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February 19, 2008

Election Madness

Aggregated from: The Fanonite

Howard Zinn looks at the US elections and wonders why the left devotes so much attention to them.  He explains that the real problems are only going to be addressed by social movements pressuring for change and therefore suggests keeping perspective and focussing on grassroots organising. T...

Democracy is just not Hope

Aggregated from: McMenon's Chaya Kada

If Gore couldn't beat a dyslexic Bush in a debate, he didn't deserve to be the president of the United States of America. Now listen to this, Obama selling hope to the American voters. How come Hillary cannot respond to this? If she cannot respond to it, she doesn't deserve to be the Presiden...

McCain: American pain

Aggregated from: BiblioPolit

It seems to me that if McCain becomes president of the U.S.A., America will not be much better off than if Obama or Clinton becomes president. Patrick Briley from NewsWithViews thinks that Christians have a moral obligation to let the American people know about McCain's moral shortcomings. Read a...

Abba won't “take a chance” on McCain

Aggregated from: US Elections - Times Online - WBLG

He battled the Vietcong but now John McCain has apparently come a-cropper against the Swedes. The Republican candidate, who had already been banned by John Mellencamp, the American rocker, from using his hits 'Our Country' and 'Pink Houses', found out......

Why Hillary should leave Bill

Aggregated from: Solanasaurus

It’s masterly how Obama’s campaign has managed to claim the word “change”. Months ago, it would have seemed that Hillary could have been just as entitled to claiming that motto. She is a woman after all. And not Bush - among other favorable attributes that formerly made her seem like the sur...

The Empty Symbol That is Barrack Obama

Aggregated from: The Displaced African

Today I was having a discussion with a couple of senior African ladies and their point was a little something like this: “Barrack Obama is great for Africa, especially Kenyans! He will show black people all over the world that whatever we set our minds to we can achieve: Hell we can even be the...

Pragmatically Speaking, Democrats Should Nominate Obama

Aggregated from: Kabobfest

I do not wish to hide the fact that I view Obama more favorably than Clinton, but to me they are differentiated by the intangibles. For most democrats, Obama and Clinton show very few differences on specific issues, and the real difference between them is on the slightly less tangible such as ending...

Life of a Child is more than a Forest, Border and Religion!

Aggregated from: Mideast Youth

We’ve lived our life in hysteria as Middle Eastern youth; but maybe hadn’t something to call disaster. Bad or good, we’ve grown up with some bruises that might’ve influenced our life in the way of our own countries wars or our neighbors. Today Afghan, Iraqi and Palestinian children are suff...

The magic and danger of the man who would be POTUS

Aggregated from: The Liming House

(subtitled: small axes and big trees, little giants and big dreams) I want Barack Obama to become the next President of the United States the way I wanted the Soca Warriors to advance to the second round of the last World Cup. Which is to say, I live in hope but dare not believe, because to be...

U.S. Elections from an European point of view

Aggregated from: World Financial Blog

It is probably the most important election in the world, the presidential election of the United States of America, but this time we got a big change in this election which probably opens a new door to freedom and emancipation.I´m not an American but as an European I am very happy to see that now f...