looking for resources in New Zealand that may be interested in the stuff we produce in our collective?

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